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IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)GK, November 12th February 15th, 07. 2. Session Plan. Definitions / FrameworkStories and Case StudiesBrief to the Commission on Social Determinants of Health and PHM Engagement / MonitoringWhat next?. . IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fell
1. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 1 Social Determinants of Health
Peoples Health Movement
2. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 2 Session Plan Definitions / Framework
Stories and Case Studies
Brief to the Commission on Social Determinants of Health and PHM Engagement / Monitoring
What next?
3. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 3
4. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 4 Direct and structural causes of deferential health (Causes of the causes of ill-health
Pathways through which the structural determinants
5. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 5 Brief to the Commission on Social Determinants of Health and PHM Engagement / Monitoring
6. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 6 Goal To lay the foundations for health equity to be a shared global goal, and for an understanding that acting on that goal demands action on the underlying causes of ill health.
7. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 7 Mission Compile evidence on successful interventions and formulate policies that address key social determinants, particularly in low-income countries;
Raise societal debate and advocate for implementation - by Member States, civil society, and global health actors - of policies that address social determinants;
Define a medium- and long-term action agenda for incorporating social determinants of health interventions/approaches into planning, policy, and technical work within WHO.
8. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 8 Areas / Components The Commissioners comprise an independent body charged with WHO Secretariat coordinates the various areas of work of the Commission Knowledge Networks provide the evidence base on which to identify priority actions and interventions
Scientific Secretariat helps to coordinate the evidence based generated by the Knowledge Networks.
WHO headquarters, regional offices, and country offices will all be involved in integrating Social Determinants of Health into the work of the organization.
Country Action focuses on demonstrating how Social Determinants of Health can become a corporate interest of government, permeating policy and planning in various sectors.
Civil Society can provide an important input in terms of experiences on the ground and working across sectors
Global Initiatives within the UN system will help integrate Social Determinants of Health across UN work.
9. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 9 PHM and the Commission Represented in the Commissioners
Represented in the KNs
Dominating the civil society component
10. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 10 Achievements Mobilization: Several country based and regional consultation meetings
Knowledge generation: Active participation in the KNs processes of evidence collection/creation
Independent civil society report
11. IPHU-Bangladesh (Short Course and Fellowship Program)
GK, November 12th February 15th, 07 11 Strategies Knowledge Generation and dissemination
Collecting information
Making the information available (knowledge networks)
Develop framework
Media Campaign
Civil society to implement
Building alliances thematic and across
Communities on national level
Raise issues related to the environment and food for example.
Empowerment and capacity building
Communication skills
Celebrate successes
Continue engaging and monitoring the CSDH
Civil Society report (mobilization process, Critique) as a policy tool.
Lobbying the government to address the structural determinants (social responsibility, availability of information, marginalized people and communities, sanitation)
To implement policy alternatives.
Continue developing a PHM framework and position
Ensure evidence based advocacy
Promote the inter-sectoral collaboration
Promote tools like health impact assessment