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This presentation will review the role of Monte Carlo simulation in PK/PD target attainment and dosage regimen establishment for antimicrobials in veterinary medicine. It will discuss the origin of Monte Carlo simulations and how they can incorporate random variability into models. A working example will be presented to illustrate the application of Monte Carlo simulations in determining optimal dosage regimens for a new antibiotic in different clinical settings.
Use of Monte Carlo simulations to select PK/PD breakpoints and therapeutic doses for antimicrobials in veterinary medicine ECOLE NATIONALE VETERINAIRE T O U L O U S E PL Toutain UMR 181 Physiopathologie et Toxicologie Experimentales INRA/ENVT Third International conference on AAVM Orlando, FL, USA May16-20, 2006
Objectives of the presentation • To review the role of Monte Carlo simulation in PK/PD target attainment in establishing a dosage regimen • (susceptibility breakpoints)
What is the origin of the word Monte Carlo? Toulouse Monte-Carlo (Monaco)
Monte Carlo simulation • The term Monte Carlo was coined by Ulman & van Neumann during their work on development of the atomic bomb after city Monte Carlo (Monaco) on the French Riviera where the primary attraction are casinos containing games of chance • Roulette wheels, dice.. exhibit random behavior and may be viewed as a simple random number generator
What is Monte Carlo simulations MCs is the term applied to stochastic simulations that incorporate random variability into a model • Deterministic model • Stochastic model • Examines generally only mean values (or other single point values) • Gives a single possible value Takes into account variance of parameters & covariance between parameters Gives range of probable values
3 Steps in Monte Carlo simulations • A model is defined (a PK/PD model) • Sampling distributionof the model parameters (inputs) must be knowna priori (e.g. normal distribution with mean, variance, covariance) • MCs repeatedly simulatethe model each time drawing a different set of values (inputs) from the sampling distribution of the model parameters, the result of which is a set of possible outcomes (outputs)
Monte Carlo simulation: applied to PK/PD models Model: AUC/MIC PDF of AUC Generate random AUC and MIC values across the AUC & MIC distributions that conforms to their probabilities PDF of MIC Calculate a large number of AUC/MIC ratios PDF of AUC/MIC Plot results in a probability chart % target attainment (AUC:MIC, T>MIC) Adapted from Dudley, Ambrose. Curr Opin Microbiol2000;3:515−521
Monte Carlo simulation for antibiotics • Introduced to anti-infective drug development by Drusano (1998) • to explore the consequences of PK and PD variabilities on the probability of achievement of a given therapeutic target • In veterinary medicine not used yet • Regnier et al AJVR 2003 64:889-893 • Lees et al 2006, in: Antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of animal origin, F Aarestrup (ed) chapter 5
A working example to illustrate what is Monte Carlo simulation
Your development project • You are developing a new antibiotic in pigs (e.g. a quinolone) to treat respiratory conditions and you wish to use this drug in 2 different clinical settings: • Metaphylaxis (control) • collective treatment & oral route • Curative (therapeutic) • individual treatment & IM route
Questions for the developers • What are the optimal dosage regimen for this new quinolone in the 2 clinical settings • To answer this question, you have, first, to define what is an “optimal dosage regimen”
Step 1: Define a priori some criteria (constraints) for what is an optimal dosage regimen
What is an optimal dosage regimen ? • Possible criteria to be considered • Efficacy • Likelihood of emergence of resistance (target pathogen & commensal flora) • Side effects • Residue and withdrawal time • Cost • ………. • Monte Carlo simulations can take into account at once all these criteria to propose a single optimal dosage
What is an optimal dosage regimen ? • Efficacy : • it is expected to cure at least 90% of pigs • “Probability of cure” = POC = 0.90 • We know that the appropriate PK/PD index for that drug (quinolone) is AUC/MIC • We have only to determine (or to assume) its optimal breakpoint value for this new quinolone
What is an optimal dosage regimen ? • Emergence of resistance (1) • The dosage regimen should avoid the mutantselection window (MSW) in at least 90% of pigs MPC (Mutant prevention concentration) MIC yes No Yes MSW
What is an optimal dosage regimen ? • Emergence of resistance (3) • The dosage regimen should avoid the mutant selection window (MSW) in at least 90% of pigs MPC (Mutant prevention concentration) MIC yes No Yes SW MSW< 12h in 90% of pigs
The 2 assumptions for an optimal dosing regimen • Probability of “cure” = POC = 0.90 • Time out of the MSW should be higher than 12h (50% of the dosing interval) in 90% of pigs
Step 2: Determination of the AUC/MIC clinical breakpoint value for the new quinolone in pigs
The PK/PD index is known (AUC/MIC) for quinolones but its breakpoint values for metaphylaxis (control) or curative treatments have to be either determined experimentally or assumed
