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Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-Offer 询盘,报盘和还盘

Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-Offer 询盘,报盘和还盘. introduction. Lesson 6 Firm Offer. Lesson 4 General Enquiry. Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry. Lesson 7 Counter-offer. Sum—up. 6. 4. 1. 2. 3. 5. Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘,报盘和还盘. Introduction of Enquiry.

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Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-Offer 询盘,报盘和还盘

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  1. Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-Offer询盘,报盘和还盘

  2. introduction Lesson 6 Firm Offer Lesson 4 General Enquiry Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry Lesson 7 Counter-offer Sum—up 6 4 1 2 3 5 Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘,报盘和还盘

  3. Introduction of Enquiry Inquiry is usually made by the buyers. It indicates their intention to buy goods. There are different ways to make an inquiry, both orally and in written form. If it is the first dealing between the two sides, it is necessary for the buyers to inquire for the quantity, variety, delivery time, etc. in details. On the other hand, if they have established relations, they may do it in a simpler way. According to the purpose, there may be general inquiries and specific inquiries.

  4. general inquiry: If the buyer wants to have a general idea of the products or commodities which the seller is in a position to supply, he may ask the seller to send him a catalogue, a price-list, samples, etc. • specific inquiry: in a specific inquiry, the inquirer points out a certain product or commodity he intends to purchase, he may ask the supplier to make an offer or a quotation on this product.

  5. Introduction of offer An offer is a proposal made by sellers to buyers in order to enter into a contract. In other Words , an offer refers to trading terms put forward by offerers to offerees, on which the offers are willing to conclude business with the offerees.

  6. Introduction of Counter-offer If an offeree does not agree with any or some of the transaction terms of a quotation or a firm offer, he sends a counter-offer. In the counter-offer, the offeree may show his disagreement to the certain term or terms and state his own idea instead. Such alterations, no matter how slight they may appear to be, signify that business has to be negotiated on the renewed basis.

  7. 1. Main points of an enquiry Opening: the purpose or reason of writing, which is : a the source of information; b his intention (interest in goods) ; Body: the details of requirements, which are: c the requirements (asking for catalogues, price lists and samples, etc to have a general idea of the product; asking for an offer or quotation on a certain commodity); d the introduction of market and price that will be obtained; Closing: e expectation of an offer.

  8. 2. Main points of an offer Opening: a an expression of thanks for the inquiry, if any; Body: the details of offer, which are: b names of commodities, quality, quantity and specifications; c details of prices, discounts and terms of payment; d a statement of clear indication of what the prices cover ( such as packing, freight and insurance); e packing and date of delivery; f the period for which the offer is valid ( a non-firm offer excludes it); Closing:g hope for acceptance

  9. 3. Main points of a counter-offer Opening: a receipt or thanks for the offer; Body: b rejection and reasons; c the counter proposal ( price reduction etc); Closing: d expectation of the acceptance.

  10. introduction Lesson 6 Firm Offer Lesson 4 General Enquiry Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry Lesson 7 Counter-offer Sum—up 6 4 1 2 3 5 Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘,报盘和还盘

  11. Sample letters Ⅰ Words and Expressions Ⅱ Main points Ⅲ Lesson 4 General Enquiry 一般询盘

  12. Ⅰ Sample Letters Specimen 1 General enquiry Specimen 2 Reply to the Above

  13. Specimen 1 General enquiry Dear Sirs, Re: Chinese toys We learn from your advertisement in China Trade Directory that you are producing Chinese toys for export. We are quite interested in your products. Would you please send us as soon as possible your illustrated catalogue and the latest price list, together with any samples you can let us have. We are given to understand that you are able to supply large quantities at attractive prices. For your information, there is a steady demand here for Chinese toys of high quality. Sales are not particularly high, but good prices can be obtained for fashionable designs. We are looking forward to receiving your immediate reply. Yours truly,

