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Sayed Ahmed Computer Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh (Graduated on 2001) (1996 - 2001) MSc in Computer Science, U of Manitoba, Canada Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/ sayedjustetc Personal: http://sayed.justetc.net E mail: sayed@justetc.net. Introduction to Backbone.Js.
Sayed Ahmed Computer Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh (Graduated on 2001) (1996 - 2001) MSc in Computer Science, U of Manitoba, Canada Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sayedjustetc Personal: http://sayed.justetc.net Email: sayed@justetc.net Introduction to Backbone.Js
I do not know everything about Backbone.js But Backbone.Js is not Rocket Science
Some JavaScript Frameworks • http://codebrief.com/2012/01/the-top-10-javascript-mvc-frameworks-reviewed/ • JavaScript MVC Frameworks • http://todomvc.com/ Some Top JavaScript Frameworks
Why BackBone.js • single page applications are the future • Esp for mobile, tablet, and similar devices • And such devices are pushing the trend • http://happyworm.com/blog/2010/08/23/the-future-of-web-apps-single-page-applications/ • http://singlepageappbook.com/goal.html • http://venturebeat.com/2013/11/08/the-future-of-web-apps-is-ready-isomorphic-javascript/ Why Backbone.Js?
Why Backbone • enforces that communication to the server should be done entirely through a RESTful API • The web is trending such that all data/content will be exposed through an API • Why? • browsersare no longer the only clients • Other clients such as mobile devices, tablet devices, Google Goggles and electronic fridges etc. are increasing very rapidly Why Backbone
Benefits of Backbone • incredibly small library • Provide a significant amount of functionality and structure • Essentiallyan MVC for the client • Allows you to make your code modular Benefits of Backbone
Models in Backbone.js • According to Backbone.js Team • Models are • the heart of any JavaScript application, • containing • the interactive data • as well as a large part of the logic surrounding it: • conversions, • validations, • computed properties, and • access control. Models in Backbone.js
Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ • initialize: function(){ • alert("Welcome to this world"); • } • }); • var person = new Person; Models in Backbone.js
Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ • initialize: function(){ • alert("Welcome to this world"); • } • }); • var person = new Person({ • name: "Thomas", • age: 67 • }); • // or we can set afterwards, these operations are equivalent • var person = new Person(); • person.set({ name: "Thomas", age: 67}); Setting Attributes in Model
var age = person.get("age"); // 67 var name = person.get("name"); // "Thomas“ var child = person.get("child"); // 'Ryan' Getting/Retrieving Attributes
Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ • defaults: { • name: 'Fetus', • age: 0, • child: '' • }, • initialize: function(){ • alert("Welcome to this world"); • } • }); Setting model defaults
var person = new Person({ • name: "Thomas", • age: 67, child: 'Ryan‘ • }); • var age = person.get("age"); // 67 • var name = person.get("name"); // "Thomas" • var child = person.get("child"); // 'Ryan' Setting model defaults
Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ • defaults: { • name: 'Fetus', • age: 0, • child: '' • }, • initialize: function(){ • alert("Welcome to this world"); • }, • adopt: function( newChildsName ){ • this.set({ child: newChildsName }); • } • }); Manipulating model attributes
var person = new Person({ • name: "Thomas", age: 67, child: 'Ryan‘ • }); • person.adopt('John Resig'); • var child = person.get("child"); // 'John Resig' Manipulating model attributes
Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ • defaults: { • name: 'Fetus', age: 0 • }, • initialize: function(){ • alert("Welcome to this world"); • this.on("change:name", function(model){ • var name = model.get("name"); // 'Stewie Griffin' • alert("Changed my name to " + name ); • }); • } • }); Listening for changes to the model
Notice: • urlRoot: '/user‘ • Assume: The server has implemented a RESTful URL /user which allows us to interact with it • Assume there is a user table in the DB side • /user url interacts with the user table • varUserModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ • urlRoot: '/user', • defaults: { name: '', email: '' } • }); Interacting with the server
// Here we have set the `id` of the model var • user = new Usermodel({id: 1}); • // The fetch below will perform • In the url: [GET] /user/1 • // The server should return the id, name and email from the database • user.fetch({ • success: function (user) { • alert(user.toJSON()); • } • }) Getting/Retrieving a Model (i.e user)
var person = new Person({ name: "Thomas", age: 67}); var attributes = person.toJSON(); // { name: "Thomas", age: 67} /* This simply returns a copy of the current attributes. */ var attributes = person.attributes; /* The line above gives a direct reference to the attributes and you should be careful when playing with it. Best practise would suggest that you use .set() to edit attributes of a model to take advantage of backbone listeners. */ Get All the Current Attributes
Backbone views • are used to reflect what your applications' data models look like • They are also used to listen to events and react accordingly. • Our Focus on Views • view functionality and • how to use views with a JavaScript templating library, • specifically Underscore.js's _.template. View in Backbone.js
Backbone View http://jsfiddle.net/tBS4X/1/
varsearch_view = new SearchView({ el: $("#search_container") }); With el, backbone view becomes the owner of the div#search_container Views in Backbone
The Template Loading/Rendering a template
Backbone routers are used for routing your applications URL's when using hash tags(#). Routers in Backbone
Backbone collections are simply an ordered set of models Collections in Backbone
http://backbonetutorials.com/ References