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State of Connecticut Core-CT Project HRMS Users Group Meeting April 12, 2006. Agenda. Agenda. Security Requests Security Team will stop processing agency requests on Wednesday, 5/3, at the close of the business day Security Team will resume processing agency requests in mid-May
State of ConnecticutCore-CT Project HRMS Users Group Meeting April 12, 2006
Security Requests Security Team will stop processing agency requests on Wednesday, 5/3, at the close of the business day Security Team will resume processing agency requests in mid-May Security Request Priorities New Users and Transfers processed first Role Changes, TL Group Changes are processed next Name Changes are processed last HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Security
Normal Processing Hours prior to Go Live,4/22 through 4/30 HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Schedule of Events at Go Live
Processing of Pay Period 4/14/06 – 4/27/06, Check Date 5/12/06 System available for agency entry Monday through Wednesday, 5/1 – 5/3, 6:00AM – 7:00PM There will be no agency access to the system on Thursday, 5/4 There will be no changes by the Central Payroll Unit on Thursday 5/4 HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Schedule of Events at Go Live, Continued
Processing of Pay Period, 4/14/06 – 4/27/06, Check Date 5/12/06, Continued Agencies will be locked out of the 8.3 system at 7:00PM on Wednesday, 5/3 Core-CT HRMS team will confirm the payroll and complete the post-confirm Financials process On-line checks will not be available Central Payroll Unit will run payroll registers and have them available for agencies Agencies should review registers and report any problems to Central Payroll Unit Central Payroll will begin to process requests on 5/12 HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Schedule of Events at Go Live, Continued
Conversion The HRMS team turns the system over to the Core-CT Technical Team early on 5/6 for conversion to the 8.9 system The HRMS team will validate the new environment on Thursday, 5/11 Agency availability is planned for Friday, 5/12 HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Schedule of Events at Go Live, Continued
Processing of Pay Period 4/28/06 – 5/11/06, Check Date 5/26/06 System availability planned for Saturday and Sunday, 5/13 and 5/14, 8:00AM – 4:00PM Batch processes will be run both weekend nights Help Desk will be staffed on this weekend Monday through Friday hours will be 6:00AM – 7:00PM HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Schedule of Events at Go Live, Continued
Processing of Pay Period 4/28/06 – 5/11/06, Check Date 5/26/06, continued Confirm will be extended by 1 day Agencies have until 10 AM on Friday, 5/19 to submit corrections There should be NO entry of transactions on Friday, 5/19 HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Schedule of Events at Go Live, Continued
For Processing of Pay Period, 4/28/06 – 5/11/06, Check Date 5/26/06 While the system is off-line for conversion, there will be no time entry or approval for Self Service agencies Time entry should begin on Friday, 5/12 All time should be entered no later than Tuesday, 5/16 and approved no later than Wednesday, 5/17 in order to give agency Payroll staff time to review reports on Thursday Self Service users do not receive Daily Mails – it is the responsibility of agency HR/PY staff to communicate to these individuals as needed the key dates and special procedures during this period HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Go Live Preparation Special Information for Self Service Agencies
First, second and third preliminary reports ran on 3/2/2006, 3/15/2006 and 3/30/2006 respectively. Final processing and reports took place on Friday, 4/07/2006 (Changed from 4/14/2006) Note: reports became available Saturday, 4/08/2006 Human Resources Update Longevity
Effective 3/31/2006, January 2006 Anniversary Increase (3 month delay) was processed for BU-16 (AR) bargaining unit Preliminary report ran on 3/2/2006 Final processing and report was run on 4/07/2006 Note change in date from the last Users Group Meeting Human Resources Update Mass Salary Processing
Human Resources Update HRMS – 8.9 Upgrade Changes
Human Resources Update HRMS – Timing of Transfers During Conversion Employee Transfers • Employee transfers occurring during pay period 4/28/2006 to 5/11/2006 will not be processed until Friday, 5/12/2006. • Transfers are normally processed the Friday after payroll confirms the previous ppd (this example would be 5/05/2006).
Human Resources Update HRMS – 8.9 Position Establishment Changes Establishing a new position • Initial position data rows with the reason of ‘New’ can no longer be future dated. It must be saved with a current or retro date. • All other position data rows may be future dated.
Agency Position Specialists should complete work on their work lists for Recycled and Denied notifications prior to June 7, 2006. Update the row and send back through the approval process if approval is required Remove the row if the update is no longer required Inactivate the position if appropriate Position file will be transferred to OPM on June 7, 2006. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End Tasks – Important Reminders
Agency Position Specialists are encouraged to limit the number of position updates performed from mid May through June 16, 2006. Any positions in proposed status will not be updated for Fiscal Year End. Positions that are in the approval process during the Fiscal Year transition will require review for the correct budgeting upon approval. This may require that positions be resubmitted for approval again after the Fiscal Year transition. Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End Tasks – Important Reminders, Continued
Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End High Level Sequence of Events • OPM will review the file of position data and send the file back to Core-CT on June 16, 2006 with the new budgeting information for all State of Connecticut positions. • Agency Position Specialists will have view only access in Position Data during the week of June 19th to close of business June 23rd. • The new budgeting information will be loaded into Core-CT the week of June 19, 2006 and a new row dated June 9, 2006 will be inserted into the Position.
