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Birdwatchers. Reading I Birds in Zhalong. Work in pairs:. A: Which bird do you like best? B: I like … best. A: Why? B: Because…What about you? A: I like…because…. Zhalong Nature Reserve. D. N. north-east. W. E. S. Zhalong Nature Reserve.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Birdwatchers Reading I Birds in Zhalong

  2. Work in pairs: A: Which bird do you like best? B: I like … best. A: Why? B: Because…What about you? A: I like…because…

  3. Zhalong Nature Reserve D N north-east W E S

  4. Zhalong Nature Reserve It’s one of the most important wetlands in China. This area provides food and shelter for wildlife . Many birds live comfortably here .Every year , a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds . But more and more birds are in danger . We should take actions to protect these endangered birds .

  5. New words nature 自然界 wetland 湿地 provide 提供 shelter 栖息地 wildlife 野生生物 comfortably 舒服的 while 然而 easily 简单地 rare 罕见的 government 政府 red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤 endangered 濒临危险的 tourist 旅游者 importance 重要性 actively积极地

  6. Choose the correct answers • wetlands • A. rivers and seas • B. areas of land with wet ground • C. areas of land for farming 2. provides A. cooks meal B. grows plants C. gives something to somebody

  7. Choose the correct answers 3. shelter A. a place to live or stay B. a large zoo C. a place to hunt animals 4. endangered A. safe B. in a dangerous state C. a large number of 5. tourists A. people who are travelling B. people who keep shops C. people who study Geography

  8. rare red-crowned cranes 稀有的丹顶鹤 What kinds of animals live in Zhalong? What kind of land is in Zhalong? Wetlands 湿地

  9. 知识小百科 • 丹顶鹤 http://baike.baidu.com/view/4290.htm

  10. Para 1-2 Answer questions • What does this area provide for wildlife? It provides food and shelter for wildlife. 2. What kinds of wildlife live there? Different kinds of plants, fish and birds. 3. Do all the birds live in Zhalong all year round? No, some only stay there for a short time.

  11. True or false Para 3-4 less and less • There will be more and more space • for wildlife. F 2. More and more birds are in danger because they don’t have enough food. F living space

  12. 3. Some people want to change wetlands to farms and buildings. T 4. The Chinese government decides to protect these endangered birds in the nature reserves. T

  13. Para 5-6 Fill in blanks A lot of _________ go to Zhalong to _______ birds every year. __________of our Birdwatching Club are going to ______ the birds and the ________ in their ________. tourists watch Members study changes numbers

  14. We do a bird count _____ a year. We want to ______ students to help us ____ and _____ something to help the birds. Some people do not ___________ the ___________ of the wetlands. We hope this __________ can make them ________ take ______ to ______ wildlife. once invite count do understand importance information actively action protect

  15. Different people’s actions Government Protect these endangered birds Build nature reserves for them Members of birdwatching club Study the different kinds of birds and the changes in their numbers

  16. Different people’s actions Tourists and some other people Go to Zhalong to watch birds Help to count and do something to help the birds

  17. As a student,how to protect the birds

  18. Remember Take part in the club or other activities to help birds! Plant more trees and flowers to give birds a good environment to live! Don’t frighten the birds! Don’t catch the birds! Ask the people around you to protect the birds!

  19. Let's make an interview! • Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? • Why is Zhalong a special place? • What kinds of birds live in Zhalong? • What actions do people take ? government students members of Birdwatching Club tourists

  20. Thank you!

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