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This workshop series in July 2019 by Monica Orisadare, PhD, focuses on integrating gender dimensions into research proposals and ongoing research. It covers the rationale, approach, cycle, and application of gender culture sensitivity in research. Important aspects include gender differences in health research, the value of balanced research teams, and the benefits of a gender-sensitive approach on research quality and validity.
COR/ACE/TETFund Workshop Series July 2019 Gender, Culture Sensitivity and Grants Writing By Monica Orisadare PhD Centre Gender and Social Policy Studies
Outline • The aim of this presentation • Rationale of Gender Culture Sensitivity in Research • What is a gender-sensitive approach to conducting research? • The Gender-sensitive Research Cycle • Introducing Gender Culture Sensitivity into Research • Checklist For Applying Gender Sensitive Approach In Research
The aim of this presentation The aim of this presentation is to • Make you think in what ways is gender relevant for your research • help you as a researcher integrate gender dimension in their proposal writing and ongoing research
Rationale of Gender Culture Sensitivity in Research • compromised validity of research findings in various areas of biomedical and public health research as a result of sex and gender biases • Gender differences in health per se are seldom given a second glance • Although some progress has been made, this statement still holds true for large parts of epidemiological research and research in medicine.
Rationale of Gender Culture Sensitivity in Research Cont’ Introducing a gender culture sensitive approach improves research quality and validity by; • enabling researchers to write more competitive proposals • making research results more relevant for society • enabling development of new research, teaching, and career progress paradigms in research institutions Note: • gender-balanced research teams perform better and attract top level researchers; • gender-sensitive approach induces researchers to use more sensitive research methodology in general;
What is a gender-sensitive approach to conducting research? • Gender-sensitive research takes into account the differences between men and women in all aspects of the research, from an initial idea, formulating research questions, objectives and methodologies to the outcomes and presentation of results. • Apart from integrating gender into the content, gender-sensitive approach strives to provide equal participation of both women and men in scientific work. • Participatory research , with an emphasis on gender balance culture, proves to be much more successful in comparison to research teams where women and men are highly segregated or have different segregated roles in the research team acquiring different kind of knowledge.
Investing in Equal Opportunities for Men and Women in Research makes for teams that perform better and attracts top level researchers The best possible team • To achieve excellent research you need to constitute the best possible team. And the best possible team is a mixed team. • Research has shown that mixed teams – if well managed – are more efficient than single-sex teams: mixed teams are more creative, contain more diverse points of view and show an improved quality of decision-making. • Also, in general, both men and women prefer working in well-managed mixed teams.
The best possible talent • To achieve excellent research you need to get the best talent from the entire potential talent pool. In order to do so, you need to create working conditions and culture that allow men and women to have equally fulfilling careers. • This helps to attract and keep the best male and female talents and encourages and motivates women and men who want to combine work and private life in a satisfactory manner.
Investing in a gender-sensitive approach to the research content makes for higher quality and validity The best possible research validity • Gender-sensitive research is qualitatively better and more valid: if research takes into account the differences between men and women in the research population, the results will be more representative. • General categories such as ‘people’, ‘patients’ or ‘users’ do not distinguish between men and women. • Research based on such categories may well draw partial conclusions based on partial data. For example, research on a new breast cancer treatment should include male patients, so as to draw a complete picture. • Research on economic migrants cannot limit itself to male points of view if it wants to understand the whole migrant population
The best possible research utility • Gender-sensitive research will reach a broader group of end-users in a more relevant way. • Research that does not concern a human research population might still have human end-users. • Again this population consists of men and women, with their different needs and aspirations. • And these gender differences might very well influence the use of the research outcome. • Taking gender into account and asking from the start who will use the results, when and how, can avoid an unintentional gender bias in the outcome.
THE GENDER-SENSITIVE RESEARCH CYCLE The gender-sensitive research cycle take gender into account at all stages of the research cycle
Addressing the gender dimension of research implies that gender is considered as a key analytical and explanatory variable in research. • If relevant gender issues are missed or poorly addressed, research results will be partial and potentially biased. • Gender can thus be an important factor in research excellence. To support this process, it is also essential to devote research resources to specific gender research.