  14. Chinese Version 信件一 敬启者:事由:中国玩具 我们从中国贸易指南上的广告获悉贵方生产供出口的中国玩具。我们对贵方的产品非常感兴趣。 请尽快惠寄附有图片的商品目录和最新的价目表,顺带惠赐样品。 我们获悉贵方能够以吸引人的价格供应大量的产品。供你方参考,本地区对高品质的中国玩具有稳定的需求。销量不会特别高,但是款式新颖的设计会获得好价格。 等候即复 谨上

  15. Specimen 2 Reply to the Above Dear Miss Ellen, Re. Chinese toys Thanks for your enquiry dated October 10 and your interest in our products as well. We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover we are sending you samples of various fashions which show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. We trust that when you see them you will agree that our products appeal to the most selective buyer. We are willing to allow 5% discount for all orders over 1000 pieces. You can rely on us to give your order immediate attention. Yours sincerely,

  16. 信件二 敬启者:事由:中国玩具 感谢你方10月10日的询盘以及你方对我公司产品的关注。 随函附上几本带插图的商品目录和一份有关你方询问的细节的价目表。另邮一些各种款式的样品,清晰地展示我们产品的质量和精湛的工艺。相信当你方看到产品的时候,会认为我公司的产品能引起最挑剔的买主的兴趣。 对于1000件以上的订单,我们会给予5%的折扣。请尽可放心,我们会即时处理你方的订单的。 谨上

  17. Sample letters Ⅰ Words and Expressions Ⅱ Main points Ⅲ Lesson 4 General Enquiry 一般询盘

  18. similar expressions: note that , be informed that, get to know that, get information from…that e.g.从你处10月3日来信获悉这项业务属于你方经营范围。 We learn from your telegram of October 7 that the goods lie within the scope of your business. similar expressions: for sale,for shipment e.g.我们有许多货物待售。 We have a lot of goods for sale. 我们已经准备好了待装运的货物。 We have already got the goods ready for shipment. Ⅱ Words and Expressions 1. learn from…that be given to understand…that 从…得知, 获悉 e.g.从贵方6月21日信中得悉,贵方对我们的盒式磁带录音机感兴趣。 We learned from your letter of June 21 that you are interested in our tape recorder. 2. for export供出口的 e.g.获悉你方有一批待出口的纺织产品。 We are informed that you have a stock of textile products for export.

  19. e.g.目前我们对中国的工艺品感兴趣,很向获得你方关于这些产品的 插图目录和报价。 At present, we are interested in Chinese arts and crafts, we would appreciate your illustrated catalogues and quotations about these products. 产品的包装里都有说明书。 There are illustrations in the package of the products. similar expressions:for your reference; for your consideration e.g. 现寄一些样品供你方参考,并期待你方的试订。 We are now sending some samples for your reference and looking forward to your trial order. 3. illustrated adj. with explanatory or decorative features 有插图的, 有说明的 e.g.随附的插图商品目录里,有我公司的最新几类产品。 There are the latest types of products mentioned in the enclosed illustrated catalogue. n. illustration 插图,说明,说明书 v. illustrate 说明 4.for your information消息供你方参考 e.g.消息供你方参考,最近我方以此条件和日本的出口商成交了一笔 贸易。 For your information, we have recently concluded with a Japanese exporter a transaction on the terms.

  20. demand 需求 • sth. has a great demand • sth is in great demand • e.g.对中国茶叶的需求很大. • Chinese tea is in great demand. • Or: There is a great demand for Chinese tea. • Demand for Chinese tea is great. • 句式:The demand for…is rising /going up /growing /increasing /brisk /active /steady /strong/great /large /big/ high /heavy /important. • 对...的需求上升,增加,活跃 • The demand for…is going down/low/lessening/Soft/declining/down/weak/small…etc. • 对…需求下降,减少 • v. demand 要求 • 句式:demand for • demand that • demand of sb. to do sth. 5. a steady demand稳定需求 e.g.我方市场对这样的产品有稳定的需求。 There is a steady demand for such kind of products in our market. 目前对这种商品没有需求。 There is no demand for the goods.

