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Anton Lundmark Cooling system engineer

Learn about the experience, scope, and requirements of the conventional cooling and electrical systems at ESS site. Discover insights into staff expertise, benchmarking, and costs for effective operations.

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Anton Lundmark Cooling system engineer

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  1. European Spallation Source ERIC Anton LundmarkConventional Cooling and Electrical SystemsESS.30.1.5 Anton Lundmark Cooling system engineer www.europeanspallationsource.se 14 October 2016

  2. Outline • ESS site • Experience • Scope • Requirements and function • Staff • Benchmarking • Costs • Summary Outline - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  3. ESS site – Scope E/D building Central Utilities Building G04 (CRYO) G01/G02 ESS site layout - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  4. Subject Matter Experience in Cooling systems and Electrical systems • Anton Lundmark (Technical Water Systems): 9 years of process engineering experience and engineering project management • WP manager “accelerator and NSS technical cooling systems” at ESS 2014-2016 • Project engineer “warm piping and storage tanks for cryogenic systems” at ESS 2015-2016 • Engineering group manager for about 20 people at AREVA 2013-2014 • Process engineer (and partly project manager/coordinator) at AREVA 2007-20013 • Operation, service & maintenance experience as electrician (mainly heavy industry projects), approx. 2 years in total • Frithiof Jensen (Technical Electrical Systems): 29 years experience in power electronics, electrical engineering, telecom service and operations, management systems. • Operation and Management, JET Joint Undertaking, AH Power Supplies Group. 1988 – 1997 • Industrial Hardware Development, RADAR Systems, TERMA A/S. 1997 – 2000 • Telecom Software, Service Provisioning and Datacenters, Ericsson Telebit A/S. 2000 – 2007 • Systems Operations and Management (Data Centers, Web Services), MobileThink A/S. 2009 – 2011 Significantexperience in utilities operation- November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  5. Scope split • Scope includes service to technical water systems and electrical systems • G01/G02/G04 buildings • Support to other groups include: • Process systems support for neutron Instruments/Labs • Electrical support to Target • Everything outside of these areas are assumed to be handled by other groups, e.g. • Central processing plant is not included • HV switchgear is not included • HVAC and facility water systems are not included Scope split withconventionalfacilities - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  6. Scope – Electrical • Accelerator racks • Disconnecting/connecting rack equipment • Maintenance • Low voltage switchgear • 3 electrical substations in G02 • Electrical substation in G04 (CRYO) • Electrical support to modulators, power supplies, etc. • Service to test stands & RF gallery in general • Cabling • Electrical connections Significantnumberof systems tosupport - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  7. Scope - Water • Cooling water systems (pump skids and piping) in the front end building and tunnel (G01) • 2 skids for magnets, IS, LEBT, couplers, etc. • RFQ skid • DTL skid • Waste water handling • Local cooling system in G04 (CRYO) • Subsystem with pumps, heat exchangers, etc. • Cooling systems in G02 • RF gallery (valves, instrumentation, hoses) – 84 HBL RF stations, 36 MBL RF stations, 26 SPK RF station, 5+1 DTL/RFQ stations • Cold box room • Test stands (valves, instrumentation, skids) - Cryo test stand, RF test stand • 3 building process substations • Local water cooling systems for neutron instrumentsand labs • Skids (approx. 1 per instrument) • Utility panel (1 per instrument) • Bunker skids • Deionized water (make-up) for accelerator and instruments • Instrument air systems for accelerator and instruments/labs • Nitrogen gas systems for instruments/labs Significantnumberof systems to support - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  8. Scope, Requirements and Function • Requirements • 95% availability • Maintenance & Services to other groups • Service to instrument scientists/engineers • Function • Maintenance • Leading on-going installations and minor upgrades • Connecting/disconnecting RF equipment Utility systems areimportant for ACC and NSS operation - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  9. Labour Resources • Expertise requirements • Experience in operation and design of deionized water systems • Knowledge of instrumentation and controls of process systems • Experience in maintenance of process systems (process water, IA, nitrogen gas) • Experience of electrical systems in accelerator facilities • Staffing plan • Group leader • Electrical engineer • Cooling system engineer • 1 Electrical technician (licensedelectrician) • 2 Process water technicians (1 ACC + 1 NSS) Significantexperience in operation and maintenanceofutility systems required - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  10. Comparison with Other Facilities Operation • In general difficult to benchmark with other facilities, due to differences in size and organization • Water: • SNS has 6 persons supporting accelerator cooling systems (manager, process system engineer, design engineer, 2 technicians, 2 research mechanics) • CERN has 8-10 persons, including technicians and contractors for the entire Meyrin site (cooling and ventilation) • Electrical: • SNS has 11 Technicians (system specific experts) and 14 Electrical Research Mechanics in the RF/Electrical group (supporting accelerator and target) Benchmarking shows thatnumberofstaff for utility systems should not be underestimated - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  11. Operations Costs • Utilities group operations costs per year = 0.1 M€ • Valves, instrumentation, hose assemblies, gaskets • Cables, cable installation material • Tools • Consumables (welding, filters, grease, cleaning fluids, etc.) • Cost of external resources, incidents, overhauls • Does not include time for internal ESS resources such as designers (E&IS), procurement, programming of controls, etc. No major componentcostsbutshould not be understimated - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  12. Summary & conclusions • Scope: • Process systems for ACC and Instruments/Labs • Conventional electrical systems for ACC + Target • Important support for operation and maintenance • In general difficult to benchmarkdue to organizational differences • Cost is mainly due to large incidents (pump failure, etc.) Summary - November 2016 ESS Operations Cost Review

  13. Back up slides

  14. What are the different cooling scopes? CF Process Cooling Water production (CUB) Site distribution Main headers in buildings Heat recovery systems District Heating CF HVAC Heating Cooling Target design teams WP 16 Requirements coordination Interface to AD & NSS Secondary systems NSS design teams Accelerator design teams

  15. CF Process - design parameters

  16. CF Process piping – Main distributiuon From CUB ”HVAC” piping in ground 2 m underground piping Process piping in ground 1 m box culvert (surface) 3 m underground piping 1 m future G02 + G04 D04 + D05 D05 CUB expansion area G02-1 G02-2 G02-3 D04 To Campus area Subst. 1 Subst. 2 Subst. 3 Logistic Center

  17. WP16 interfaces to Accelerator/Conventional facilities Central Utilities Building WP16 Cooling • ACC Tunnel (G01): • IS • LEBTMEBT • RF couplers (SPK, MBL, HBL) • RF Gallery (G02): • Modulators • Klystrons/Tetrodes • Circulators/Loads • Power supplies • Test Stands (G02): • Modulators • Klystrons • Circulators/Loads • RF couplers • Cryogenics (G04): • Oil coolers • Gas coolers • Turbine brakes • Electrical motors

  18. G02 RF gallery (DTL/RFQ area)

  19. G02 RF gallery (SPK area)

  20. G02 RF gallery (MBL/HBL area)

  21. G02 RF gallery (MBL/HBL klystrons)

  22. Klystron P&ID

  23. FEB cooling skids • WP 16 provides two cooling skids • CWS01: IS/LEBT/MEBT/(DTL FC) • CWS02: RF couplers and magnets CWS01 CWS02

  24. FEB cooling skids • Conceptual P&ID

  25. G01 accelerator tunnel (FEB view)

  26. G01 accelerator tunnel

  27. G01 – MBL/HBL cryomodules

  28. NSS

  29. Target building and instrument halls

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