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HL 367 Program Planning and Evaluation Ashley Collier & Alex Kerlin. MISSION : TO PROMOTE HEALTHY EATING HABITS IN ELEMENTARY STUDENTS THROUGH EDUCATION. Variables: DV: Healthy Eating Habits IV: Education TP: Elementary Students.
HL 367 Program Planning and Evaluation Ashley Collier & Alex Kerlin
MISSION:TO PROMOTE HEALTHY EATING HABITS IN ELEMENTARY STUDENTS THROUGH EDUCATION Variables: DV: Healthy Eating Habits IV: Education TP: Elementary Students Agency: MARESA (Marquette-Alger Regional Educational Services Agency) Mission: Educational service organization, provides leadership, technical assistance, professional development,and programming to support teaching and learning for all in its constituent districts and service area. Job:Nutrition Educator
Assess General Need Quality of Life • An estimated 16 to 17 million children live in homes where they are at risk of going hungry (approximately one in six households). They are not eating enough healthy food — an estimated 1/3 children are overweight and about ⅙ (ages six to 17) are obese.” (American Psychology Association, 2014). • Programs have proven that establishing healthy habits in childhood can promote behavior changes that can last a lifetime. (What is CATCH, 2004). • CDC says of the children born in the year 2000, 1 out of every 3 Caucasian, and 1 out of every two African Americans and Hispanics will have diabetes in their lifetime. (CDC, 2014 ) • 1 out of every 4 meals is fast food, 1 out of every 4 meals is eaten in a car, and 1 out of every 4 is eaten in front of a television or a computer. (Cooper, 2007).
Assess General Need • Healthy eating can stabilize children’s energy, sharpen their minds, and even out their moods. Children who are substantially overweight or obese are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease, bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and poor self-esteem, as well as long-term health problems in adulthood. (Helpguide, 2014) • Children will live a life 10 years younger than us, diet related disease is the biggest killer in the U.S. We are raising third generation of Americans that didn’t grow up in a food environment; never learned to cook at home or at school. 31 million students eat school food about twice a day (breakfast and lunch) for about 191 days of the year. Portion sizes and labeling are a massive problem. (Oliver, 2010). • Combined, early child development and nutrition interventions show promising additive or synergistic effects on child development (Ruel, 2013) • Right now, nearly 1/3 of children in America are overweight or obese. 1/3 of all children today will eventually suffer from diabetes – in the African American and Latino communities, it goes up to almost half. (Yunji de Nies, 2010)
Theoretical Definition of Health Eating Habits Regularly and repeatedly consuming the types and quantities of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, healthy oils, & water, that offer an ideal balance between nutrition and energy to support childhood growth. The types and quantities of food will be based on the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate which recommends that you eat this on a daily basis for each meal. (Clark, 2011) (Harvard, 2014) (Webster, 2014)
Test Reflecting the Theoretical Definition 1. Can you define how much water you need per day? 2. Do you know where the vegetables go and how much room they take up on the plate? 3. What food does not count as a vegetable on this plate? 4. Can you label the fruit section? 5. Do you know where the grains go and how much room they take up on the plate? 6. What foods are good sources of healthy grains? 7. Can you label the healthy proteins and how much room they should take up on the plate? 8. What foods are good sources of healthy protein? 9. Identify how many servings of milk you should drink per day 10. Identify how many glasses of juice you should drink per day 11. Why types of beverages should you not be drinking? 12. Do you know what healthy oils are? 13. Can you define healthy eating habits? 14. How often should you be eating this way? 15. Do you feel good that you know this? Directions:The Harvard Healthy Eating Plate contains fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins, and water. Label which goes in each section, and identify which group is NOT in the picture.
TEST SCORE Each question will be worth 3 points, and each section of the plate will be worth 1 point for a total of 50 points. 0-15 Poor healthy eating habits 15-30 Moderate healthy eating habits 30-40 Good healthy eating habits 40-50 Great healthy eating habits
Test Measures Theoretical Definition as Defined by Harvard Healthy Eating Plate Test is valid if it measures what it purports to measure: Our test measures awareness of healthy eating habits based of the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. Students can define and explain what healthy eating habits are. They can label the plate, identify the foods in each food group, and know that eating these types and quantities of food promotes the practice of healthy eating.
Assess Specific Need We will assess the specific need by giving the elementary students the test and seeing what they score. If the elementary students are given the Healthy Eating Habits Pretest, and they score a 0-15, they are considered to have “poor healthy eating habits” and have a specific need for healthier eating habits.
Identify Measurable Objectives • By the end of the 10 week program, students will score from 10/50 40/50 overall on the Healthy Eating Habits Test. • Students will take a test during the last week of the program and will be able to say they regularly and repeatedly eat according to the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. • Students will go from sometimes healthy eating to always healthy eating. • By the end of the 10 week program, students will be able to define healthy eating habits as well as practice them on a daily basis for each meal.