  21. high 可以由good, fine, superior, better取代(反义词:bad, low, inferior, worse) e.g.我们可供应优质的羊毛。 We can supply wools of high quality. 我们可供应的羊毛质量很好。 Wools we supplied are of high quality. ** sale n. 销售 trial sale 试销 push sales 推销 expand sales with sb., expand business 与…扩大业务 enjoy fast sale畅销 enjoy good sale e.g.感谢你方在推销我方产品方面所做的努力。 Thank you for your efforts in pushing the sale of our products. 由于价格合理,质地优良,我们的棉布销售很好。 Our Cotton enjoys fast sales for reasonable price and fine quality. 我们商品在你方市场上很畅销。 Our goods are enjoying fast sale in your market. e.g.相信我们的新产品对贵方市场具有吸引力。 We trust our new products will appeal to your market. 这种产品的靓丽色彩吸引了我。 The bright color of the goods appeals to me. 6. of high quality优质的 7. appeal to attract,be attractive or interesting to sb. 吸引,有吸引力,引起兴趣 e.g.商品包装应既吸引顾客的钱包又能吸引顾客的眼睛. The package of the goods should appeal to not only the purse but also the eyes.

  22. 句式:sell at a discount 折价出售 get/offer a discount 得到折扣 cash discount 现金折扣 value discount 价值折扣 e.g.如你方订购超过5,000美元,我们愿意给你方3%的特殊折扣。 We would like to allow you a special discount of 3% if your order exceeds USD$5,000. 现金付款,我们给予九折优惠。 We give 10% discount for cash payment. 8.discount n. a reduction on the selling price of something 折扣 allow/give/ provide/ grant a 5% discount 给予5%的折扣 quantity discount 数量折扣 e.g.对于金额超过1000美元的订货,我们给予20%的折扣. We’ll give a 20% discount on the order of over USD$1,000.

  23. rely on sb. 信赖 e.g.你尽可放心,我们有能力供货给你方。 You can rely on our ability to supply you. 你尽可放心,我们会及时装船。 You can rely on the fact that we will ship the goods in time. 9. rely on rest assured 放心 e.g.你尽可放心,我们对于以后的询价予以即时处理的。 You can rely on our prompt attention to your future enquiry.

  24. Sample letters Ⅰ Words and Expressions Ⅱ Main points Ⅲ Lesson 4 General Enquiry 一般询盘

  25. 3.Main points • Specimen 1 a. source of information and interest in the goods b. detailed requirements (catalogue, price, samples) c. introduction of market and price d. expectation of early reply • Specimen 2 a. receipt of the enquiry b. details of meeting requirements (sending catalogue, price, samples) c. favorable terms and best attention

  26. introduction Lesson 6 Firm Offer Lesson 4 General Enquiry Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry Lesson 7 Counter-offer Sum—up 6 4 1 2 3 5 Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘,报盘和还盘

  27. Sample letters Ⅰ Words and Expressions Ⅱ Main points Ⅲ Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry 具体询盘

  28. Ⅰ Sample Letters Specimen 1 Specific enquiry Specimen 2 Reply to the above

  29. Specimen 1 Specific enquiry Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter dated August 25. We are pleased to know that you are producing different kinds of shoes. We are interested in your various casual shoes recommended in your letter, particularly embroidered slippers and cotton shoes. Will you kindly send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and some samples with further information? We shall be obliged if you could also quote your lowest prices CIF Liverpool, stating earliest date of shipment. Casual shoes of high quality are popular. We believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the types mentioned. If your price is competitive, we will consider placing an order for 5,000 pairs with you. We are looking forward to your urgent reply. Yours faithfully,

  30. Chinese Version 信件一 (和第一课的信件二连接) 敬启者:感谢你公司8月25日的来函,很高兴获悉你方生产各类鞋子。 我们对你公司在信里推荐的休闲鞋,尤其是刺绣拖鞋和棉布鞋感兴趣。请惠寄一份有插图的商品目录和样品,进一步提供有关的信息,并给我们报CIF利物浦最低价,说明最早的船期。 优质的休闲鞋很受欢迎。相信提到的几类价格适中的产品在我地销路良好。如你们的报价有竞争力,我方将考虑5,000双鞋的订货。 盼急复 谨上

