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THE HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF EARTH’S SURFACE/ SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN MUKA BUMI. Our earth was formed about 4,6 billion years ago together with the formation of one solar system called the solar family.
Our earth was formed about 4,6 billion years ago together with the formation of one solar system called the solar family. Bumikitaterbentuksekitar 4,6 miliartahunyang lalubersamaandenganterbentuknyasatusistemtatasurya yang dinamakankeluargamatahari
Earth is one member planet of our solar system. The occurrence process of the earth is equal to the sun. because of its volume is smaller than the sun, its formation process is faster. Bumimerupakansalahsatu planet anggotasistemtatasuryakita. Prosesterjadinyabumisamadenganterjadinyamatahari. Karenavolumenyalebihkecildaripadamatahari, makaprosespembentukannyalebihcepat.
In information process of earth, it happens separation base on to its mass. The heavy part forms core that is called barisphere (earth’s core), while the lighter part forms earth’s crust or often called lithosphere Padaprosespembentukanbumi, terjadipemisahanbahanmenurutberatnya. Bagian yang beratmemusatmembentukinti yang dinamakanbarisfer (intibumi), sedangkanbagian yang ringanmembentukkerakbumiatauseringdisebutkerakbumi.
Padawaktupendinginan, terjadikondensasi,kemudianterjadihujan, setelahitu air hujanmengisibagian-bagianbumi yang lebihrendahdanmembentuklapisan air yang dinamakanhidrosfer. Selainhidrosferdanlitosfer, bumijugadiselimutiolehlapisanudaraatauatmosferdanlapisankehidupanataubiosfer In cooling process, it happens condensation, than happens rain, after that the rain water fills the lower parts of earth and forms watery layer called hydrosphere. Besides hydrosphere and lithosphere, the earth is also covered by air layer or atmosphere and life layer called biosphere
In carbon era, the continents unite form the big continent called pangeathat in Greek means” the whole world”. Padamasakarbon, benua-benuamenyatumembentukbenuabesar yang disebutpangeayang dalambahasaYunaniberarti “keseluruhanbumi”.
a. PLATE TECTONIC THEORY/ TEORI TEKTONIK LEMPENG(Alfred Wagener) plate tectonic is a theory that explains earth’s dynamic process about the formation of mountain path, volcanic path, earthquake path, and sedimentation basin on the surface of earth that is caused by movement of the plate Tektoniklempengadalahsuatuteori yang menerangkanprosesdinamikabumitentangpembentukanjalurpegunungan, jalurgunungapi, jalurgempabumi, dancekunganendapandimukabumi yang diakibatkanolehpergerakanlempeng.
According to this theory earth’s crust (lithosphere) can be assumed as very strong raft and relatively cold that floats on elastic astenosphere mantel and very hot, or it can be equaled to icy island that floats on sea water Menurutteoriinikerakbumi (litosfer) dapatdiasumsikansebagaisuaturakit yang sangatkuatdanrelatifdingin yang mengapungdiatas mantel astenosfer yang liatdansangatpanas, ataubisajugadisamakandenganpulaues yang mengapungdiatas air laut.
There aretwo kinds of earth’s crust those are oceanic crust that is made up of rock with base property and very base property, those are found in fery deep ocean, and continental crust that is made up of acidic rock and thicker than oceanic crust. Adaduajeniskerakbumiyaknikeraksamudera yang tersusunolehbatuanbersifatbasadansangatbasa, yang dijumpaidisamuderasangatdalam, dankerakbenuatersusunolehbatuanasamdanlebihtebaldarikeraksamudera
In the theory is explained several analysis among others are as follows:Dalamteoritersebutdijelaskanbeberapaanalisisantara lain sebagaiberikut:
The presence of geological formation between east coast of American continent with west coast of Europe and Africa. The condition proves that geological formation in west coast of Africa is equal to east coast of America. AdanyapersamaanformasigeologiantarapantaitimurBenuaAmerikadenganpantaibaratEropadanAfrika. Hal tersebutmembuktikanbahwaformasigeologidipantaibaratAfrikasamadenganpantaitimurAmerika.
The presence of Greenland Island moves away Europe land with velocity of 36 meters per year. Meanwhile Madagaskar Island moves away South Africa as far as 9 meters/ year. AdanyagerakanPulau Greenland menjauhidaratanEropadengankecepatan 36 meter setiaptahun. SedangkanPulauMadagaskarmenjauhiAfrika Selatan sejauh 9 meter/ tahun.
b. CONTRACTION THEORY/ TEORI KONTRAKSI(Des Cartes) According to contraction theory “that our Earth decreashes, wrinkles, because ofcooling, so that happened valleys.” Menurutteorikontraksi “bahwabumikitasusut, mengkerutkarenapendinginan, sehinggaterjadilahlembah-lembah”
c. Ed Suess’s Theory/ Teory Ed Swess(Ed Swess) According to Swess, the similarity of geological formation found in South America, India, Australia and Antarctic is caused by unification of land, the united land is called Gondwana Continent. The continent now is only remains because another parts of it has been swallowed by the sea. MenurutSwess, adanyapersamaanformasigeologi yang terdapatdiAmerika Selatan, India, Australia danAntartikadisebabkanolehbersatunyadaratan, daratan-daratan yang menyatuitudisebutbenuaGondwana. Benuatersebutsekarangtinggalsisa-sisakarenabagian lain sudahtertelanlaut.
EVERYTHING WILL BE OVER, WITH THE BLOWING TIME…………. • Source: Geografi Bilingual X, HarmatoGatot, penerbitYramaWidya Bandung. • By: Sofie