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Internet Access & Use. Compiled by: Sherry Biscope (September 2, 2003). In the beginning…. . “There is a great need for a computer communications network able to selectively connect any user to any service, quickly, reliabily and cheaply….” Science Council of Canada (August, 1971).
Internet Access & Use Compiled by: Sherry Biscope (September 2, 2003)
In the beginning…. “There is a great need for a computer communications network able to selectively connect any user to any service, quickly, reliabily and cheaply….” Science Council of Canada (August, 1971)
Evolution of the Internet • Wave 1 – 20 years before it was widely used (1970’s) • Text-based email • Wave 2 – 15 years (1990’s) • Emergence of WWW • Wave 3 – 10 years till it’s as widely used as WWW • Services and applications e.g.: health, education & government services being located on the Internet Source: CANARIE (2003).CANARIE Fast Track. 1(1). Accessed on July 16/03: http://www.canarie.ca/press/publications/fast_track_march2003.pdf
Pre-Internet in Canada • Initial pressure from academic & military • ARPAnet – 1983 (@ used in email) • DREnet & NetNorth – 1985 (Canadian in origin) • Grassroots movement (academic, residential, corporate, technical) • Usenet (UUCPnet) - 1979 • Even then chat was an issue! Source: CA*Net Institute (2003).A Nation Goes Online. Accessed on July 16/03: http://www.canarie.ca/press/publications/ango.pdf
Internet in Canada • CA*Net – 1990 • World Wide Web • Proposal published in 1989 • Storage & retrieval tool using hypertext & hypermedia • Mosaic - 1993 • Multi-media browser Source: CA*Net Institute (2003).A Nation Goes Online. Accessed on July 16/03: http://www.canarie.ca/press/publications/ango.pdf
Adoption Times for Technologies Source: Sciadas G (2003). Digital Divide in Canada.
Household Presence of Technologies Source: Sciadas G (2003). Digital Divide in Canada.
General use of the Internet (2000) Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.
Internet Non-users • Most likely to be: • Women • Francophone • Employed • Living in households with incomes less than $60,000 • Less likely to have a post-secondary education • Less likely to use other technologies (fax machines, cell phone, ATM, answering machine, pager, cable TV, satellite dish, DVD) Source: Crompton, Ellison & Stevenson (2002).Better things to do or dealt out of the game? Internet dropouts and infrequent users. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2002).
Internet Non-Users • 42% of adults have not used Internet • 75% are 40+ years old • 50% are women • 22% of non-users are interested in learning to use Internet • Barriers: cost, lack of access to a computer/Internet and not enough time Source: Crompton, Ellison & Stevenson (2002).Better things to do or dealt out of the game? Internet dropouts and infrequent users. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2002).
Infrequent vs. Regular Internet Users Source: Crompton, Ellison & Stevenson (2002).Better things to do or dealt out of the game? Internet dropouts and infrequent users. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2002).
Reasons for not Using the Internet • 30% no need • 17% too expensive • 16% computer too old to support technology • 14% lost access to a computer • Source: Crompton, Ellison & Stevenson (2002).Better things to do or dealt out of the game? Internet dropouts and infrequent users. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2002).
All Ages use of the Internet Source: Statistics Canada (n.d.). Households using the Internet from home, by purpose of use. Accessed on July 16, 2003 at http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/arts52a.htm
Time Spent on the Internet • 61% use Internet 1–7 hours/week • 14% use Internet for 14+ hours/week Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.
Socio-demographics of Internet Users Age, Sex, Income, Education and Geography
Age Source: Sciadas G (2003). Digital Divide in Canada.
Age of Internet Users (2000) • 90% 15-19 years old • 70% 25-29 years old • 61% 35-39 years old • 13% 65-69 years old Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.
Teens Use of Internet • 71% accessing information • 60% electronic communication • 52% word processing • 48% gaming • 32% learn school related material Source: Willmns & Corbett (2003). Tech and teens: Access and use. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2003), 15-20.
Teen Access to Internet • 99% used Internet • 79% access at home Source: Environics Research Group (2001). Young Canadians in a Wired World: The Students’ View. What are youth doing online, and what do their parents need to know?.
Comparison of Teen Access at Home Source: Willmns & Corbett (2003). Tech and teens: Access and use. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2003), 15-20.
Sex of Internet Users in 2000 • 56% men use the Internet • 50% of women use the Internet • Each age group is likely to have more male users than female Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.
