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EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service

EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service. OracleWorld September 2003. Agenda. Using NAS for databases NAS Database architecture overview Important metrics for planning Solution: Jointly-developed O racle database on NAS accelerator service. Using NAS for Databases. Economical

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EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service

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  1. EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service OracleWorld September 2003

  2. Agenda • Using NAS for databases • NAS Database architecture overview • Important metrics for planning • Solution: Jointly-developed Oracle database on NAS accelerator service

  3. Using NAS for Databases • Economical • Low attach cost • Low management cost • Leverage existing skill sets • Can be used for lower I/O DBs: ie development • Functional • Easy to set up and reconfigure • Eliminates disk grooming • Faster backups and MTTR • Compatible • Clients • Applications • Networks

  4. UNIX Apps UNIX Apps Windows Old days: Server-Centric, Block Access Sun Sun FS HP HP FS IBM IBM FS Compaq

  5. UNIX Apps UNIX Apps Windows FS New Paradigm – Network Storage Linux NFS Sun IBM HP NFS NFS NFS NFS NFS Cisco EMC Storage

  6. Changes that made NAS Feasible for Databases • Network Enhancements: • Adaptation of Jumbo Gig E (9000 MTU) • Network data separation • Increases in Host Processing Capabilities: • Increases in Mhz and Processing Power • Decreases in cost of host RAM • Industry Knowledge of Managing Database Objects • Technology Knowledge Sharing: Web Training, Google, MetaLink… • DBAs are getting better at managing all database objects, REDOs, temp tablspaces, init.ora …etc.

  7. Changes that made NAS Feasible for Databases • EMC NAS Storage optimizes response time • Enhanced multi path access to disk information • Cache rich environment • Guaranteed referential integrity • 8K UxFS Alignment to Oracle 8k Blocksizes • Increases in MHZ and ram for NAS Device data movers

  8. Why Jumbo Gig E ? • The Alteon Jumbo Frame study: • Jumbo Frames(9000MTU) provide 50% more throughput with 50% less CPU load than 1500 byte frames. • Smaller frames usually mean more CPU interrupts and more processing overhead for a given data transfer size. • 1500 MTU = +- 330 MB/Second throughput • 9000 MTU = +- 900 MB/Second throughput

  9. What do Jumbo Frames do for Database transactions ? • It depends on how the database is writing/reading from disk. • Size of transaction and the number of transactions • Generally Jumbo Frames will enhance OLTP throughput by 10-20% • Most performance gains are realized with DB maintenance, then gains of 300% can be realized.

  10. All Response factors • E = CPU + k * I/O + m * PF • E = transaction response time • CPU = time for the number of CPU clock ticks • k = time for each read/write operation • I/O = number of disk read/write operations • m = elapsed time for each page fault • PF = page faults, or the number of times a program needs another page of memory Source: Oracle

  11. Control Station NAS DM2 NAS DM3 Internal Network CX600 SPA CX600 SPB DAE Sample NAS Storage NS600 Network Storage Network 2 x 2.4 Ghz CPU 2 x 4 Gig ram AUX AUX = Ethernet Cable = Copper Fibre 8 Gig ram 4 – 8 tbytes

  12. Celerra NS600 High Availability • Platform • No single point of failure • N+1 power and battery backup • Redundant, hot-pluggable components • Mirrored write cache • De-stage write cache to DISK upon power failure • SNiiFFER: Sector inspection utility • Function • RAID protection (1, 5) • Dual Storage Processors with automatic failover • Primary / Standby Data Movers with automatic failover • Quick Data Mover reboots • Service • Non-disruptive microcode updates • Remote maintenance, call home, automatic diagnostics

  13. Transactions Bound for PFS Bitmap Production filesystem PFS Data Blocks Unchanged = 0, Changed = 1 DB0 DB0 0 SavVol DB1 DB1 0 Read PFS DB0 DB2 Save original DB2 DB2 1 Read PFS DB1 DB3 Save original DB5 DB3 0 Write over PFS DB2 DB4 Save original DB7 DB4 0 Write over PFS DB5 DB5 Save original DB8 DB5 1 Write over PFS DB7 DB6 Save original DB10 DB6 0 Write over PFS DB8 DB7 DB7 1 Write over PFS DB10 DB8 DB8 1 Read PFS DB0 DB9 DB9 0 Read PFS 3 DB10 DB10 1 DB11 DB11 0 Replication and Recovery NS600 SnapSure Rapid Database Replication • Replicates on the file system level • Makes use of a Celerra meta volume (SavVol) • Copy on first write • SavVol is NOT a BCV volume • Typically uses 10% of space of a mirror copy

  14. Architecture Planning: Hardware Infrastructure • Once properly setup Oracle EMC NAS Deployments are very easy to manage going forward. • Most organizations have the infrastructure and personnel in place to facilitate rapid deployment of storage using EMC tools • A separate storage network with private VLANS must be set up • Review existing host infrastructure for jumbo GigE (9000MTU) NIC Compatibility through entire storage stack….Host and Switch(s) • Two switches are recommended for DB High availability and recovery

