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Welcome to Home Instead Senior Care. CAREGiver In Training Program 1.1.09. Today’s Agenda. Basic CIT Training Sensitivity Training Safety CIT Training Vital Sign Training Introduction to Personal Care Introduction to Transfers Introduction to CARE Managers Tele-time Care Training
Welcome to Home Instead Senior Care CAREGiver In Training Program 1.1.09
Today’s Agenda • Basic CIT Training • Sensitivity Training • Safety CIT Training • Vital Sign Training • Introduction to Personal Care • Introduction to Transfers • Introduction to CARE Managers • Tele-time Care Training • Documentation
Basic Objectives • By the end of this session you should: • Have a better understanding of illnesses you will encounter with your clients and know how these illnesses may affect their behavior • Know some communication techniques to use with clients that have memory impairments or hearing loss • Be able to list some activities you can do with your clients • Be able to identify signs of abuse • Be able to identify and handle stress
What trends in society make H.I.S.C. such an important resource for families of the elderly? • Families are overwhelmed and are struggling to cope • The population is aging in record numbers • Advances in medicine and healthierlifestyles are extending the lives of seniors • “Sandwich Generation” • According to AARP’s “The State of 50+ America 2006” • 89% of older adults expect to age at home • 85% of older adults want to remain in their local community for as long as possible
A Pool of CAREGivers • Home Instead Senior Care offices maintains a pool of CAREGivers to keep continuity with clients. • If one CAREGiver takes on other responsibilities, another can step in without disruption to the client. • Allows us to match up our clients and Caregivers according to their compatibility, interest, personality, etc.
Professionalism DO’s - Be on time - Keep the office up-to-date - Call clients Mr./Mrs./Ms. unless told otherwise - Be neat and clean - Stay in close contact with the Home Instead Senior Care franchise office - Keep track of hours and report them to the office - Report any on-the-job expenses that a client requests, such as mileage and shopping records
Professionalism: Don’ts Don’ts - Drink alcohol on the job - Smoke - Take personal calls - Take the client on your personal errands/outings - Be a “sitter” - Administer medications
Heart Attacks Signs of a Heart Attack • Persistent chest pain or discomfort or pain in the arms • Breathing difficulty • Skin appearance—sweating, moist face and pale or bluish skin color
Strokes- CVA Signs of a stroke • Paralysis • Weakness on one side of the body • Slurred speech • Changes in consciousness
Symptoms of sudden illness • Light-headedness • Dizziness • Confusion • Weakness • Changes in skin color • Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhea
What you should do if a client suddenly becomes ill? • Find out what the client was doing before they became ill • Call the H.I.S.C. franchise office • Call 911 if the situation is serious • Help the person rest comfortably • Provide reassurance • Watch for changes in consciousness or breathing • Don’t give food or drink unless they are fully conscious
QUESTION What information should be found in your client’s roster of emergency contacts?
Reminder: The emergency list in the client journal should include the names and telephone numbers of all the client’s doctors and close family members and friends.
Communication Communication Involves Three Components: 1. Verbal Messages - the words we choose 2. Paraverbal Messages - how we say the words 3. Nonverbal Messages - our body language
Communication These Three Components Are Used To: • Send Clear, Concise Messages 2. Receive and Correctly Understand MessagesSent to Us.
Effective Verbal Messages: • Brief • Clear • Well organized • Free of jargon
Facial Expression: The face is perhaps the most important conveyor of emotional information. A face can show: Enthusiasm Energy Approval Disapproval Confusion Boredom Displeasure The eyes are particularly expressive in showing: Joy Sadness AngerConfusion.
Postures and Gestures Our body postures can create a feeling of warm openness or cold rejection.
Let’s PLAY Charades Happy Energetic Sad Compassionate Frustrated Bothered Bored Playful
Nonverbal Communication • Account for about 55% of what is perceivedand understood by others. • Are conveyed through our facial expressions as well as our postures and gestures.
