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Missing mass spectroscopy. neutron. -hole. emitted proton. Incident p +. nucleus. meson. Candidate reactions : recoil-free production. (d, 3 He) reaction … established method p atom formation (96, 98, 01). S.Hirenzaki, H.Toki, T.Yamazaki, PRC44(91)2472, …
Missing mass spectroscopy neutron -hole emitted proton Incident p+ nucleus meson Candidate reactions : recoil-free production • (d,3He) reaction …established method p atom formation (96, 98, 01) S.Hirenzaki, H.Toki, T.Yamazaki, PRC44(91)2472, … K.Itahashi, et al., PRC62(00)025202, … • (g,p) reaction … smaller distortion effect M.Kohno, H.Tanabe PLB231(89)219 E.Marco, W.Weise, PLB502(01)59 … etc. • (p,N) reaction… pion beam at J-PARC Chrien et al., PRL60(1988)2595 Liu, Haider, PRC34(1986)1845
meson production in recoil-free kinematics magic momentum in (p,N) reaction h-mesic nuclei pp ~ 1 GeV/c N*(1535)-hole ... N*(1535) in medium 900 800 w-mesic nuclei pp ~ 2-3 GeV/c 700 w mass shift / N(1520)-hole coupling 600 h’-mesic nuclei pp ~ 3-5 GeV/c 500 UA(1) anomaly effect in medium momentum transfer q [MeV/c] h w h’(958) 400 300 h h’ 200 w 100 mh’– 100 MeV 0 5.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 incident pion momentum pp [GeV/c] ~ 0.9 GeV/c ~ 2.7 GeV/c ~ 1.8 GeV/c mw – 80 MeV
mass Kaiser, Siegel, Weise PLB362(95)23 Waas, Weise NPA625(97)287 Garcia-Recio, Nieves, Inoue, Oset PLB550(02)47 Inoue, Oset NPA710(02)354 Chiral unitary model quasi bound state of KS r = 0.8 r0 … T V V V = + + no Pauli blocking for S in nuclear medium sh(0,k0) coupled channel Bethe-Salpater eq. in medium No mass shifts of N* is expected in the nuclear medium 650 400 450 500 550 600 w [MeV] sh(0,k0) r = 0.3 r0 0 50 -100 -50 100 What causes the level crossing ? : partial restoration of chiral symmetry DeTar, Kunihiro PRD39(89)2805 Jido, Nemoto, Oka, Hosaka NPA671(00)471 Jido, Oka, Hosaka PTP106(01)873 Kim, Jido, Oka NPA640(98)77 Chiral doublet model N* : Chiral partner of nucleon mass difference of N* and N C ~ 0.2 : strength of chiral restoration at the saturation density r0 reduction of mass difference in the nuclear medium N* :resonance dynamicallygeneratedin meson-baryon scattering Inoue, Oset NPA710(02)354
(K.Itanashi, H.Fujioka, S.Hirenzaki, D.Jido, H.Nagahiro, Letter of Intent for J-PARC 2007) 80 60 0s : (B.E.,G) = (9.7,35.0) [MeV]* 40 shallow b.s. * 12C Garcia-Recio et al., PLB550(02)47 20 0 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 Eex – E0 [MeV] Eex – E0 [MeV] h-mesic nuclei formation spectra Tp = 650 MeV (pp = 777 MeV/c) : q = 0 deg. (Lab) Chiral doublet model [C=0.2] Chiral unitary model elementary cross section S.Prakhov et al., [Crystal Ball Collaboration] PRC72,015203 (2005). deep b.s. 0s : (B.E., G) = (91.3, 26.3) [MeV]
w w p r p r N N w w r p p N N w mesic nuclei formation • w meson properties in medium • various models/approaches • scaling rule • Brown and Rho, PRL66, 2720 (1991) • QCD sum rule • Hatsuda and Lee, PRC46, 34 (1992). • SU(3) chiral Lagrangian • Klingl, Kaiser and Weise, NPA624, 527 (1997) • Klingl, Waas, Weise, NPA650(99)299 • Marco, Weise, PLB502(01)59 • couples to N*(1520)-hole • Lutz, Wolf, Friman, NPA706, 431 (2002) • w/ Walecka model (s-w mixing) • Saito, Tsushima, Thomas, Williams, PLB433(1998)243 • Saito, Tsushima, Lu, Thomas, PRC59(1999)1203 • experimental works • invariant mass • p + A w + X at KEK E325 : (M.Naruki at al., PRL96(06)092301 etc.) • g + A w + X p0g +X’ by ELSA-TAPS : (D.Trnka et al., PRL94(05)192303) • missing mass • (g,p) reaction at SPring-8 LEPS (N.Muramatsu, LEPS group) • (p,N) reaction at J-PARC (K.Ozawa and R.S.Hayano, LoI for J-PARC, ’07) : w w N(1520) N N
(K.Ozawa and R.S.Hayano, LoI for J-PARC, ’07) w-mesic nuclei formation spectra by (p,N) reaction reaction : 12C(p+,p)11Cw elementary cross section incident pion momentum : pp = 1.8 GeV/c G.Penner and U.Mosel, PRC65(02)055202data: J.S.Danburg et al., Lawrence Radiation Lab. PRD2(1970)2564 proton angle : 0 degree 4 (a) V0 = − (156,29i) MeV (b) V0 = − (100,50i) MeV (c) V0 = − (0,50i) MeV 1/10 of h case 3 excess from large imaginary part 2 smooth 1 0 100 -100 -50 0 50 -100 -50 0 50 -100 -50 0 50 Eex – E0 [MeV] Eex – E0 [MeV] Eex – E0 [MeV]
4 3 900 w mode 800 mw 2 700 [MeV] 1 mN*-mN 600 N*-hole mode 500 0 -300 -250 -200 -150 400 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 r/r0 N(1520)-hole coupling ? w gwNN* hole N*(1520) gwNN* w N*(1520)-h -100 -50 0 50 100 Eex – E0 [MeV]
h’ h p Dmh’ ~ -150 MeV @ r0 Dmh ~ +20 MeV @ r0 Anomaly effect in vacuum T. Kunihiro, PLB219(89)363 P. Costa et al.,PLB560(03)171, etc. h’(958) meson in medium H.N., M.Takizawa, S.Hirenzaki, PRC74(06)045203 • we consider the SU(2) sym. matter as the sym. nuclear matter. anomaly term effect Kunihiro, Hatsuda, PLB206(88)385, Fig.3 NJL model + KMT int. ... reproduce the heavy h’ mass h and h’ mass shifts @ r0 We can see the large medium effect evenat normal nuclear density.
quasi-free quasi-free V0= - (156+29i) [MeV] (Klingl et al., NPA650(99)299) quasi-free h’ h h’-mesic nuclei formation by (g,p) reaction at Eg = 2.7 GeV H.N., S.Hirenzaki, PRL94(05)232503 H.N., M.Takizawa, S.Hirenzaki, PRC74(06)045203 gD = -12.36/L5 W0 = – 20 MeV w