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Capturing the opportunity in 2013-14 & beyond. Con Williams Agri Economist July 2013. Merry go round returns within long-term decline. +6.6% average over last 14 years. +1.6% since 2006-07, nearly half those from the prior period.
Capturing the opportunity in 2013-14 & beyond Con Williams Agri Economist July 2013
Merry go round returns within long-term decline +6.6% average over last 14 years +1.6% since 2006-07, nearly half those from the prior period. +0.7% since 2006-07 and only a third of those from the prior period. • Most agree things need to change in the meat industry, but there is a wide range of views on what needs to change and how it should be undertaken. • Collectively farmers have the majority of the responsibility for any change as they control supply, vast majority of capital employed (farmland etc) and own the majority share of processing capacity/IP. • But a lack of motivation (due to a range of factors) and other more attractive opportunities (alternative land use) means joint industry leadership is required.
Worryingly leading to an increase in debt • Aggregate debt levels per output up +250% over last 10 years. • Moved from $144 per lamb equivalent processed in 2002-03 to $359 in 2011-12. • Interest servicing cost @ 6% now $21.5 per lamb equivalent processed versus $8.6 in 2002-03. • 8% is off-farm and 92% on-farm.
It’s not all bad though….. • Higher leverage is concentrated somewhat and generally seems to be associated with better farm profit and rates of return. • More income is also being derived from other activities, such as dairy support, or cash crops than 10 year ago. But not such a great story for sheep and beef.
What to do about it? – Capturing the opportunity The strategy outlined actions under three key themes: • Increased coordination of market behaviour • Efficient and aligned procurement • Sector best practice
Two parts to the opportunity – one behind the farm-gate • Average farm profit in 2010-11 was $169 per ha. • Top 20% achieved above $500 per ha. • Sector profitability could be doubled if the other 80% were performing at similar levels to the top 20% within each sector. Sector wide an extra $1.5 billion in profit. • A lot of research (industry strategy, university studies, bank data etc) showing this is related to business acumen and practices not other characteristics. • With an aging ownership of sheep & beef assets (now 54) if change doesn’t come there are several outcomes: • Not such a great retirement • More land use change as farms are sold to alternative enterprises to justify new investment • Next generation is left with too much of a burden • Should it be led by top 20%, or is it about moving farmers up the performance categories. Personally think top 20% will continue to push the boundaries and it is about lifting the rest of the industry up the profit performance curve.
What does quintile analysis tells us about top performers? Productivity big driver! Especially from sheep Not afraid to spend in the area’s that deliver productivity. Timing of selling & buying usually a bit sharper. Use a bit more debt, but have better returns and ability to service debt. Some economies of scale There are similar results across different farm classes, consultant data and regional accounting practices.
Terms of exchange – reversing negative jaws Change since 2000 +10% prices received +46% cost of farm inputs -25% terms of exchange
More volatile times increase liquidity risks Meat & fibre farms with significant liquidity risk have averaged 13% over 5 year period, peaking at 30% in 2006-07. On income levels from last 2 years 7% have liquidity risk (latest season excluded!). Certain component of FWE is discretionary, but also ‘capital’ focused. Spread in leverage and cost structure is greater in meat & fibre than dairy farms, flexibility of operation is also. 9
Not just a NZ story either. On average +50% over last 10 years!
Price movements for key inputs Headline inflation was +36% over this period. 11
Interest rates • With confidence growing we have seen the bottom in interest rates, this could remove a support mechanism for bottom-lines over next couple of years. • This is likely to have an effect on asset prices. • Leading into the 2008-09 period the increase in interest costs was largely driven by increasing debt levels. • Since 2008-09 debt levels have continued to increase (+10%), but interest rates have dropped substantially. • Effective rural interest rate has dropped from 9 to 6 percent. This has dropped the interest servicing cost by $3.75 per SU since 2008-09.
What are other industries doing? Latest Dairy NZ research shows the top seven traits of financial performance, in order of importance, are: • Benchmarking is the strongest differentiator - have to measure yourself to know how you are progressing. • Budgeting – needs to be actively used to provide agility and allow informed decisions to be made when something changes (i.e. weather, prices etc). • Confident decision-making. • Networking - Those in the top quartile group are more likely to catch up with other farmers to swap ideas; help other farmers to improve their practices and be a source of advice for others. • Couples as managers - stability. • Dairying background - experience. • Reliable plant and equipment – investing back into business.
What is the bank doing in this area? • Involvement in developing the Red Meat Profit Partnership programme. • Business management seminars • Changing the Bank and client workflow when assessing credit risk • Encouraging better decision processes and analysis resources – CashManager, benchmarking and Farmax • Young Farmer of the Year competition • Farmer start-up seminars and support package • Providing capital to the sector • Supporting family business and succession
Where is competitive advantage gained from in agricultural sectors? Agricultural competitive advantage Strong Access to & Management of Resources Robust & Cost- Competitive Supply Chain Exposure to High-Value Markets Sufficient Access to Capital Strong Competitive Position Effective Adoption of Tailored Knowledge Targeted R&D Investment Realised through lower cost or differentiation
Second part of opportunity is beyond the farm-gate • If had a blank piece of paper we believe an 80/20 model for processing and marketing would be the ideal. • Believe the real competition is offshore from other proteins and producers. They seem to be aggregating and integrating more quickly than NZ. • Innovation and competition provided by other 20 percent for niche play’s. • 80 percent would provide much needed scale and improved efficiencies across a number of facets of the supply chain as well as better linkages to the farm. • Transportation and supply chain logistics. • Plant placement & configuration. • Bigger pool of R&D spend that is focused. • Coordinated in-market behaviour to achieve better and more consistent returns. Reducing competition in-market between NZ entities selling same product at the same time to fewer buyers dealing on price and service. • Better currency (FX) management. • Better price and information signals (i.e. Grading system and price schedule that reflects a wider range of attributes).
Second part of opportunity is beyond the farm-gate • What are the costs of a restructure? Figures of $0.4-1.6 billion have been discussed - which is a large range. But how much is cash, how much is write-down in asset values etc? • There has been little (no?) discussion on the benefits. • If the benefits were avoiding the $150 million loss last year, then the payback period could be fairly short. • When you think of the cost and capital required and compare it with the current asset base it seems very small.... • But realise there isn’t a blank sheet of paper.....so not quite sure what is going to happen to be honest. • Similar synergies could be gained from 100% committed supply, but don’t believe this will happen. • Seems tradable slaughter rights in theory could offer similar benefits and a stepping stone for future consolidation. • Farmers have to remember though under tradable slaughter rights the benefits would flow back to the processor shareholders.
19 China shifting to a net importer in recent years China Net Trade Flows Sugar Oilseeds Grains Animal Protein Sources: USDA, ANZ Commodity Strategy Milk Powder = Whole & Skim Milk Powder
Higher income diets are more resource intensive Calorie intake by food type Resource requirements Percent of daily caloric intake Water (Litres per kilocalorie) Land (Square metres per 1,000 kilocalories) 100% 100% 100% Cereals Fruit & Vegetables* Sugars & Alcohol Meat & Other Animal products** * Includes pulses, spices, roots and oil crops ** Includes milk, eggs, aquatic products and cheese and excludes meats Source: FAO; IMF; UN; PJP Analysis 20
What is the vision for NZ’s second biggest primary sector? Comparison of sales and ownership structure of top 17 resident food, beverage & agribusiness industry firms: NZ vs. Minnesota (NZ$b; 2008)
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