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Martha Rogers. Science of Unitary Human Beings by Jerrene Bramble, Denise Cooney and Angelique Kinyon. Martha Roger’s Theory of Unitary Human Beings. Presented By: Jerrene Bramble Denise Cooney Angelique Kinyon. ("Vital Life Force Energy," 2011). Rogerian Model.
Martha Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings by JerreneBramble, Denise Cooney and Angelique Kinyon
Martha Roger’s Theory of Unitary Human Beings Presented By: • Jerrene Bramble • Denise Cooney • Angelique Kinyon ("Vital Life Force Energy," 2011)
Rogerian Model • Rogers Theory states that "the purpose of nurses is to promote health and well-being for all persons wherever they are.” (Roger’s Theory, 2011). • A person and their environment are one. • Roger's conceptual model is based on four building blocks: energy field, universe of open systems, pattern, and four dimensionality (Roger’s Theory, 2011).
Science of Unitary Human Beings Rogerian science comes from knowledge bases of many different sciences such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, astronomy, religion, philosophy, history, biology, physics, mathematics, and literature to create a model of unitary human beings (Gunther, 2010).
Origins of Rogerian Science • Can be traced back to Nightingale's proposals and data placing humans within the framework of the natural world (Gunther, 2010). • Consists of 8 major concepts: • Energy Field • Openness • Pattern • Pan-dimensionality • Homeodynamic Principles • Resonance • Helicy • Integrality (Roger’s theory of unitary human beings, 2011)
Important Definitions in Understanding Roger’s Model • Energy Fields • “irreducible, indivisible, pandimensional unitary human beings and environments that are identified by pattern and manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole and cannot be predicted from knowledge of the parts.” (Venes, 2009). Humans and their environment have separate energy fields, but they are dependent on one another. • Openness • Acharacteristic of human and environmental energy fields; energy fields are continuously and completely open (Venes, 2009). • Pattern • Unique feature of an energy field that gives the field its identity. It cannot be seen, what we see are the manifestations of the pattern (Venes, 2009). • Pandimensionality • “a nonlinear domain without spatial or temporal attributes.” (Venes, 2009). It may help to think of it in terms of a spiritual domain.
Roger's Theory • Theory reflects on the concept that nursing is both a science (organized body of knowledge) and an art (creative use of science to better people). • A nurse's “safe practice depends on the nature and amount of knowledge the nurses brings to her practice.” (Roger’s Theory, 2011). (Open Systems & The Science, n.d.)
Thoughts on the “Art” of Nursing • “Nursing seeks to promote symphonic interaction between the environment and man, to strengthen the coherence and integrity of the human beings, and to direct and redirect patterns of interaction between man and his environment for the realization of maximum health potential.” (Roger,1970) • “Creative use of the science of nursing for human betterment.” (Roger, 1970)
3 Steps in Theory Process • Assessment • Includes both the patient and their environment. • Voluntary mutual patterning • Includes sharing knowledge, empowering the patient, nutrition, and pain. • Evaluation
Defining Person • "Rogers defines person as an open system in continuous process with the open system that is the environment.” (Gunther, 2010). • She defines "unitary human being as an 'irreducible, indivisible, pandimensional energy field identified by pattern and manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole'“ (Gunther, 2010).
