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14. Overview. Miscellaneous Utility Functions Return Type Deduction Generic Lambdas Generalised Lambda Captures C++14 Literals constexpr Functions Variable Templates Shared Mutexes and Locking Improved <functional > O perators Tuple Addressing via Type

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  1. 14

  2. Overview • MiscellaneousUtilityFunctions • Return Type Deduction • GenericLambdas • GeneralisedLambdaCaptures • C++14 Literals • constexprFunctions • Variable Templates • Shared MutexesandLocking • Improved<functional>Operators • TupleAddressing via Type • Type Deductionanddecltype(auto)

  3. MiscellaneousUtilityFunctions std::make_unique std::cbegin, std::cend, … std::exchange Robuust Sequence Operations quotedStream Manipulator

  4. std::make_unique<memory> usingnamespacestd; auto answer = make_unique<int>(42);auto zero = make_unique<int>(); auto array = make_unique<int[]>(10); auto v = make_unique<vector<int>>(5,-1); structPerson { Person(string,string, int) {}; } auto me = make_unique<Person> ("Peter","Van Weert", 1983); std::unique_ptr<int>

  5. std::make_unique<memory> • make_unique<LongTypeName>(…)versus unique_ptr<LongTypeName>( new LongTypeName(…));

  6. std::make_unique<memory> • make_unique<LongTypeName[]>(…)versus unique_ptr<LongTypeName[]>( newLongTypeName[…]); • f(unique_ptr<X>(new X(…)), unique_ptr<Y>(new Y(…)), g(…));versusf(make_unique<X>(…),make_unique<Y>(…), g(…));

  7. MiscellaneousUtilityFunctions • std::cbegin+std::cend<iterator> • E.g. cbegin(myVector) i/o myVector.cbegin() • Works on C-style arrays • Convenientfortemplatised code • Alsostd::rbegin/rend, std::crbegin/crend • std::exchange <utility> auto oldVal = std::exchange(x, newVal);

  8. MiscellaneousUtilityFunctions • Robuust SequenceOperations <algorithm> • equal(v1.begin(),v1.end(), v2.begin())  equal(v1.begin(),v1.end(),v2.begin(),v2.end()) • Analogousformismatch and is_permutation • quotedStreamManipulator<iomanip> • cout<< std::quoted("Hello World!"); > "HelloWorld!" • cin << std::quoted(myString, '\''); < 'Hello Computer!!' assert(myString == "Hello Computer!!");

  9. OtherMiscellaneous Utilities • Null forward iterators • Discourageduse of rand() • [[deprecated]]attribute • …

  10. LambdaExpressions (C++11) LambdaExpressions as AnonymousFunctions

  11. LambdaExpressions (C++11) std::vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](inta, intb) { returna > b; } );

  12. FunctionObjects (C++98) std::vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; structLambda { bool operator()(inta, intb) const { returna > b; } }; std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Lambda());

  13. LambdaExpressions (C++11) autocomp = [](inta, intb) { returna > b; }; std::vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 };std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp); bool(*fptr)(int,int) = comp;std::function<bool(int,int)>fun = comp; std::cout << comp(123, 45) << std::endl;

  14. Return Type Deduction Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++11) Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++14) NormalFunction Return Type Deduction (C++14)

  15. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++11) usingnamespacestd; vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; auto newEnd = remove_if(begin(v),end(v), [](inta) { returna % 2 == 1; } ); v.erase(newEnd, end(v));std::for_each(cbegin(v), cend(v), [](inta) { cout << a << endl; });

  16. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++11) usingnamespacestd; vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; autonewEnd = remove_if(begin(v), end(v), [](inta) {if (a % 2 == 0) returnfalse; cout<< "Removed " << a << endl; returntrue;}); v.erase(newEnd, end(v));

  17. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++11) usingnamespacestd; vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; autonewEnd = remove_if(begin(v), end(v), [](inta) -> bool {if (a % 2 == 0) returnfalse; cout<< "Removed " << a << endl; returntrue;}); v.erase(newEnd, end(v));

  18. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++14) usingnamespacestd; vector<int> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; autonewEnd = remove_if(begin(v), end(v), [](inta) {if (a % 2 == 0) returnfalse; cout<< "Removed " << a << endl; returntrue;}); v.erase(newEnd, end(v));

  19. LambdaReturn Type Deduction (C++14) usingnamespacestd; string k3[] {"Karen","Kristel","Kathleen"}; transform(cbegin(k3), cend(k3), begin(k3), [](conststring& s) { if (s.empty()) return" ";elsereturns.substr(0, 1);});

  20. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++14) usingnamespacestd; string k3[] {"Karen","Kristel","Kathleen"}; transform(cbegin(k3), cend(k3), begin(k3), [](conststring& s) { return s.empty()? " ":s.substr(0, 1);});

  21. LambdaReturn Type Deduction (C++14) usingnamespacestd; string k3[] {"Karen","Kristel","Kathleen"}; transform(cbegin(k3), cend(k3), begin(k3), [](conststring& s) -> string { if (s.empty()) return" ";elsereturns.substr(0, 1);});

  22. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++14) usingnamespacestd; string k3[] {"Karen","Kristel","Kathleen"}; transform(cbegin(k3), cend(k3), begin(k3), [](conststring& s) { if (s.empty()) returnstring(" ");elsereturns.substr(0, 1);});

  23. Lambda Return Type Deduction (C++14) usingnamespacestd; string k3[] {"Karen","Kristel","Kathleen"}; transform(cbegin(k3), cend(k3), begin(k3), [](conststring& s) { if(!s.size()) return" ";elsereturns.substr(0, 1).c_str();});