(Interview with Sabin, 2014, from Michigan Fitness Foundation, 2012) Plan an evidence based program Healthy Classrooms, Healthy Schools (Mining, 2014) Sabin, 2014 Sabin, 2014
Know what to do: During the first lesson the instructor will introduce the program and talk about what will be covered over the course of the program. The elementary students will be told how to define healthy eating habits and understand the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate components including the types and quantities of food. Know how to do it: Once the elementary students begin the program they will have lessons that show and explain how they should be eating according to the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate. Want to do it: The elementary students are going to be motivated because the program is going to be fun. They kids get to learn, eat food, play games with their friends, in a fun environment with energetic instructors and teachers and encouraging parents as well. Incentives like kitchen tools and posters are provided as well. Believe they can do it: The elementary students will believe they can do it because they will have individual goals to meet and will have log books to track progress on the way. Those goals will be attainable and fun to complete. Constant positive nutrition messages throughout the program will be helpful reminders for the students to achieve healthy eating habits. Have a supportive environment to do it: The students will be around their parents and instructors that are very encouraging and helpful. The school-wide approach creates a supportive environment. The instructors will show the parents what to do so they can be actively involved and supportive of their child’s program. Behavior Change Model
Evaluate To See A Change In Healthy Eating Habits Evaluation Design Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design Threats to Internal Validity Due to the control group and the randomly assigned participants there are limited threats to internal validity. One threat could be subject mortality. Healthy Kids for Life Intervention Healthy Eating Plate Post-test Healthy Eating Plate Pre-test R O X O R O O Program Group Control Group Key: O: Observation on test X: Intervention based on(Michigan Fitness Foundation, 2012) R represents randomly assigned
Evaluate the Mission Fit Mission Fit Question: Did we promote healthy eating habits in elementary students through education? How we know if we met our mission: We will know if we met our mission by the results of our posttest. The results will indicate that the students are aware of the components on the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate and that they changed their eating behaviors to eat like this on a daily basis.
Design a webpage: Healthy Kids for Life. Connect through the Elementary schools websites to help promote the program http://hl367healthyeatinghabits.weebly.com/ Utilize Facebook to keep parents motivated and informed https://www.facebook.com/healthykids4life School-wide news letters sent home to the parents/guardians explaining the program and its mission Take home recipes books and fun snacks Twitter and Instagram accounts Planet Healthy Eating game. Adapted from the USDA Planet Blast Off but modeled after the Harvard Healthy eating Plate. Marketing and Communication Efforts (USDA, 2014)
Aps Play 36 levels against 6 hungry monsters. Teaches children about healthy eating habits. https://www.appolearning.com/app_reviews/1074-healthy-heroes-nutrition-for-kids Pick Chow allows children to create meals by dragging and dropping foods on to their virtual plate. The “Add it Up!” meters show the nutritional values in a fun and easy way and rates each meal with one to five stars – a feature that helps children learn quickly how their choices make a difference in creating a well-balanced meal http://www.zisboombah.com/pickchow Food N’ Me is another interactive game that allows kids to see what they are putting into their body when they eat a certain food. The game breaks down the food into the components it’s made out of so the kids can see exactly what the bad foods are made of. http://www.foodnme.com
Grant Information The PE-Nut (Physical Education and Nutrition Education Working Together) program is a grant funded specifically through the Michigan Fitness Foundation. $150,000 (include salaries for 3 nutrition educators, all the food, equipment, resources) Designed to improve health behaviors in a school environment by presenting simple, consistent nutrition and ubiquitous physical activity messages via multiple approaches and locations.The goal of PE-Nut is to affect healthy behavior change, including: • Increase participation in a physically active lifestyle. • Increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nonfat or low-fat milk or dairy products. • Balance caloric intake from food and beverages with calories expended. • Try new foods. • Choose healthy snacks. • Wash hands before eating. Michigan Fitness Foundation: Improve lives and strengthen communities by promoting healthy eating and active living.
American Psychology Association. (2014). Changing diet and exercise for kids. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/topics/children/healthy-eating.aspx CATCH (2004). What is CATCH? Retrieved fromhttp://www.catchinfo.org/ Clark, N. (2014). Definition of healthy eating. Retrieved fromhttp://www.livestrong.com/article/396464-definition-of-healthy-eating/ Cooper, A. (2007). What's wrong with school lunches [Ted Talk Video]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/ann_cooper_talks_school_lunches.html Johnson, F., Wardle, J., & Griffith, J. (2002). The adolescent food habits checklist: reliability and validity of a measure of healthy eating behavior in adolescents.56, 644-649. Retrieved from http://www.nature.com/ejcn/journal/v56/n7/full/1601371a.html Harvard. (2014) Healthy Eating Plate and Healthy Eating Pyramid. Retrieved from http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/ Helpguide.org. (February, 2014.). Nutrition for children and teens. Retrieved from http://www.helpguide.org/life/healthy_eating_children_teens.htm Marquette-Alger Regional Educational Service Agency. (2014) Retrieved from http://www.maresa.org/. Michigan Fitness Foundation (2012)Fostering Prosperity by Empowering and Celebrating Healthy Choices. Retrieved from http://www.michiganfitness.org/ Mining Journal, The. (March 26, 2014) Udderly Cool Event at NSA [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm Oliver, J. (2010). Teach every child about food [Ted Talk Video]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/jamie_oliver.html Ruel MT; Alderman H; Lancet. (August 10, 2013) Nutrition sensitive interventions and programmes: how can they help to accelerate progress in improving maternal and child nutrition? Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23746780?tool=MedlinePlus Sabin, Rachel. 2014. [Personal Interview] USDA. (2014) Team Nutrition: Blast Off Game. Retrieved from http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/blast-game. Webster. (2014) Definition of habit. Ihttp://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/habit Yunji de Nies (2010). Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity Movement. abcnews.go.com. Retrieved (February 2014)http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2010/01/michelle-obamas-antiobesity-movement/ Webliography