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ISRAEL – ישראל Land and Security. Elad Arnon Israeli Shaliach for Central Alabama. Clash of Historical Narratives.
ISRAEL – ישראל Land and Security Elad Arnon Israeli Shaliach for Central Alabama
Clash of Historical Narratives Israeli and Palestinian identities are deeply entangled. The two peoples lay claim to the same land and locate their holy sites in the same city. Ironically, they share a history of displacement and wandering, of being identified as an unwanted, outcast body. Israeli and Palestinian Identities in History and Literature. St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Palestinian National movement The first demand for Palestinian national independence was issued by the Syrian-Palestinian Congress on 21 September 1921 after the collapse of the Ottoman’s Empire. Mohammad Amin al-Husayni was the first palestinian nationalist leader active in both opposing the British in order to secure the independence of Palestine as an Arab state and led violent riots against Jews opposing the establishment of a National home for the Jewish people in Palestine During World War 2 he cooperate with Nazi Germany asking to prevent the deportation of Europe Jews to Palestin al-Husayni meeting with Adolf Hitler (December 1941).
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 29 November 1947 by a vote of 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions Film of the UN resolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNpueivtWQ&feature=related
Zionist movement leads to the establishment of the state of Israel “After being forcibly exiled from their land, the Jewish people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom”. Israeli Declaration of Independence May 1948
Israel after the war 5 Arabs army invasion to the new Israeli state may 1948
The Palstinian’sNakba the Palestinian Arabs failed to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state according to the partition plan, an estimated 700,000 Palestinian refugees and the destruction and abandonment of up to 418 Palestinian villages are called al-Nakba ("The Catastrophe") by Palestinians Palastinians Refuges 1948 The key symbolize the hope to return home
Six Day War - 1967 The Casus belli: Three major threats Syria threat – shooting from the Golan heights to north Israel Jordan threat – siege on Jerusalem Egypt threat - closing of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping
Six days war – June 1967 Within the brief span of six days, the IDF overran the Sinai peninsula; took the entire West Bank of the River Jordan; and captured a great part of the Golan Heights. The culminating event was the capture of the Old City of Jerusalem “I stand here before you, the leaders of our generation, in awe, in this ancient, glory filled place overlooking our eternal capital and looking upon the staging grounds of our nation's earliest history”. IDF chief of staff Yitzhak Rabin: Acceptance of Honorary Doctorate Mt. Scopus June 28, 1967 Israeli Generals in liberated Jerusalem
Israel Today – West Bank – Gaza Strip: two nations three governments The Palestinian Authority Israel Hamas Regime
ISRAEL – ישראל Land and Security Recent events Time Line
ISRAEL – ישראל Land and Security Time line The Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David failed. There were four principal obstacles to agreement: territory, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, Palestinian refugees and the 'right of return”, and Israeli security concerns. July 2000 September 2000 The Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada Palestinian rioting erupted following Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount
Ariel Sharon, at the time from the Likud party, ran against Ehud Barak from the Labour party. Sharon was elected Israeli Prime Minister February 2001 Sharon refused to meet in person with Yasser Arafat. February 2001 June 2001 civilian Israeli movement called Fence for began a struggle for the construction of a continuous security fence between the Palestinian population centers and the Israeli population
Stage A - runs from Salem to Elkana, and around Jerusalem (in the northern and southern sections), was completed by the end of July 2003. Stage B - running from Salem towards Bet- Shean, through the Jezreel Valley and the Gilboa mountains, approved in December 2002, was completed in 2004. Israeli government Builds the security fence
Terrorism has been defined throughout the international community as a crime against humanity. As such, the State of Israel not only has the right but also the obligation to do everything in its power to lessen the impact and scope of terrorism on the citizens of Israel.
The Security Fence is an operational concept conceived by the Israeli Defense Establishment in order to reduce the number of terrorist attacks whether in the form of explosive- rigged vehicles or in the form of suicide bombers who enter into Israel with the intention of murdering innocent babies, children, women and men.
