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Types of Telemedicine Services You Can Avail

Telemedicine is the most convenient, affordable, and fastest way to access healthcare services. It has been invented to overcome the distance barriers and provide clinical healthcare services from a distance through information technology. These services improved the access to those medical services that are not consistently available in rural areas. For more details: https://www.mobihealthinternational.com/

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Types of Telemedicine Services You Can Avail

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Telemedicine Services

  2. Content: Telemedicine  TypesofTelemedicine Services Benefitsof Telemedicine Purpose Conclusion

  3. Telemedicine Telemedicineistheremotediagnosisandtreatment ofpatientsbymeansoftelecommunications technology.

  4. Typesof Telemedicine Services  LiveVideo- Conferencing Store-and-forwardor asynchronousvideo RemoteMonitoring MobileHealthor mHealthPlatform

  5. LiveVideo- Conferencing Alsoknownas synchronousvideo, live video-conferencingisa live, two-wayinteraction betweenapersonanda healthcareprovider usingaudiovisual telecommunications technology.

  6. Store-and- forwardor asynchronous video Store-and-forwardisthe transmissionofrecorded healthhistorythrough anelectronic communicationssystem toahealthcareprovider whousesthe informationtotreatthe patientoutsideofreal time.

  7. Remote Monitoring RPMisthecollectionof personalhealthand medicaldatafroma patientorresidentin onelocationthatisthen transferredelectronically toanurse, caregiver, or physicianinadifferent locationformonitoring purposes.

  8. MobileHealth ormHealth Plateform mHealthusesmobile communications devices, suchas smartphonesandtablet computers, and hundredsofsoftware applicationsforthese devices, whichcando almostanything imaginedforsupporting healthcare. 

  9. BenefitsofTelemedicine HealthcareCostSavings. ExtendedSpecialistandReferringPhysician Access. IncreasedPatientEngagement. BetterPatientCareQuality. TechnicalTrainingandEquipment. FewerIn-PersonConsultations.

  10. PurposeofTelemedicine Telemedicinerefersspecificallytotheuseof medicalinformationexchangedforthepurposeof improvingapatient'shealth. Itpertainstotheuseof electroniccommunicationstoprovideclinical serviceswithoutrequiringapatienttocomeintoa doctor'soffice.

  11. Conclusion Alltelehealthservicesandpodiumsarecreatedat equallevelandperformequalfunctions. So, itis recommendedtodoyourresearchbefore implementinganytypeofhealthcareservices solutioninyourorganization. 

  12. ThankYou https://www.mobihealthinternational.com/

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