Introducing Gender Culture Sensitivity into Research Step 1: How to design gender-sensitive research? Identification of the RESEARCH PROBLEM in gender-sensitive way and formulating gender-sensitive RESEARCH QUESTIONS (Attention is on detect gender stereotypes, inequalities, and gender biases). • Did you have both men and women in mind when you formulated the research question? • When identifying a research problem, think how men and women differently relate to that problem. • When identifying a research problem, think in what ways are male and female bodies different.
When compiling a list of references (literature review) for your research, look for gender-sensitive literature and research projects conducted in your field, or think in which spheres they lack. • If you are considering gender differences in your research, have you asked yourself if you are maybe projecting stereotypical roles onto how women and men would behave, what they need and desire? • Now think again. Are there any hidden aspects involving gender roles and stereotypes in your research questions and objectives?
Step 2: How to Apply Gender Sensitive Methodology in Research Gender-Sensitive Methodology • Research that does not apply gender-sensitive approach may draw general conclusion based on partial data. • For example, if we want to understand certain societal processes, we should include both male and female points of view. If we want to research some medical phenomenon, we should select both female and male patients. • Do you have male and female specimen in your research sample? If you are producing new, original methodology, think how you could integrate gender into it. • If you are conducting surveys in your research, or disseminating questionnaires, design your questions so they are relevant to both women and men.
Are you using gender-sensitive language in your project outline? In most European languages, plural masculine form is often used to refer to both men and women – when referring to unknown individuals, officials’ titles, names of the profession etc. • Use of feminine form, or interchanging masculine and feminine ones, makes women more visible in both life and science. Even more, using feminine forms may remind you of the potential gender dimension in your research, which you might have overseen. • If part of your project is conducting visual analysis, think how images could reproduce certain stereotypes about gender roles.
Step 3: DISAGGREGATE DATA BY SEX AND ANALYSE DATA IN GENDER-SENSITIVE WAY • When conducting population polls, ensure you obtain proportional gender ratio. • If you organise focus groups, provide equal number of men and women in the sample. Interview equally men and women. • When conducting laboratory or medical experiments, always report sex of the cells, tissues, animals or subjects you are using.
If you are using one sex only, justify why, and note limitations in your discussion. • If you are using statistical or other data collected by public bodies, divide them by sex and analyse them with gender dimension in mind. • If you are conducting policy analysis, be aware of gender ratio in decision-making bodies.
Step 4: How to Produce Gender Sensitive OutcomeGender Sensitive Results Do you report data in gender-sensitive way? • If the result of your project is a policy recommendation, do you think about your outcomes through equal opportunity of men and women? • Have you checked if your publication/exhibition presents images of different genders? • Have you considered if these images maybe reproduce stereotypical gender roles?
Gender Sensitive Identification of Users/Beneficiaries • Have you considered how could people of different genders use the project results in different ways? • If you are conducting a medical research, think how it improves lives of both men and women. Have you considered transsexual subjects? • If the outcome of your project is a new/improved product or technology, think how it will be used by both women and men, how it will benefit lives of both women and men. • In what ways does your research relate to gender inequalities in the society?
Not Featuring Gender versus Gender Exclusion • We do not assume that gender should be necessary part of every scientific endeavour. Instead, gender dimension should be considered in research and teaching wherever appropriate. • Therefore, in our analysis we make a distinction between cases when gender is simply not featured and those when gender is excluded. That gender is not featured means that the given subject matter of a particular research does not have an obvious gender component or that the average researcher cannot be faulted for not featuring gender because the connection between gender and the given subject matter is not immediately obvious or simply does not exist. • However, when gender is excluded, it denotes a conscious or subconscious (or habitual) choice on behalf of a given teacher or researcher to exclude gender as a topic in a context where gender is obviously relevant.
If you are producing new, original methodology, think of how you could integrate gender into it.