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Welcome to Fifth Grade Curriculum Night

Join us for an informative session about the 5th grade curriculum and important information for parents. We will discuss attendance, conduct, graded papers, the 5th grade binder, homework, cell phones, and dress code.

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Welcome to Fifth Grade Curriculum Night

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  1. Bartlett, There’s no place that we would rather B! Welcome toFifth Grade Curriculum Night Amanda Barganier Deiadra Bernard Molly Mills Julie Ward Marlin McKinney Melanie Cummings

  2. Welcome • If you think of a question you would like an answer to, you can write it on an index card and leave it in the bin on the table. • We will address frequently asked questions and put these questions and answers on our website. • This PPT will also be posted on our website for you to refer back to.

  3. Absences Absences • If your child is absent, please send a note back stating the reason for the absence. Without a note, the absence is listed as “unexcused” on the permanent record. • If you know your child will be out for an extended time, we can send missed work to the front desk with 24 hours notice. • For each day of absence, your child will have one day to complete and return the wk. (example: 2 days out = 2 days to make up work)

  4. Attendance Attendance • Students may enter the building at 7:45 a.m. when the bell rings. Students should be in the classroom no later than 8:00. • Attendance is extremely important in 5th grade. • It’s also important to try to get here on time as we switch classes immediately following announcements.

  5. Conduct/Discipline Conduct & Behavior 5th Grade Rules • 1. Bring all materials to class and be prepared to do your best work. • 2. Follow directions the first time given. • 3. Respect others and their property. • 4. Raise your hand for permission to speak or get out of your seat. • 5. Keep hands, feet, and unkind words to yourself. Conduct Book • All homeroom teachers have a conduct book that will travel with the class to their other teacher when switching classes. Conduct grades are calculated for Tuesday folders based on behavior in both of your child’s teachers’ classes. • The Bartlett City Schools School Board establishes our grading policy at Ellendale Elementary School. This year the guidelines for conduct grades have been modified. “In all schools, students’ conduct is graded as satisfactory “E, G, S, N,U”, and is to be reported at each grading period on the report card with each subject grade.

  6. District-wide Behavioral Expectations Best Bear Behavior • Be Responsible • Be Respectful • Be Safe • Be Prepared

  7. Graded Papers Graded Papers • Students will bring home a graded paper folder each Tuesday. • Conduct and all graded papers for the previous week will be included in this folder. • Please sign any papers that have a grade of “D” or “F”. • Please return ALL papers. • All report card grades are determined by the contents of this graded paper folder. We will send home all papers at the end of the nine weeks.

  8. New Grading System • 90-100=A • 80-89=B • 70-79=C • 65-69=D • Below 65=F

  9. Our 5th grade Binder Becoming Efficient and Responsible Students • We are trying to teach our students organizational skills that they can use throughout their educational career, as well as throughout life! Your child is responsible for keeping their binder neat and organized. What’s in the binder? • pencil pouch • agenda-Homework should be written here daily. There will almost always be some sort of homework every day except Friday. It is the student’s responsibility to write it down. • Check Everyday Divider-Important notes and information will be in this pocket/section. • sections for each subject where important things are kept

  10. Homework • Your child will be assigned homework daily and it needs to be completed and turned the next day. When a student does not have their homework, they will sign the conduct book for that class. • Homework is very important, and should be viewed as a key part in reviewing skills we are learning in class. • Homework is a way for you to be a part of your child’s learning process. Guide them through their work, but do not do it for them. For example, you may want to do the first two problems together to check for understanding of the skill and the directions.

  11. Cell Phones • Students are welcome to bring their cell phone to school.  Ellendale procedures state that students may NOT possess any type of phone or communication device that is TURNED ON during the regular school day.  Ellendale offers a safe, secure place for students to store their phones during the day in the office.  Any student who brings a personal cell phone or communication device should take it to the office on their way to their classroom each morning.  They may pick them up at their dismissal time.  Keeping the phones in the office provides safety, security, and reduces the risk of phones being broken.  

  12. Dress Code • BCS standards for dress reflect a "common sense" and a concern for each child's safety, cleanliness, and sense of modesty.  There is a strong relationship between appropriate attire and a positive learning environment.  Apparel or appearance which tends to draw attention to an individual, rather than to the learning environment, must be avoided.

  13. Supplies/Textbooks Supplies • A required list of supplies has been provided. Everything on the 5th grade list is needed. • At a later date, your child may need to replenish supplies. It is helpful if you check with your child every so often to be certain he/she has all the needed supplies. Textbooks • Please make sure all textbooks are covered. Students are always free to take their books home to use. However, we need them daily; please bring them back each day. Novels • We no longer use a basal textbook for reading, so your child will be reading novels throughout the year. It’s important to take care of these if they do come home to be read. They will be treated just like textbooks if lost or damaged.