  31. Specimen 2 Reply to the above Dear sir, Thank you for your specific enquiry of September 1. The enclosed illustrated catalogue and samples will give you details of the two sorts of shoes in which you are especially interested. The illustrations will also give you information about other casual shoes we are exporting. As to our terms and conditions, please see page 8 of the catalogue. Under cover, we are sending you our offer on CIF Liverpool, for shipment in October. Usually we require an irrevocable L/C by draft at sight. Embroidered slippers and cotton shoes are our products of latest style. Because of their excellent quality and low prices, you can be sure that our products will help you expand your market. We are looking forward to your trial order. Yours sincerely,

  32. 信件二 敬启者:感谢你方9月1日的询盘。 随函附上的带插图的商品目录和样品详述你方特别感兴趣的两类鞋。图片可以让你方详细了解我们正在出口的其他休闲鞋。关于我方的贸易条件,请参考商品目录的第8页,随函给你方报利物浦成本、保险加运费价,船期10月,我们通常要求不可撤消的即期信用证。 刺绣拖鞋和棉布鞋是我们的最新产品。由于它们质优价廉,请相信我们的产品能够帮你方扩大市场。 期待你方的试订。 谨上

  33. Sample letters Ⅰ Words and Expressions Ⅱ Main points Ⅲ Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry 具体询盘

  34. 句式: recommend sth to sb. recommend sb. to do sth. recommend doing sth recommend that e.g.史密斯先生建议我们就轻工业产品建立业务关系。 Mr. Smith recommended that we enter into business relations for the supply of light industrial products. 由于我们不生产这个产品,我们向你们推荐101型. As we do not produce this type anymore, we recommend type No. 101 to you. Ⅱ Words and Expressions 1. recommend v. suggest 推荐,建议 n. recommendation 推荐,建议 e.g.由托马斯先生推荐,我们很高兴地获悉你方经营这一业务。 On the recommendation of Mr. Thomas, we are glad to learn that you handle this line. 我们将史密斯先生,我们销售部经理,推荐给你方. We recommend you Mr. Smith, our sales manager.

  35. 句式:quote sb. a price for sth. quote sth. quote a price for sth. quotation sheet 报价单 make a quotation for sth. make a quotation of a price e.g.请立即报我拉各斯到岸价. Please give me the lowest quotation CIF Lagos. Or: Please quote me the most favorable price CIF Lagos. 报价的写法: currency +unit price +unit +price terms e.g. USD$1,000 per ton CIF London 2. quote v. give price for 报价 e.g.我们希望你方给我们报棉布的最低价。 We hope that you could quote us the lowest price for cotton. 请报100 公吨成本加运费价 Please quote us 100 metric tons CFR price. n. quotation 报价,报价单

  36. 指在装运港当货物越过船舷时卖方即完成交货卖方必须支付将货物运至指定的目的港所需的运费和费用,但交货后货物灭失或损坏的风险及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用即由卖方转移到买方。但是,在CIF条件下,卖方还必须办理买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险的海运保险。该术语仅适用于海运和内河运输。指在装运港当货物越过船舷时卖方即完成交货卖方必须支付将货物运至指定的目的港所需的运费和费用,但交货后货物灭失或损坏的风险及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用即由卖方转移到买方。但是,在CIF条件下,卖方还必须办理买方货物在运输途中灭失或损坏风险的海运保险。该术语仅适用于海运和内河运输。 FOB Free on board 装运港船上交货 指当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。这意味着买方必须从该点起承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。 CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费 指在装运港货物越过船舷卖方即完成交货,卖方必须支付将货物运至指定的目的港所需的运费和费用。但交货后货物灭失或损坏的风险,以及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用,即由卖方转移到买方。 3. CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本,保险费加运费(俗称“到 岸价”) FOB Free on board 装运港船上交货(俗称“离岸价”) CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费