  15. Architecture Planning: Database • Number of databases which will reside on each array • Size of the databases • Type of database (OLTP, data warehouse …etc.) • Combined peak I/O for all databases • Segmentation of I/O by database object • Number of concurrent users • Database response time • Other application activity on the storage • Backup considerations

  16. EMC Oracle Database Reference Architecture

  17. General NAS Architecture Guidelines for Oracle • Standard Oracle physical disk separation for DB safety • Separate Redo logs on at least two separate physical disk stripe sets • Present mounts for Redo logs down independent network connections or VLANS • If HA is required, place redo’s on separate switches • Design NAS file systems to satisfy I/O demand from each database object • Design IP connections to balance or distribute disk I/O

  18. EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service • Qualified DBs move to more cost effective storage • EMC and Oracle conduct a thorough pre-site inspection • Customer runs scripts supplied by Oracle and EMC are run to gather workload data, also new databases • Oracle and EMC will compile, review I/O stats, design, and test NAS Solution • Oracle and EMC Consultants perform: installation, setup, knowledge transfer and documentation • An industry leading EMC robust backup and recovery process will be installed and set up to optimize Mean Time to Recovery or (MTTR)

  19. EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service Oracle Database Now on NAS Ready for High Speed Backup and Recovery Oracle Source Database on DAS or Other EMCNAS Storage Source Storage DAS db1 Oracle Database NAS db1 Oracle Database Copy DB to robust 8k block EMC NAS Oracle and EMC consultants forward engineer all database objects and optimize database I/O on EMC NAS Oracle compiles and reviews database’s I/O for migration to NAS architecture

  20. EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service • Working together, Oracle and EMC Technical Specialists will perform the following steps on your Database in eight consecutive days to completion: • Project Scope and Organization • Phase I – Planning • Phase II – Design, Configure, and Test • Phase III – Documentation, Overview, Acceptance

  21. Phase I – Planning for a NAS Deployment • EMC Technical Solutions Consultants works closely with Oracle Consulting and your staff during this phase to conduct these pre-site “discovery” tasks: Run an analytical script in your environment which will: • Check for existence of specific patches/files • Server,O/S, DB Configurations (Source and Target) • Document the current DB file layout • Document the current storage array topology • Compile and study all I/O in the database • Detailed review and confirmation of the layout • Based on the results from pre-site probe, finalize and document the existing configuration for an in-depth study

  22. Phase II – Design, Configure, and Test Step 1 – Design • Application and database mount point layout for optimal NAS forward Engineering on an EMC NS600 NAS Storage array • Specify network and hardware infrastructure requirements (if any) • EMC will configure the NS600 and specify the right stripe depth for each NAS file system based on required Database I/O. • Oracle and EMC will design the backup and recovery process and optimize MTTR using robust and patented EMC technologies • A Test Plan will be set up to attain or exceed current service levels

  23. Phase II – Design, Configure, and Test (Continued) • Step 2 – Configure the NS600 for Optimal DB Deployment • The init.ora shared memory and semaphore parameters • Set up NAS REDO Log Multiplexing for data safety • Move data files and objects as necessary for NAS io optimization • Configure the NS600 Disks as specified in design phase • All application and database startup / shutdown scripts • RMAN and EMC Snapsure Backup and Recovery for all Databases

  24. Celerra Web Manager Designed to facilitate: • Efficient storage management • Complete functional action on entire NAS storage stack • Performance analysis with Celerra monitor

  25. Phase II – Design, Configure, and Test (Continued) • Step 3 – Test the entire Oracle on EMC NAS Deployment • Substantiate the transition strategy • Execute some standard database I/O tests, review stats pack • Thoroughly review target NAS Database • Application startup/shutdown testing source and target • Review and test backup and recovery • Full system and application stress test

  26. Phase III – Documentation, Functional Overview, and Acceptance • EMC Consulting and Oracle Consulting perform these tasks • Complete, review and deliver “best practices” engagement documentation for: • The entire Oracle and EMC NAS Accelerator Service • Before and after: architecture, storage, application, and db configuration • Application and database backup / recovery processes and benchmarks • Allow for knowledge transfer throughout the entire engagement by allowing you or your staff to assist and shadow consultants • Gain acceptance of all procedures from you and your staff

  27. Benefits of the EMC Oracle Database on NAS Accelerator Service • Reduced Cost: • Fixed price engagement • Rapid installation with proven methodology • Reduced Risk: • Optimal setup has been validated by Oracle in EMC Labs and is globally supported • Repeatable NAS Database Storage methodology is established for additional db deployments • Improved SLA • Fully-documented implementation • Oracle Database experts will verify that all database objects properly relocated and tuned on NAS • World-class and Robust Global Presence provides solutions, service, and 24x7x365 support for years to come

  28. Solution Presentation Summary • Using NAS for databases : Now Feasible • NAS Database Architecture Overview • Important Metrics for planning: I/O review • Solution: Jointly-developed Oracle database on NAS accelerator service • Full Live Oracle 11i on NAS Demonstration at the EMC Booth

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