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PS 249. PS 249 (Active Letter) pages 203 – 204, Patrimony Course 2008. To: Bro. Marie-Laurent, Teaching in Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais Date: April 8, 1839 (14th of the 74th letters written in the year 1839 alone) Presentor: Bro. Demosthenes A. Calabria, FMS. PS 249 , page 1.
PS 249 (Active Letter)pages 203 – 204, Patrimony Course 2008 • To: Bro. Marie-Laurent, Teaching in Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais • Date: April 8, 1839 (14th of the 74th letters written in the year 1839 alone) • Presentor: Bro. Demosthenes A. Calabria, FMS
PS 249, page 1 J.M.J. N.D. de l'Hermitage near St-Chamond (Loire), 8th April 1839 My very dear brother, Your letter, my very dear friend, greatly aroused my compassion. Since then I never approach the holy altar without recommending you to him in whom we never hope in vain, who can help us overcome the greatest obstacles. Never despair of your salvation; it is in good hands: Mary, isn't Mary your refuge and your good mother? The greater your needs are, the more she wants to rush to help you. Without mentioning your name, we are beginning a novena for you. I am going to say Mass again for that intention today, 8th April, feast of the Annunciation. Continue to be very open with your confessor who, I have no doubt, is a holy priest.
PS 249, page 2 We are still receiving many novices from all over. We have made two establishments since Saint-Pol, or I should rather say, they tore brothers away from us for two towns (Izieux and Les Roches de Condrieu) I am leaving now to look over the building which the town of Chambon is offering us. We have had several sick brothers who are either recovered or convalescent. Brother Pemen died of smallpox a week ago. Tell Brother Jean-Baptiste, so that he can take care of what the Rule prescribes. We are also praying for the mission in Oceania, for the members of the society who are there now and for those we are preparing to send there. We are just about to send brothers to Bordeaux. Everything is going along as usual in the establishments and at the motherhouse.
PS 249, page 3 The school inspectors in the departments where our brothers are working are not hostile. Mary our good Mother takes good care of us. She knows very well that we are too insignificant to be able to carry on a struggle. At Grenoble we obtained five certificates of competence: Bro. Denis, Bro. Antoine-Régis, Bro. Gabriel, Bro. Prosper, and Bro. Sylvestre; we did not send anyone anywhere else. Bro. Jean-Chrysostôme is still dangerously ill. We do not believe he will pull out of it. Pray for him. Death upsets me deeply; whom doesn't it? The way to sweeten this last moment is to think about it often: Memorare novissima. Adieu, my very dear Brother Marie-Laurent; I leave you in the arms of Mary, our good and loving Mother.
PS 249, page 4 My best to Brother Director and Brother Africain. I have the honor to be all yours in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Champagnat P.S. Also tell Brother M.Pt. that we cannot give him any more brothers until 1841 at best. It would not be possible for us before then; we have made too many other commitments.
SITUATIONS REVEALED BY THE LETTER • The letter deals with spiritual matters. • Fr. Champagnat tries to encourage him to overcome his moral trials, promising prayers for his intentions and giving him some news. • Despite all this, everything seems to indicate that he left religious life a few months later.