  14. 5th Grade Curriculum READING: • Students will focus on multiple reading comprehension skills each week. We will use a combination of texts, including novels, articles, informational texts, etc. Assessments will be given weekly. The focus for reading skills is to be able to apply them to what we are reading, not just knowing about that skill in isolation. VOCABULARY: • Your child will receive the new list each Monday that correlates with the texts we are reading that week. The list should be found in their binders in their vocabulary spirals. There will be a vocabulary assessment each Friday. Students also need to study the spelling of these same words. ENGLISH: • Grammar skills will not be taught in isolation unless needed in small group settings. Mentor sentences will be used to cover all skills that 5th graders need to know or review.

  15. 5th Grade Curriculum SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: • These subjects are presented in units and are very interesting to our students. While there will be some traditional paper and pencil assignments, most student progress will be measured with rubrics indicating their participation in the many class activities. At various times throughout the year, we will send home notes asking for supplies to use during our science activities. MATHEMATICS: • Fifth grade math involves much more than computation. This year, your child will increase mathematical reasoning and develop complex problem solving skills and concepts. There will be math homework most nights, except for Friday. Please continue to reinforce multiplication facts at home weekly. • The TNReady Standards are an opportunity to engage Tennessee students more deeply in the types of problem solving and mathematical thinking that build the fundamental and adaptive math skills necessary for life after high school.

  16. 5th grade Curriculum • STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math • We will be integrating STEM projects into our other subjects. • Visit the STEM site to see updated lessons and pictures. • http://ees.bartlettschools.org/ • Ask your child about the towers from last week and check out some photos from the project:

  17. Curriculum Maps What are they? • Teachers use curriculum maps to “map out” the school year and to make sure to teach all TNReady Standards by the end of the year. • You can view the curriculum maps for each subject by following these steps: • Go to http://www.bartlettschools.org/ • Highlight Departments, scroll down to Teaching and Learning, then click on Elementary. • You will see the list for curriculum maps for all subjects. When you click on a subject, you will then find 5th grade. It might be very helpful to you as a parent to see all the things your child is expected to learn this year!!

  18. BEAR Clubs • Along with regular instruction, your child will also be participating in BEAR Clubs for 1 hour each day. • BEAR Clubs allow us to reach all learners on a different level. Clubs are based on individual needs. • We can give interventions to those who need it, and enrichment to those who need it. • BEAR Clubs are fluid, meaning they can change at any time if a teacher thinks a child needs more intervention or more enrichment.

  19. School Fees • This year, we are asking for a student fee of $25.00 to help cover instructional materials and supplies that will enhance student learning. • Thank you to everyone who has already paid! This fee really helps us.

  20. Money • When sending any kind of money to school, it is helpful to put the child’s name, homeroom teacher name, and what the money is for on an envelope or Ziploc bag. • If you do write a check, please make sure you date the check for the day you are turning it in. (If you write the check the night before, date the check for the following day.)

  21. Websites Websites • Stay connected! Class websites will be updated weekly. We highly encourage you to use our websites as a valuable resource. We have provided helpful information for you and your child. • Please peruse all the fifth grade teachers’ websites, as we all have wonderful resources available that you may find beneficial! For example you can find the 5th grade weekly newsletter. • http://ees.bartlettschools.org/

  22. Remind • Remind is a free and safe way to stay up to date with what is happening in the classroom. • 1 in 5 teachers in the US are using Remind. • It’s quick, easy, and FREE! • You can use it online or on your smart device. • Remind letters with directions on how to sign up were passed out at B Ready Day. If you need another one or weren’t able to attend B Ready day, there are some on the table where you can turn in questions. • Through Remind, you will also be sent the 5th grade weekly newsletter each Friday (before the new week begins).

  23. Ensuring Student Success • Check PowerSchool often. • Check teacher websites often as well as Bartlett City Schools and Ellendale’s webites. • Read the newsletters posted on the website and also sent through Remind. • Communicate with the teacher if there are questions or concerns! • Look at grades in the Tuesday folder each week and talk about the “Ds” and “Fs” if there are any. • Suggestion: Have a “drop-off” spot at home for the daily planner and papers that need to be signed. • Please encourage your student to stay organized, everything has a place.

  24. Cafeteria • The Ellendale Bears are ready for a great year!! During the first few days of schools, our teachers will practice procedures, review expectations, and prepare for a year of EXCELLENCE!!! We’re always happy to welcome parents who want to eat lunch with their child. Please allow us the time we need to teach, demonstrate, and practice appropriate cafeteria behavior. We ask that parents wait until August 30 to begin eating lunch with their child. During this time, we can be sure homeroom assignments are permanent, teach numbers, and practice great cafeteria behavior. Our great cafeteria staff is ready to prepare lunch for all of our Bears and their parents. THANK YOU for your fabulous support! • Remember that it should just be you and your child at the guest table.

  25. Transportation • If there is a transportation change, please send a note the morning of the change. • Please do not bring pets to dismissal. Even if they are on a leash, we do have students who are not comfortable arounds animals.