  37. shipment date time of shipment 装运期 有关搭配: make shipment 装运 effect shipment 装运 expedite shipment 加快装运 v. ship 装运,装船 e.g. 由于船期延误,我们只能在下月初装运。 Owing to the delay in shipment, we have to ship the goods at the beginning of next month. n. shipper 托运人, 发货人 n. shipping 装运 shipping company 轮船公司 shipping container 集装箱船 shipping order 下货纸 shipping instruction 装船指示 4. shipment n. dispatch ( of goods) 装运,装船,装运的货物,装运期 e.g.请尽快装运。 Please expedite shipment as soon as possible. 我们已收到由“东方轮”运来的货物。 We have received the shipment ex s.s. “Dong Fang”. n. shipping 装运 shipping advice 装船通知 shipping agents 装运代理 shipping marks 唛头 shipping space 舱位

  38. adj. urgent adv. urgently an urgent cable 加急电报 urgent dispatch 急件 be urgently in need of/ be needed urgently/ be urgently required 急需 e.g.我们急需此货, 请你们尽力将我们所订货物于十月底前按期出运。 We're urgently in need of the goods, please do your utmost to ship the goods we ordered duly before the end of October. . 5. urgent reply急复 be in urgent need of 急需 e.g.我方市场急需一批高品质的食品加工机。 Our market is in urgent need of a stock of food processors of high class.

  39. similar expression: give you details of e.g.能否让我方详细了解一下你方国家的这类计算机的市场价格。 Will you kindly give us information about the market price of computers of this type in your country? similar expressions: regarding, with regard to, concerning, etc. e.g.关于你方在5月5日来函提到的付款条件,我们会照办的。 As to the terms of payment mentioned in your letter of May 5, we will do it as you required. 6. give you information about详细说明,提供信息,让…详细了解 e.g.在我们的报价单里,详细地向你方提供我方各类产品的优惠价格。 In our price list, we give you information about the favorable prices of variety of our products. 7. as to about, as for 关于 e.g.对于金额超过500美元的交易,我们会给予2%的折扣。 As to the transaction with an amount exceeding $500,we will give a 2% discount. 关于采取分装,对我们双方都有好处。 As to partial shipment, it would be to our mutual benefit.

  40. 句式:be sure that be sure to do sth. be sure of sth. e.g.请相信,我们会调查事实,澄清你方所抱怨的事由。 You may be sure that we will look into the matter to make clear your complaints. 8. be sure believe 对…相信、肯定 be sure that… be sure of … e.g.请你方相信我方的货物会十一月前装运完毕。 You can be sure that our goods should be shipped before the end of November. 请相信我们与你们的密切合作。 You may be sure of our close cooperation with you.

  41. expand business with sb. 扩大与某人的贸易 e.g.你不知道我们是多么渴望与你方扩大贸易。 You don’t know how desirous we are to expand business with you. 我们愿意与你方建立合作以便扩大贸易。 We’d like to cooperate with you to expand the business. adj. expanding 扩大的 for trial 试一试 e.g.你们这批试订将于下月中旬运出。 Your trial order is scheduled to be shipped in the middle of next month. 9. expand v. spread out, extend 扩大 expand sales 扩大业务 e.g.我们希望我们双方在将来不断扩大的贸易中 继续合作。 We hope we two could continue our cooperation in the expanding business in the future. n. expansion 扩大 expansion of business 扩大贸易 10. trial adj. attempted or advanced on a provisional or experimental basis 尝试的,试验的;临时的 trial order 试订 trial sale 试销 e.g.我们可以考虑向你们试订货500打男式衬衫。 We can consider booking with you a trial order for 500 dozen Men's shirts.

  42. Sample letters Ⅰ Words and Expressions Ⅱ Main points Ⅲ Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry 具体询盘

  43. 3.Main points • Specimen 1 a. receipt of letter b. detailed requirements (catalogue, price, terms, shipment) c. introduction of market and request for competitive price d. expectation of early reply • Specimen 2 a. receipt of the enquiry b. details of meeting requirements (sending catalogue and samples etc.) c. more information about goods d. expectation of trial order

  44. introduction Lesson 6 Firm Offer Lesson 4 General Enquiry Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry Lesson 7 Counter-offer Sum—up 6 4 1 2 3 5 Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘,报盘和还盘

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