Human Resources Update Fiscal Year End Assistance The HRMS Fiscal Year End Job Aid is located at : http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/finjobaids/2006ye.htm Fiscal Year End workshops are scheduled for May 17 in Room 1002. Hold the Date!
Accrual Balances - Out of Balance It is extremely important that the correct earnings codes be used when requesting a petty cash check Time and Labor Update Accrual Balances 8.3
Schedule issue when an employee’s workgroup is changed If default schedule is assigned, change it to the new workgroup’s schedule If a non-default schedule is assigned, verify that it is still appropriate If the schedule needs to be changed, use the same effective date as the workgroup change Time and Labor Update Schedules 8.3
Changes to Maintain Time Reporter page Reporting Templates box Commitment Accounting box New Warning Message Time and Labor Update Maintain Time Reporter 8.9
Time and Labor Update Maintain Time Reporter 8.9
Changes to Time Sheet in 8.9 Can view timesheet by day, week or time period; default is time period Timesheet has two tabs; Timesheet and Overrides Time and Labor Update Timesheet 8.9
Time and Labor Update Timesheet 8.9 (Timesheet Tab)
Time and Labor Update Timesheet 8.9 (Overrides Tab)
Time and Labor Update Timesheet 8.9 (Overrides Tab), Continued
Time and Labor Update Timesheet 8.9 (Overrides Tab), Continued
Changes to Adjust Paid Time page Can only view up to 31 days of time at once Fields have been added: Comments, Combo Code, Override Reason Code and Claim Number There are four tabs on this page: Overview, Time Reporting Elements, Task Reporting Elements and ChartFields Time and Labor Update Adjust Paid Time 8.9
Time and Labor Update Adjust Paid Time 8.9 (Overview Tab)
Time and Labor Update Adjust Paid Time 8.9 (Time Reporting Elements Tab)
Time and Labor Update Adjust Paid Time 8.9 (Task Reporting Elements Tab)
Time and Labor Update Adjust Paid Time 8.9 (ChartFields Tab)
Changes to Approval page Approve Time by Time Reporter and Approve Time by Group are now on one page All time needing approval will appear if no date range is entered Approvers will be notified of exceptions on the Approval page Time and Labor Update Approve Time 8.9
Changes to Approval page Self Service agencies need to communicate changes to their approvers. Approvers can view Combo Code Timesheet can be changed from the Approval page Time and Labor Update Approve Time 8.9, Continued
Time and Labor Update Approve Time 8.9 (Overview Tab)
Time and Labor Update Approve Time 8.9 (Time Reporting Elements Tab)
Time and Labor Update Approve Time 8.9 (Task Reporting Elements Tab)
Time and Labor Update Approve Time 8.9 (Chartfields Tab)
Changes to Agency Time and Labor Specialists Role Users with this role will no longer be able to access their own time sheet through the Manager Self Service link Timesheet must be accessed through Self Service link Time and Labor Update Agency Time and Labor Specialists
Introduction to HRMS Core-CT 8.9, a brief narrated and animated Powerpoint overview of Core-CT and the HRMS modules available on the website Access requires Flash Player 8.0.22; users should contact their Training Registration Coordinator or technology resource for download instructions Users should complete overview before attending instructor led Human Resources or Time and Labor training HRMS 8.9 Training Plan Training Update
Human Resources Update Training Update, Continued The HRMS 8.9 Upgrade Overview Training is located at: http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/prepare/Default.htm
Training Schedule Instructor led training for Human Resources and Time and Labor began 4/3 Users in Human Resources and Time and Labor Specialists roles should already be registered for training Training Registration Coordinators are registering users for training HRMS 8.9 Training Plan Training Update, Continued
Labs – Pre-Go Live Instructors are available to help users with practice exercises; exercises will also be available on the website Users should contact Training Registration Coordinators to sign up for practice sessions HRMS 8.9 Training Plan Training Update, Continued
Labs – Pre-Go Live Exercises Available Human Resources: Hire Process, Leave of Absence, Establish a Position, Enter a Concurrent Job Time and Labor: Assign a Work Schedule, Enter Time, Approve Time, Adjust Paid Time, Manage Exceptions HRMS 8.9 Training Plan Training Update, Continued
Labs – Post Production After go-live users can bring real work to labs Labs will have resources who can address transactional problems related to the upgrade Users can show up without any registration process on a first come first serve basis from 8:00AM to 4:00PM Available dates:5/15 - 5/25 except for 5/18,confirm Thursday HRMS 8.9 Training Plan Training Update, Continued