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Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One. Janice C. Lee ( STScI ) Lowell Observatory Dwarf Galaxy Workshop June 19, 2012. twanight.org?id=3001717 LMC, SMC, MW. Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One. “The Outer Edges of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies” 2002.
Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One Janice C. Lee (STScI) Lowell Observatory Dwarf Galaxy Workshop June 19, 2012 twanight.org?id=3001717 LMC, SMC, MW
Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One “The Outer Edges of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies” 2002 Janice C. Lee (STScI) Lowell Observatory Dwarf Galaxy Workshop June 19, 2012 twanight.org?id=3001717 LMC, SMC, MW
Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One? From a theoretical perspective… perhaps begin from first principles… review talks by MacLow, Krumholz, Bournaud
Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One? From an observational perspective…
Understanding Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Step One? From an observational perspective… Review talks by Leroy (dust) Bolatto (molecular gas) N4449 Haro11
Identification of samples are challenging for intrinsically faint, relatively low surface brightness galaxies. Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs
Samples are well- characterized & statistically complete (e.g. Markarian 1967; SBS: Markarian et al. 1986; KISS: Salzer et al. 2000) IIZw40 IIZw40 IZw18 IZw18 Samples are representative (e.g. Hunter & Gallagher 1985; van Zee 2001; Hunter & Elmegreen 2004) Previous work established dwarfs as crucial foil for studies of spirals & more massive galaxies: less dusty, gas rich, but generally low gas densities, no spiral density waves (low shear), blue, metal-poor, ~5% ~95% Lee+09a
LVL/11HUGS Kennicutt+08 Dale+09 Lee+11 progression toward statistically complete samples of dwarfs…. ALFALFA Giovanelli+05 Huang+12 ANGST Dalcanton+09 Weisz+11 AVOCADO (N~7000!) Sanchez-Janssen+12
LVL/11HUGS Kennicutt+08 Dale+09 Lee+11 Enables study of star formation statistics: - starburst duty cycles - prevalence of different SF states - maturation from dependence on taxonomy to quantitative characterization and analysis ALFALFA Giovanelli+05 Huang+12 ANGST Dalcanton+09 Weisz+11 AVOCADO Sanchez-Janssen+12
Enables study of star formation statistics: - starburst duty cycles - prevalence of different SF states - maturation from dependence on taxonomy to quantitative characterization and analysis Bergvall12 BCDs? HII galaxies? Sargent-Searleobjects? starbursts? What is a “blue compact dwarf?” (e.g., Gil de Paz+03) What is a [dwarf] “starburst?” (e.g., Lee+09a; Knapen+09; McQuinn+09; Bergvall 12) BCDs? HII galaxies? Sargent-Searleobjects? starbursts? What is a “blue compact dwarf?” What is a [dwarf] “starburst?” Lee+09a
Identification of samples are challenging for intrinsically faint, relatively low surface brightness galaxies. Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs How is the SFR measured in these samples?
Methods of measuring SFRs Resolved stellar populations and CMD fitting: e.g., Gallart+96; Tolstoy & Saha96; Dolphin+97 review talk by Weisz Weisz+08 t(now)-1 Gyr time t(now)
UV PAHs MIR FIR [OII] H Methods of measuring SFRs a galaxy SED… Why the need for so many different diagnostics? dust timescales redshift considerations UV continuum [OII]3727 H-alpha 6563A (H recombination lines) PAH Total IR (monochromatic LIR) [CII] 158um (fine structure cooling lines) Radio Continuum
Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage
Methods of measuring SFRs Theme 2: progression toward broad multi-wavelength UV-IR coverage Dale+09 Herschel GALEX new results from Herschel DGS Key Program (Madden+) Spitzer
Methods of measuring SFRs: exploring SF at low density with GALEX Conditions in extended disks of spirals similar to that in dwarf irregulars (e.g., Bigiel+08) … clues on the importance of local vs. global properties in determining SF. GALEX M83
UV PAHs MIR FIR [OII] H Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage enables comparison between diagnostics. a galaxy SED… UV continuum [OII]3727 H-alpha 6563A (H recombination lines) PAH Total IR (monochromatic LIR) [CII] 158um (fine structure cooling lines) Radio Continuum
Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage enables comparison between diagnostics. a galaxy SED… Example 1: IR, dust reprocessed emission -dIrrs relatively Transparent -Use calibrations based on more massive galaxies with care for measuring SFRs in dwarfs. TIR cannot be used alone to measure SFR in most dwarfs. Kennicutt+09
Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage enables comparison between diagnostics. Example 2: H-alpha & UV emission J.C. Lee+09b -6 -4 -2 0 -4 -2 0
Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage enables comparison between diagnostics. Example 2: H-alpha & UV emission J.C. Lee+09b Use calibrations (e.g., with form SFR=cL) with caution for dwarfs esp. for SFRsless than ~0.001 Msun/yr (Lee+09b; Leroy+12)! FUV more robust than H-alpha? But why? back to this in a moment…
Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage enables comparison between diagnostics. Example 3: radio continuum, IR Slide courtesy of U. Klein (Bonn)
Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage enables comparison between diagnostics. Little known about radio continuum properties of typical dIrrs…. Slide courtesy of U. Klein (Bonn)
e.g., UV emission; radio; FIR SFR > c L(70 um) SFR > c L(1.4 GHz) yet L(70 um)/L(1.4 GHz) still on radio-FIR correlation!?
Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage Theme 3: increased mass resolution in population synthesis models
…to population synthesis with individual stars… • SLUG “A New Way to Stochastically Light Up Galaxies” • (da Silva+12) • BPASS “Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis” • (Eldridge+08; Eldridge & Stanway 09) • MASSCLEAN “MASSiveCLuster Evolution and ANalysis Package” • (Popescu & Hanson09;10 – only for SSPs) …enables interpretation of observed properties of low mass, low SFR systems. How does stochastic formation of high mass impact observed and physical properties of dwarfs?
Fumagalli+11 J.C. Lee+09b …enables interpretation of observed properties of low mass, low SFR systems. How does stochastic formation of high mass impact observed and physical properties of dwarfs?
An example: star formation efficiencies Lee&Gil de Paz+11 How does stochastic formation of high mass impact observed and physical properties of dwarfs?
An example: star formation efficiencies Lee&Gil de Paz+11 How does stochastic formation of high mass impact observed and physical properties of dwarfs?
Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage Theme 3: increased mass resolution in population synthesis models Theme 4: using old tricks to find dwarfs at high-z
Samples are well- characterized & statistically complete (e.g. Markarian 1967; SBS: Markarian et al. 1986; KISS: Salzer et al. 2000) IIZw40 IIZw40 IZw18 IZw18 Theme 4: Using old tricks to find dwarf galaxies at higher redshift. “Ultra Strong Emission Line Galaxies” USELs at high-z ? 0.35 < z < 2.3 WFC3 IR grism surveys: WISPS (Atek+10) 3D-HST (van Dokkum+11) z=0.8 & z=2.2 IR NB surveys Hayes+10; Sobral+12; Lee+12
Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage Theme 3: increased mass resolution in population synthesis models Theme 4: using old tricks to find dwarfs at high-z Theme 5: realizing that “no man is an island” may apply to all galaxies including dwarfs
… to galaxy ecology… M82 M81 HoIX N3077 Croxall+2009 I-band Yun+1994 HI
…even for seemingly isolated dwarf galaxies. “The Dr. Jeckyll/Mr. Hyde Of Irregular Galaxies” Hunter et al. 1998 POSS/DSS Martinez-Delgado+2012 see also Rich+2012 N4449 D125 N4449
…even for seemingly isolated dwarf galaxies. POSS/DSS Martinez-Delgado+2012 see also Rich+2012 N4449
might this yield answers to: “What goes wrong in Blue Compact [or starbursting] Dwarf Galaxies?” Theme 2b: progression toward spatially resolved studies of SF, dust, gas, nebular properties, kinematics – rise of IFU spectroscopy
Theme 1: progression from representative samples to statistically complete samples of SF dwarfs Theme 2: progression toward broad UV-IR multi-wavelength coverage Theme 3: increased mass resolution in population synthesis models Theme 4: using old tricks to find dwarfs at high-z Theme 5: realizing that “no man is an island” may apply to all galaxies including dwarfs Theme 2b: progression toward spatially resolved studies of SF, dust, gas, nebular properties, kinematics – rise of IFU spectroscopy Is the equilibrium SF state simply determined by galaxy mass and cosmic time (through correlation with density), and all non-equilibrium states caused by interaction with externalsystems/material?