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UNRAAVEL. -A Reading Strategy. The Steps. U nderline the title. N ow predict the passage. R un through and number the paragraphs. A re you reading the questions? A re the important words circled? V enture through & read the passage. E liminate incorrect answers.
UNRAAVEL -A Reading Strategy
The Steps • Underline the title. • Now predict the passage. • Run through and number the paragraphs. • Are you reading the questions? • Are the important words circled? • Venture through & read the passage. • Eliminate incorrect answers. • Lets the questions be answered.
UNRAAVEL • Have students write UNRAAVEL on their paper so that they can mark out the letter as they complete the step.
U: Underline the title • Read the title when you are underlining it. • This activates prior knowledge. • This step prepares you to make predictions & connections.
N: Now predict the passage • Ask yourself “What do I think this passage will be about?”. • Use your prior knowledge. • Use pictures, charts, or graphs if there are any available.
R: Run through and number the paragraphs • This helps you to locate the answers. • This helps you to organize your thoughts.
A: Are your reading the questions? • This helps you know what to look for. • This saves you time so you don’t have to hunt for answers. • DO NOT answer the questions yet!
A: Are the important words circled? • Look for keywords & vocabulary. • This helps you stay focused on reading. • This helps you top locate answers quickly. • These are often the “answers.”
V: Venture through and read the passage • Read the passage carefully • Reread if needed
E: Eliminate the wrong answers • Cross out any silly answers • Cross out answers that you know are wrong • This gives you less choices. • This makes it easier to locate the correct answer.
L: Let the questions be answered • Answer the questions • Write the paragraph number where you found the answer