Does Income affect Internet Access? • 32% Internet access (any location) for households with $23,000 or less • 87% Internet access (any location) for households with $70,000 or more • It becomes 23% and 76% for home access • Source: Statistics Canada (n.d.). Internet use rates, by location of access and household income. Accessed on July 16, 2003 at http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/arts56a.htm
Does Education affect Internet Access? • 60% of all households have access • 86% of households with a University degree have access • 30% of households with less than high school have access • Source: Statistics Canada (n.d.). Internet use rates, by location of access and education of head of household. Accessed on July 16, 2003 at http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/arts53a.htm
Impact of Education on Access • Each additional year of parent’s education increases the likelihood of having a computer or Internet connection by: • 18% of having a computer at home • 15% of having Internet at home Source: Willmns & Corbett (2003). Tech and teens: Access and use. Canadian Social Trends (Summer 2003), 15-20.
Geography and the Internet • 54% of urban Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) Canadians have Internet • 42% of rural (non-CMA) Canadians have Internet Source: Sciadas G (2003). Digital Divide in Canada.
Internet Use Across Canada Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.
Physicians Use of the Internet • 89% of doctors use the Internet • 57% have Internet access at the office/clinic • 17% have a practice website Source: Pulse: MD’s office Internet use hits 57%. CMAJ;168(4) 475.
Practice-based Internet Use • 49% search Internet • 46% use email • 45% search MEDLINE • 34% visit physician related websites • 27% view patient orientated resources • 25% conduct financial activities Source: Pulse: MD’s office Internet use hits 57%. CMAJ;168(4) 475.
Patient Related Use of Technology • 37% occasionally refer patients to medical websites • 46% occasionally have patients bring medical info obtained from Internet • Source: Pulse: MD’s office Internet use hits 57%. CMAJ;168(4) 475.
Health Searches • 80% of adult Internet users have searched for information on a major health topic • 85% of women online have searched for health information (75% of men) Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project (2003). Internet Health Resources.
Health Topics • 63% specific disease/medical problem • 47% medical treatment or procedure • 44% diet, nutrition, vitamin or nutrition • 36% exercise or fitness • 34% prescription or OTC drugs • 10% sexual health Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project (2003). Internet Health Resources.
Searching Patterns • 75% of Internet users use search engines • 56% of Internet users don’t look through more than 2 pages of results from a search engine • 32% read to the bottom of the 1st page • 23% go beyond the 2nd page • 8.7 look through more than 3 pages • 52% always use the same search engine Source: CyberAtlas (2002). Internet Users Impatient with Search Results. Accessed on July 15, 2003 at http://www.nua.com/surveys/index.cgi?f=VS&art_id=905358569&rel=true
Searching in the Future (Canada) • Currently, to buy something or gather information a person needs to complete a series of steps (use search engine, review sites, visit site, browse site, revise search terms, repeat until information of appropriate quality found) • In future (Wave 3), these steps should be integrated, conducted in parallel and presented to the user as a complete "service". • Source: Canada’s Innovation Strategy (2002). Sector Report: Using Networks For Innovation: A National Strategy For Canada. Accessed on July 16, 2003 at http://www.innovationstrategy.gc.ca/cmb/innovation.nsf/SectorReports/CANARIE#executive
Youth Internet Use (USA) • 71% will use Internet for research vs. 24% using library sources • 71% of youth still use phone to contact friends instead of Internet • 41% say they have changed a health behaviour based on what they found online Source: Henry J. Kaiser Foundation (2002). Key Facts:Teens Online.
Internet-based Technologies (USA) • 90% of youth use email • 74% of youth use instant messaging • 56% of teens have more than 1 email address • Source: Henry J. Kaiser Foundation (2002). Key Facts:Teens Online.
Filtering Software (USA) • 76% of youth have filters on computers at their schools • 46% of youth have had health information websites (non-pornographic sites) blocked by filtering software Source: Henry J. Kaiser Foundation (2002). Key Facts:Teens Online.
Trends in Canada Things to be wary of …..
Spam Inadvertently creating spam opportunities • Emails that are bought from mailing lists • Chat sessions • Newsgroup postings • Harvesting off of servers and websites Source: Co, M (2003). SPAM: Coming soon to an email box near you. CIN; 159,169.
Security • 65% of Canadians are concerned about security on the Internet (sharing personal data e.g.: shopping) • 5% of Internet users have experienced problems with security Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.
Privacy • 61% of Canadians are concerned about privacy Source: Dryburgh (2003). Changing our ways: Why and how Canadians are using the Internet.