Defining Environment • In Roger's model, environment and person are intertwined and vital to each other. • "The environment is an 'irreducible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field.'“ • “Each environmental field is specific to its given human field. Both change continuously, creatively, and integrally.” (Alligood & Tomey, 2010)
Defining Health • Roger's defined health as an expression of the life process. • A person's environment and culture influence their views on health and health choices( Roger’s Theory, 2011). (“Vital Life Force”, 2011)
Defining Nursing • “She challenged us to view nursing as understanding and caring for human beings in the wholeness and mutuality of the person-environment process rather than as isolated actions and responses in a limited cause and effect manner.” (Alligood & Fawcet, 2004) • Nursing involves directing and redirecting patterns in energy fields to assist the patient in grasping the meaning of and reaching their greatest potential on the health continuum (Alligood & Tomey, 2011). • One of Martha's hopes was that "knowledge would continue to evolve to benefit the care of people in an ever changing world."(Watson, 2002)
6 Domains of Energy Patterning and Corresponding Nursing Interventions: • Connecting • Guided Imagery, therapeutic touch, Reiki, Music/Color therapy, Aromatherapy • Conveying • Accupressure, Reflexology • Converting • Nutrition, Herbal therapy, Exercise, Music/Color therapy, Purpose and meaning • Conserving • Biofeedback, Relaxation/Meditation, Breathing, Herbal therapy, Sleep and rest • Clearing • Music/Color therapy, Accupressure, Aromatherapy, Postural movement • Coursing • Yoga, Massage, Polarity therapy, Exercise (Leddy, 2003).
Case Study Using the Rogerian Model of assessment and patterning. (Society of Rogerian Scholars, 2010)
Case Study • 48 year old female, recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. History includes 24 year 1 pack/day smoking history, admittedly has 4-6 alcoholic drinks per week. States she doesn’t exercise. Frequently eat fast food (on average 2 meals/day). History of hypertension, currently poorly controlled with medication. History of hyperlipidemia, no current treatments. • She is a divorced mother of 2 teenage children. Recently went back to college to pursue her nursing degree. She currently works as an office assistant for an accounting firm. She lives in an apartment approximately 1 mile from her place of employment and 3 miles from campus. Her family admittedly “eats microwavable meals for meals at home.” • Client states, “I would like to quit smoking and lose weight, but my life is just so hectic and I don’t know what to do.”
Use the Rogerian Model to assist the client in finding solutions to better optimize her health status. • Assessment • Person • Environment • Mutual Patterning • Sharing Knowledge • Empowering the client • Evaluation
Implementing Roger's Theory in your practice. In regards to your own personal practice, how do you see components of Roger’s theory incorporated? How could you implement more to improve your practice?
References Alligood, M. R., & Fawcett, J. (2004). An interpretive study of Martha Rogers' conception of pattern. Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science, 12(1), 8+. Retrieved from: Infotrac Nursing and Allied Health Collection Gunther, M. E. (2010). Martha E. Rogers: Unitary human beings. In M. R. Alligood & A. M. Tomey (Eds.), Nursing theorists and their work (7th ed., pp. 242-264). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Leddy, S. K. (2003). A unitary energy-based nursing practice theory: Theory and application [PDF]. Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science, 11(1), 21-28. Retrieved from http://www.societyofrogerianscholars.org/Visions/Visions-Volume11.pdf Martha Elizabeth Rogers (1914-1994) 1996 Inductee. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2012, from ANA Nursing World website: http://www.nursingworld.org/MarthaElizabethRogers Open systems & the science of unitary man. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2012, from http://www.squidoo.com/Rogerian-Theory Roger’s theory of unitary human beings. (2011). Retrieved October 12, 2012, from Nursing Theory website: http://nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/roger-theory-of-unitary-human-beings.php Society of Rogerian Scholars. (2012, September 9). Retrieved October 12, 2012, from http://www.societyofrogerianscholars.org/index.html Venes, D. (2009). Taber's® Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary - 21st Ed. Philadelphia, PA. F. A. Davis Company. Retrieved from: STAT!Ref Online Electronic Medical Library. Vital life force energy: Our source for health, healing and empowerment. (2011, July 7). Retrieved October 12, 2012, from Kaizen website: http://www.kaizenlifecoach.com/Vital_Life_Force_Energy.html Watson, J. & Smith, M. (2002).Caring science and the science of unitary human beings: a trans-theoreticaldiscourse for nursing knowledge development. *Journal of Advanced Nursing,37(5),* 452-461. Retrieved fromhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.proxy2.cl.msu.edu/doi/10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02112.x/pdf