Determination of the PK/PD clinical breakpoint value • Dose titration in field trials : • 4 groups of 10 animals • Blood samples were obtained • MIC of the pathogen is known • Possible to establish the relationship between AUC/MIC and the clinical success
Dose to selected Determination of the PK/PD clinical breakpoint value from the dose titration trial Response NS * • Blood samples were obtained • MIC of the pathogen is known • Possible to establish the relationship between AUC/MIC and the clinical success * Placebo 1 2 4 Dose (mg/kg) • Parallel design • 4 groups of 10 animals
AUC/MIC vs. POC: Metaphylaxis Data points were derived by forming ranges with 6 groups of 5 individual AUC/MICs and calculating mean probability of cure POC 10 Control pigs (no drug) AUC/MIC
AUC/MIC vs POC: Metaphylaxis Modelling using logistic regression
Probability of cure (POC) • Logistic regression was used to link measures of drug exposure to the probability of a clinical success sensitivity Independent variable Placebo effect Dependent variable 2 parameters: a (placebo effect) & b (slope of the exposure-effect curve)
Conclusion ofstep 2 Metaphylaxis curative Placebo effect 40% 10% Breakpoint value 80 125 of AUC/MIC to achieve a POC=0.9
Step 3 What is the dose to be administrated to guarantee that 90% of the pig population will actually achieve an AUC/MIC of 80 (metaphylaxis) or 125 (curative treatment) for an empirical (MIC unknown) or a targeted antibiotherapy ( MIC determined)
The structural model BP: 80 or 125 PD Bioavailability Oral IM PK Free fraction Assumption : fu=1
Experimental data from preliminary investigations • Clearance : control AUC (exposure) • Typical value : 0.15 mL/kg/min (or 9mL/kg/h) • Log normal distribution • Variance : 20% (same value for metaphylaxis and curative treatments)
Experimental data from preliminary investigations • Bioavailability : • Oral route (metaphylaxis): • Typical value : 50 % • Uniform distribution • From 30 to 70% • Intramuscular route (curative): • Typical value : 80% • Uniform distribution • From 70 to 90%
Experimental data from preliminary investigations • MIC distribution • (pathogens of interest, wild population) MIC90=2µg/ml Frequency MIC (µg/mL)
Solving the structural model to compute the dose for my new quinolone • With point estimates • (mean, median, best-guess value…) • With range estimates • Typically calculate 2 scenarios: the best case & the worst case (e.g. MIC90) • Can show the range of outcomes • By Monte Carlo Simulations • Based on probability distribution • Give the probability of outcomes
Computation of the dose with point estimates (mean clearance and F%, MIC90) BP: 80 or 125 MIC90=2µg/mL 9mL/Kg/h Bioavailability Oral :50% IM:80% Metaphylaxis: 2.88mg/kg curative: 2.81 mg/kg
Computation of the dose with point estimates(worst case scenario for clearance and F%,MIC90) BP: 80 or 125 MIC90=2µg/mL 15mL/Kg/h Bioavailability Oral :30% IM:70% Metaphylaxis: 8.0 (vs. 2.88) mg/kg curative: 5.35 (vs. 2.81) mg/kg
Computation of the dose using Monte Carlo simulation(Point estimates are replaced by distributions) Log normal distribution: 9±2.07 mL/Kg/h Observed distribution BP metaphylaxis Dose to POC=0.9 Uniform distribution: 0.3-0.70
An add-in design to help Excel spreadsheet modelers perform Monte Carlo simulations • Others features • Search optimal solution (e.g. dose) by finding the best combination of decision variables for the best possible results
Metaphylaxis: dose to achieve a POC of 90% i.e. an AUC/MIC of 80(empirical antibiotherapy) Dose distribution
Computation of the dose: metaphylaxis(dose=2mg/kg from the dose titration)
Sensitivity analysis • Analyze the contribution of the different variables to the final result (predicted dose) • Allow to detect the most important drivers of the model
Sensitivity analysisMetaphylaxis, empirical antibiotherapy Contribution of the MIC distribution
Computation of the dose using Monte Carlo simulationMetaphylaxis,Targeted antibiotherapy MIC=1µg/mL Log normal distribution: 9±2.07 mL/Kg/h BP metaphylaxis Dose to POC=0.9 Uniform distribution: 0.3-0.70
Computation of the dose using Monte Carlo simulationTargeted antibiotherapy
Computation of the dose: metaphylaxis(dose=2mg/kg from the dose titration)
Sensitivity analysis (metaphylaxis, targeted antibiotherapy) F%
Computation of the dose (mg/kg):metaphylaxis vs. curative & empirical vs. targeted
The second criteria to determine the optimal dose: the MSW & MPC
Kinetic disposition of the new quinolone for the selected metaphylactic dose (3.8 mg/kg)(monocompartmental model, oral route) Log normal distribution: 9±2.07 mL/kg/h F% Uniform distribution: 0.3-0.70 Slope=Cl/Vc=0.09 per h (T1/2=7.7h) MPC MIC concentrations MSW
Time>MPC for the POC 90% for metaphylaxis (dose 3.8 mg/kg, empirical antibiotherapy)
Time>MPC for the POC 90% for metaphylaxis (dose of 7.1mg/kg, empirical antibiotherapy)
Sensitivity analysis (dose of 7.1mg/kg, metaphylaxis, empirical antibiotherapy) Clearance (slope) is the most influential factor of variability for T>MPC ,not bioavailability as for the AUC/MIC