Fence Against Terror (Video - IDF Spokesperson production). http://switch5.castup.net/Customers/Castup/v_round_320x240/Design.asp?clipurl=http://switch3.castup.net/cunet/gm.asp?ClipMediaID=1221451&ak=null Ramadan Shalah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader,publicly admits that Israel's Security Fence is an important obstacle to the terrorist
The threat Israel is faced with several threats which required a multi layered response: Continued terrorist attacks including shootings, explosive charges, booby rigged vehicles and suicide bombers.Smuggling of weapons, explosive and explosive charges into Israel. Initiation of violent acts and terrorist activity through the assimilation into the local arab population. Exploded bus and car as a result of a suicide bomber
Carmel Market in Tel Aviv after a suicide bombing 1-nov-2004 passover massacre Netanya March 27, 2002 The Hebrew University Cafeteria after bombing 31-july-2002
The response The IDF is responsible for the operational activation of the Security Fence both on its eastern and western side. Command and control centers along the Security Fence receive on line data from the various observation systems and devices. They provide the soldiers in the center with up to date situational map of each and every sector.Once a change in the pattern is detected or an alert is signalled, they can direct the patrol to inspect the suspicious cause for alert and deal with it.
Solid barrier system This particular design is used in a minority of cases- a total of 8 km in the initial stages of the project (4%). Its main purpose is to prevent sniper fire into Israel and on major highways and roads. This design is used mainly along the new Trans - Israel Highway, in Bat Hefer and Matan, and in densely populated urban areas such as Jerusalem. Once the whole project is completed, the portion of the concrete sections will be 6%, approximately 30 km.
Natan Sharansky: Minister of Housing and Construction during Ariel Sharon Government: When Israel's free society was defending itself against an unprecedented campaign of terror, most of the international community was calling for an end of the "cycle of violence" and a return to the negotiating table. When the Palestinian terrorists struck... Israel was condemned for imposing "collective punishment" on the Palestinian population. When Israel chose to target individual terrorists with precision air strikes, its actions were condemned as illegal extrajudicial assassinations. It seemed that in eyes of many, the Jews had a right to defend themselves in theory but could not exercise that right in practice...
Haifa Netanya Tel Aviv Ramallah Jerusalem Bethlehem
Right wing The settlements movement The land of Israel is the birthright of the Jewish people and no political leader has the jurisdiction to give away any part of it. Agreements damaging the integrity and security of Israel have not and do not further the goal of peace in the region. Yesha today boasts well over 150 communities: http://www.amana.co.il/Index.asp?CategoryID=100
Conflict/ Elad Arnon So many things in my mind I want to share Sometimes word is a cruel way To express, to dare Dear homeland please stop Bleeding As my hart Is keep On biting Sweet land of milk and honey Use to fall throw cold Interests and money And I just a child Wandering alone Between love and hate And so goes on. In my lovely house There is a window I can see a fence from there This my mother hands to save me From bombing busses or Shooting men This my father hate to send them: “Don’t you ever hit my boy” And there's the book to justify Abraham Isaac Adonai When I put my ranks I sharp my sword To keep Golan to my hart close But back Home Jerusalem still crying Politics get hard when people dying. Written during Israeli Palestinian seminar in Walberberg Germany August 2009
For more information about the conflict: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA Israel Ministry of Defance http://www.securityfence.mod.gov.il/Pages/ENG/default.htm Questions about the fence http://www.securityfence.mod.gov.il/Pages/ENG/questions.htm Makom – Engaging Israel http://makom.haaretz.com/ One Voice http://onevoice-la.org/ Knesset website http://knesset.gov.il/ Museum on the Steam http://www.mots.org.il/Eng/Index.asp Yesha http://www.yesha-israel.com/index/home/ Questions and comments will be more then welcome Elad Arnon JFCA Shaliach eladarnon@gmail.com