SUPPLEMENTARY DATA OF PEOPLE MENTIONED, p. 1 • Religious Name: Bro. Marie-Laurent • Civil Name: Moriat Laurent • Birthday: 1819 • Birthplace: Neuville, Rhone • Father: Jacques Moriat • Mother: Marie Comete • Enter: 1834 (15 years old) • Final Vows: 1838 (19 years old) • Assignment: Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise (with Bros. Jean-Baptiste and Africain) • Out: During the 1839 vacation
SUPPLEMENTARY DATA OF PEOPLE MENTIONED, p. 2 • Bro. Jean-Baptiste (Furet Jean Baptiste) • director of the Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise community in 1839 <32> • also identified as Bro. M. (Jn) Pt. (Bt) in the P.S. of the letter • wrote the biography of Fr. Champagnat • Bro. Africain (Chalandar Pierre) • a member of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise community in 1839 <25> • Fr. Francois Robitaille • parish priest of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise in 1837ff • believed to be the confessor of Bro. Marie-Laurent • Bro. P(o)emen (Ardens Jean-Pierre), from Marnans, Isere • died at the end of March 1839 at the age of 26
SUPPLEMENTARY DATA OF PEOPLE MENTIONED, p. 3 • Bro. Jean-Chrysostome (Jean-Louis Doche) • dangerously ill (his sickness was considered irreversible) • died in 1841 • Five Brothers who obtained certificate of competence at Grenoble: • Bro. Denis (Joseph Bron) – out 1843 • Bro. Antoine-Regis (Jean-Antoine Raymond) out 1856 • Bro. Gabriel (Caillot Andre) died in 1859 • Bro. Prosper (Jean-Baptiste Vial) out 1840 • Bro. Sylvestre (Jean-Felix Tamet) died in 1887
ATTITUDES OF MARCELLIN • Compassionate – “Your letter, my very dear friend, greatly aroused my compassion.” • Encouraging – “Never despair of your salvation, it is in good hands…continue to be open with your confessor.” • Obedient – “We are just about to send brothers to Bordeaux.” • Supportive – “We are praying for the mission in Oceania.” • Humble – “She knows very well that we are too insignificant to carry on a struggle.” • Caring – “Bro. Jean-Chrysostome is still dangerously ill. Pray for him.”
MENTALITY OF MARCELLIN • He is a man of deep trust in God. • He also counts on Mary as Ordinary Resource and Good Mother. • He is concern with the sick, the suffering and the dying brother. • He values the rules of religious life always. • He is a man of great humility and simplicity. • He is very concern about the works of the brothers. (careful educationalist)
BIBLICAL ALLUSIONS • Psalm 127:1 – “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build.” • John 19:27 – “He said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your Mother!’” • Galatians 6:1 – “Brothers, even if a person is caught in some transgression, you who are spiritual should correct that one in gentle spirit.” • Deuteronomy 4:6 – “Observe them carefully, for thus will you give evidence of your wisdom and intelligence to the nations.” • Philippians 2:8 – “He humbled Himself, and becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.” John 3:30 – “He must increase; I must decrease.” • John 17:12 – “When I was with them I protected them in Your name and I guarded them…”
PLACES WHERE THE INTUITIONS OF THIS LETTER ARE REFLECTED IN OUR PRESENT MARIST DOCUMENTS • C7 – “We are content to leave the results of our work entirely in God’s hands.” • C4 – “He was convinced that it was Mary who has done everything for us, and he called her our Ordinary Resource and our First Superior. C9 – “We are drawn into unity around Mary, our Good Mother.” • C54 – “The members of the community see the sick or suffering brother as a source of blessings.” C55 – “The community will show a great and loving care for a brother who has come to life’s end.” C51 – “We try to develop a finely-tuned awareness of others – a sensitivity of heart which is quick to see that a companion is troubled…” • C8 – “We are united by charity and by obedience to the constitutions.” • C48 – “Our life, like hers at Nazareth, is to be simple and hardworking.” C5 – “The three Marial virtues of humility, simplicity and modesty come to us from Marcellin Champagnat.” • C49 – “You know that my every breath is for you; and that there is no genuine happiness which I do not ask of God for you every day, and which I would not be willing to win for you at the cost of the greatest sacrifices.”
PHRASES THAT IMPACT ON ME • Your letter, my very dear friend, greatly aroused my compassion.” • “I never approach the holy altar without recommending you to Him (in whom we never hope in vain, who can help us overcome the greatest obstacles).” • “The greater your needs are, the more she wants to rush to help you.” • “…we are too insignificant to be able to carry on a struggle.” • “Death upsets me deeply!” • “I leave you in the arms of Mary, our good and loving Mother.”
PERSONAL REFLECTION • Spiritual Direction (and Confession) are important in religious life. (C73 – ‘It is important for the growth of our spiritual life to be accompanied by another person.) • Community Living is life-giving but also challenging in religious life. • Encouraging a brother who is struggling in his vocation. • Caring for the sick is my personal challenge as a young brother. • Support during death of a family member or love one is very strong among Marists in my province.
The End!!! • Thank you very much!!! • Have a good day!!! • God bless!!!