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Physics: Developing Working Models for Understanding Data

This course emphasizes developing models to describe data relationships, conducting science investigations, and presenting and analyzing results. Students refine ideas, practice data analysis, and discuss preconceptions. Instructional tools include whiteboarding, lab work, assignments, and assessments.

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Physics: Developing Working Models for Understanding Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physics Honors / CPMr. Bulusu Introduction to the course RB

  2. Learning Objectives Develop working models to describe relationships we observe in data. Perform careful science investigations, Present our results, and analyze our work.

  3. Students learn to Discuss about their preconceptions whether Correct or incorrect Develop concept, refine ideas, work for better understanding. Encourage to be an active participant.

  4. Instructional Tools White boarding Lab data collection Assignments Worksheets with practice problems. Assessments Formative (comments to focus & continue learning). Not based on number grade. Summative (will be graded to reflect level of student understanding)

  5. Process Express ideas for a given situation. Observe, List and share thoughts. Measurable quantities. Use data to figure out for any relationships between measurable quantities. To figure out if it applies to any model.

  6. Concerns Send email to rbulusu@mtsd.us. Subject: Name Period 5-6 0r 7-8

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