DISC Personality is the universal language which helps parents to understand their children behavior. Research has shown that behavioral characteristics can be grouped together in four major divisions called personality styles. People with similar personality profiles styles tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics common to that profile. All people share these four styles in varying degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters: D (Dominant), I (Influencing), S (Steady) & C (Compliant) ”Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open and rules are flexible –the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.” by Viginia Satir Who Should Participate? Parents who wants to enhance family harmony, reduce negative conflict at home and improve realationships between family members. What are the Topic of Discussion? Parents will be able to be aware of and understand your personality styles Parents will be aware of the strengths and limitations of those styles Be able to appreciate each other’s uniqueness and strengths and each individual’s contribution to the family DISCover your personality strengths Speaker: Fadzilah is a freelance Family Life Educator and Writer with the first Malay parenting magazine ‘ZURIAT-Kau Ilhamku’ [Offspring-You are my Inspiration] published by Singapore covering all sorts of interesting information for entire family. DISC 人格行为分析重点 人格行为分析是让家长通过一个程序的测试促成认识 己 认识别人, 让有丰富经验的分析师引导您,达到知己知彼百战百胜的美好人生,通过行为分析来管理自己的情绪,并且了解各自的冲突模式,使自己在亲子关系和家庭关系上更加能站在优势的角度看待自己和他人,这将提供家长在管理家庭生活和培育孩子成长的角度上有极大的帮助。 人的短处和长处就会成为家庭生活里的彼此扶持成长的基要生活。让这工作坊给您新的角度看亲子,夫妻,婆媳和邻里的关系。 工作坊的内容: 人的基本人格本像的说明。 了解自己的行为取向的分析。 一般人看到的我,我自己了解的自己, 我的原来特质 人际关系,积极思考,情感世界等等如何在不同人格类别里起不同的作用。 父母的人格如何塑造下一代的成长 。 从人格分析看学生家长和孩子之间的矛盾关系。 怎样使我们的家庭生活内涵有更多的幸福快乐。 Speaker: 陈有敬,今年56岁,已婚27年,育有一子今年22岁,曾在公共部门服务20年,拥有神学学士文凭,合格的导师训练证书,合格行为分析师证书 (DISC) ,并拥有14年的社区牧会经验, 曾担任多年居民委员会主席,咨询委员会委员,善长带领小组培训, 办过多届的青少年,家庭生活与及促进夫妻良好关系的营会。 Come and Join us this February for more exciting SFE Workshop!
“Why was she smiling when I was giving my explanation? She must be mocking me!” Marriage Workshop by SFE OPSS Men Are Always Right; Women Are Never Wrong Such thoughts are common in our marriages. We think we know what is in our partner’s mind and we are convinced that we are right! Unfortunately both you and your partner feel the same way! Who is right and who is wrong? Maybe the issue is not about who is right or wrong; or even who is to be blamed. Could it be that we are simply misreading the “signs” that we give to each other? Do join us for an interesting and practical marriage workshop, “Men are always right; women are never wrong”. Come and learn to be more aware of our tendency to “mind read and misread” the signals we give to each other. • Check price & menu! • you only pay $12 • Instead of $20 (SFE subsidy) • Choices of menu • Fun Games • Interactive activities • Friday, 25 Feb from 7-10pm • @ Buddy Hoagies • Nee Soon South CC • 30 Yishun St 81 • S 768455 Speakers: Halbert & Bong Louis Halbert Louis is a dynamic, energetic and fun speaker with 20 years experience working in the pastoral ministry in various cities in SE Asia. Though a graduate in Engineering from NTU, his passion is building and impacting people’s lives. Apart from conducting workshops in marriage and parenting, he has also devoted his energy in implementing various programs for the underprivileged in Malaysia. Halbert also works as a counsellor and holds a Master’s degree in Counselling. Bong Louis graduated from NUS. She is also a Family Life Educator. Halbert h& Bong have been married for 18 years. They have two bright teenage daughters studying in Singapore. “Why is he always tired? He must be sick of me!” “He is silent because he must be angry with me!” “If only he (or she) would listen to me! Our problems will be solved and everything will be ok.”
FAMILY BONDING NITE TOUR 11 March Friday Start from 9pm to 6.30am Per pax: $25
REGISTRATION FORM Pupil’s Name ___________________________________________ Class:_____________ Father’s Name: ______ (*Attending/Not Attending) __________________(HP No) Mother’s Name: ______ (*Attending/Not Attending) __________________(HP No) Email: _____________ (Father) __ (Mother) Please complete the registration form and return it to the School General Office by 15 Feb 2011. For further enquiries, please contact SFE Coordinator, Mrs Lindy Tan, HP: 96586735, or email to: opss.sfe@gmail.com or Dr Agnes Tan , HP: 90266664, or email to:stagnes@singnet.com.sg