  24. Function Return Type Deduction (C++14) std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator autofind(conststd::vector<std::string>& v){for (auto i = cbegin(v); i!= cend(v); ++i) {if(*i== "Waldo")returni; }returncend(v);}

  25. Function Return Type Deduction (C++14) unsignedlonglong auto fib(unsignedi){if (i < 2)return 1ull;elsereturn fib(i - 1) + fib(i - 2);}

  26. Function Return Type Deduction (C++14) auto fib(unsignedi){if(i>= 2)returnfib(i - 1) + fib(i- 2); elsereturn1ull;}

  27. Function Return Type Deduction (C++14) auto fib(unsignedi){if(i>= 2)returnfib(i - 1) + fib(i- 2); elsereturn1ull;}

  28. Return Type Deduction • C++11 • Lambda return type deduction (implicit ‘-> auto’) • Single return statement or void • C++14 • Multiple statements • Multiple return statements of same type • Normal function return type deduction (auto) • Recursion once return type is deduced • Functionswith auto return type cannotbe virtual

  29. GenericLambdas

  30. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto x, auto y) { returnx + y; }; std::vector<int> x{ 1, 2, 3 }; std::vector<int> y{ 4, 5, 6 }; std::vector<int> z(3); std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(),y.begin(), z.begin(), plus);

  31. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto x, auto y) { returnx + y; }; std::vector<double> x{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }; std::vector<double> y{ 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 }; std::vector<double> z(3); std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(),y.begin(), z.begin(), plus);

  32. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto x, auto y) { returnx + y; }; std::vector<double> x{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }; std::vector<int> y{ 4, 5, 6 }; std::vector<double> z(3); std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(),y.begin(), z.begin(), plus);

  33. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto x, auto y) { returnx + y; }; vector<string> x{"one", "two", "three"}; vector<string> y{"four", "five", "six"}; vector<string> z(3); std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(),y.begin(), z.begin(), plus);

  34. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto&&x,auto&&y) { returnx + y; }; vector<string> x{"one", "two", "three"}; vector<string> y{"four", "five", "six"}; vector<string> z(3); std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(),y.begin(), z.begin(), plus);

  35. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto x, auto y) { returnx + y; }; int (*fptr1)(int, int) = plus; double (*fptr2)(int, double) = plus; function<float(float,float)> f(plus); std::cout << plus(123,456) << std::endl;

  36. GenericLambdas static auto plus = [](auto&&x,auto&&y) { returnx + y; }; structPlus{ template<typenameT1, typenameT2>auto operator(T1&& x, T2&& y)const { returnx + y; };/* Function pointer conversion... */};

  37. GeneralisedLambdaCaptures LambdaCaptures (C++11) GeneralisedLambdaCaptures (C++14)

  38. LambdaCaptures (C++11) usingnamespacestd; vector<float> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; floatavg = Average(v); double std = ...

  39. LambdaCaptures (C++11) usingnamespacestd; vector<float> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; floatavg = Average(v);double std = sqrt(accumulate(cbegin(v), cend(v), 0., [avg](double acc, floatx){return acc+= (x-avg) * (x-avg);}) / v.size());

  40. GeneralisedLambdaCaptures (C++14) usingnamespacestd; vector<float> v{ 7, 9, 7, 2, 0, 4 }; double std = sqrt(accumulate(cbegin(v), cend(v), 0., [avg= Average(v)](double a, floatx){return a += (x-avg) * (x-avg);}) / v.size());

  41. LambdaCaptures (C++11) constunsignednum = 100;std::vector<unsigned> v(num); unsignedcounter = 0;std::generate_n(v.begin(), num, [&counter]() { return ++counter; } );

  42. LambdaCaptures (C++11) constunsignednum = 100;std::vector<unsigned> v(num); unsignedcounter = 0;std::generate_n(v.begin(), num, [counter]() { return ++counter; } );

  43. LambdaCaptures (C++11) constunsignednum = 100;std::vector<unsigned> v(num); unsignedcounter = 0;std::generate_n(v.begin(), num, [counter]() mutable { return ++counter; } );

  44. GeneralisedLambdaCaptures (C++14) constunsignednum = 100;std::vector<unsigned> v(num); std::generate_n(v.begin(), num, [counter = 0u]() mutable { return ++counter; } );

  45. GeneralisedLambdaCaptures (C++14) constunsignednum = 100;std::vector<unsigned> v(num); std::generate_n(v.begin(), num, [/*auto */counter = 0u]() mutable { return ++counter; } );

  46. LambdaCaptures (C++11) usingFilter = std::function<bool(conststd::string&>; virtual Filter GetFilter(/*...*/) override{usingnamespacestd; unordered_set<string> huge;/* Gather strings in huge... */ return [=](conststring& s) { return huge.count(s) > 0; }}

  47. LambdaCaptures (C++11) usingFilter = std::function<bool(conststd::string&>; virtual Filter GetFilter(/*...*/) override{usingnamespacestd; auto_ptr<unordered_set<string>>huge(newunordered_set<string>);/* Gather strings in huge... */ return [=](conststring& s) { return huge->count(s) > 0; }}

  48. GeneralisedLambdaCaptures (C++14) usingFilter = std::function<bool(conststd::string&>; virtual Filter GetFilter(/*...*/) override{usingnamespacestd; unordered_set<string> huge;/* Gather strings in huge... */ return [huge=move(huge)](conststring& s) { return huge.count(s) > 0; }}

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