Paraverbal Messages Paraverbal communication refers to the messages that we transmit through the tone, pitch, and pacing of our voices. It is how we say something, not what we say. Paraverbal Messages: Account for about 38% of what isperceived and understood by others.
Key Listening Skills: Nonverbal: • Giving full attention to the speaker; • Being aware of the speaker's nonverbal messages; Verbal: • Paying attention to the words and feelings that are being expressed; • Using reflective listening tools such as paraphrasing, reflecting, summarizing, and questioning to increase understanding of the message and help the speaker tell his story.
Things to remember • Speak to the person in a place free from distractions • Identify yourself and call the client by name • Ask questions that require a yes/noanswer if the client has memory or comprehension problems • Use familiar words and concrete terms • Keep talk warm, easy going and friendly
Charades Anyone???????? You’ve explained to a client it’s time for lunch but she is having difficulty understanding what you are trying to say
Nonverbal Communication Use non-verbal communication by demonstrating visually what you are trying to say • Bring client over to the table where food is already prepared and placed • Point to the clock and rub your tummy • Pretend you are eating by bring your hand to your mouth
Maximizing Communication What not to do: • Don’t argue with client • Don’t order the person around • Don’t tell the person what he or she can’t do • Don’t be condescending • Don’t ask a lot of questions that rely on good memory • Don’t talk about the client in front of him or her
TRUE OR FALSE You’ve just arrived at the client home of a client and you are having trouble understanding what they are trying to say:
Maximizing Communication • Listen carefully to what the client is trying to say • Focus in on a word or phrase that makes sense • Respond to the emotional tone of the statement • Always remember to stay calm and be patient
What is Dementia? Dementia is a group of illnesses that involve memory, behavior, learning and communication problems that result in a loss of brain function.
TRUE OR FALSE WHAT is Alzheimer’s Disease?????
Alzheimer’s Disease is ……… • The most common form of dementia • A degenerative brain disease of unknown cause • Causes a loss of memory and eventually activities of daily living • Not curable • Increasing at a very rapid rate. Over 5 million Americans are presently living with Alzheimer’s
Warning signs of Dementia/Alzheimer’s • Memory loss • Unable to recall information • Forgetting names or appointments • Difficulty performing familiar tasks • Problems with language • Disorientation to time and place • Misplacement of items • Changes in personality • Loss of initiative • Anger or aggressiveness
Describe some of the sources of anger, frustration or agitation that your clients might encounter. • The aging process • Inability to perform activities the same way they have done them in the past • Memory loss • Clients may feel as though they have lost control
TRUE OR FALSE Will this HELP a client with Dementia from becoming angry or agitated?
Things that you can do to help a client with dementia from becoming angry or agitated. • Keep their daily routine as consistent as possible • Alternate quiet times with more active periods • Exercise with the client regularly • Ensure the client is not too hot or too cold • Plan outing and activities when the client is rested • Simplify environment by reducing noise, the number of people or clutter • Try music or quiet readings
How should you react if a client is angry and you don’t know why? • Stay calm • Acknowledge their feelings • Try to calm them down and find out what is angering them • Make notes in the Client Activity Log to identify angry times • If you cannot calm the client, call your franchise office
Activities Activities to do with your client: - Gardening - Exercise - Reliving history - Household activities - Crafts - Coupons - Puzzles and games - Outings - Sharing your interests
Activities What can you do to help your client to exercise their minds by reliving their memories?
ROLE PLAY EXERCISE Find a partner and tell them what you remember the most about the house that you grew up in.
Nutrition • All meals should include milk or dairy products; meat or substitutes high in protein; fruits; vegetables and breads or grains • People 69-90 years of age need six to eight 8-ounce(250 ml) glasses of water each day
Six essential nutrients the body needs for proper functioning: • Protein • Carbohydrates • Fat • Water • Minerals • Vitamins