  26. Ellendale Night at BHS football game • October 19th at 7:00- Bears on the field from 6:30-6:40 • This is a great night for Ellendale to shine! Come support our school! You’ll most likely see your teacher there as well!

  27. Department of Exceptional Children The Department works to support successful transition for all students through data based decision-planning, effective implementation of individualized plans, and collaboration between stakeholders.

  28. SERVICES Enrichment Gifted Services Co-Teaching Resource Functional Skills

  29. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Vision and Hearing Services Speech and Language Therapy

  30. QUESTIONS REGARDING SPED? Contact Bobbie Williams : bwilliams@bartlettschools.org 901-373-2636 (ext #4)

  31. School Counselor- Mrs. Sharon Rees I provide: • Individual Counseling • Group Counseling • Classroom Guidance Lessons • 504 Case Management • Behavior Plan Coordination • Parent and Teacher Workshops • Parent and Teacher Resources • School- Wide Programs • Parent Conferences

  32. Topics or concerns addressed through the School Counseling programs include: • Academics/Grades • Goal-Setting • Bullying • Behavior • Attendance • Loss/Grief • Family Changes • Peer Conflict • Study Skills • Emotions • Friendship • Attention Span • Self-Esteem • Health Impairment Contact Mrs. Rees: (901) 373-2636 Ext. 3703 srees@bartlettschools.org

  33. Music - Mrs. Mallory Coffey • What happens in the music room? In each class period, students will engage in any combination of singing, playing instruments, moving expressively, creating, reading music, and learning about important musicians. • Do I need to provide anything for my child? No. All the instruments and other materials we will be using I have in the music room.

  34. What about music programs? Each grade will participate in a program this year. Some grades will perform on their own, while some will be paired with another grade. Every program will be at 6:00 p.m. The programs are scheduled as follows: • Fourth and Fifth grade - October 30 PTA meeting, “Education Rocks!” • Second and Third grade - December 11 PTA meeting, “A Prehistoric Christmas” • First grade - February 12 PTA meeting, “The Rainbow Fish” • Kindergarten - April 16 PTA meeting, “The Day the Crayons Quit” Please be watching for communication from Mrs. Coffey about those programs. We want every student at Ellendale to be able to show off their incredible talent! Any questions? Contact me at mcoffey@bartlettschools.org or visit the music page on the Ellendale website.

  35. Library- Mrs. Donna Tanner The goal is for our students to appreciate literature and become lifelong readers. • Things to Know • Weekly Checkout: Students in grades K-1 check out one book per week. Kindergarten will begin checking out the 2nd nine week period. Students in grades 2-5 check out two books per week. Students in grades 2-5 need to bring folders with brads and sharpened pencils. • Open Checkout: Monday through Friday from 7:45-8:00...all students can return and check out books during this time. • Due Date: Books are to be returned in one week. • Library Programs: Enchanted Forest Book Fair; Dr. Seuss Celebration; Annual Book Swap; and more. • Webpage: Visit the library’s webpage for additional information. • Email Questions or Concerns:dtanner@bartlettschools.org

  36. Physical Education (PE) - Mr. Marlin McKinney The 2018-2019 school year is upon us, and we have all sorts of fun activities planned. The goal of physical education is to encourage students to develop a fondness for physical activity and to help them understand that exercise is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. At Ellendale, we teach/develop a wide variety of skills, activities, games, individual sports, and team sports. We also make an effort to integrate other subject areas, such as math, social studies, science, and language arts into our P.E. lessons. Students must wear tennis shoes to participate in P.E. class. If your child is ill or has an injury, please send a brief excuse note and I will find an alternate assignment for them. I look forward to a great year! PE Goals 1) Wear Tennis Shoes 2) Enter and Exit Quietly 3) Whistle Means freeze 4) Respect Others 5) Have Fun and Get Fit Email: mmckinney@bartlettschools.org

  37. Visual Art- Mrs. Amanda Galbraith • What do students do in Art class? Students will not only get to work with art materials and processes such as drawing, painting, building, and discussing art, but they will also learn strategies for envisioning, working through challenges, and reflecting on their work. • How often will students bring home artwork? Students only get to come to art once per week for 45 minutes. It takes about 3 hours to complete most of the projects we do from start to finish. Therefore, we complete about one project per month. After projects are completed, I will display them in the hall or sometimes keep them for community art shows before they come home. Student Art by Kindergarten Artist

  38. Visual Art- Mrs. Amanda Galbraith • How are grades assigned in Art class? Students receive a conduct grade and an academic grade on an EGSNU scale. S represents satisfying the expectations for their grade level, G represents working through the entire process of envisioning, creating, and reflecting with minimal prompting, and E represents working at an advanced level. N and U represent that improvement is needed to meet expectations. • What should students wear to Art Class? Students should wear clothes that can handle studio-quality art materials because not everything we use will wash out easily. • Where can I find more information? Contact Mrs. Galbraith though her Ellendale webpage: http://ees.bartlettschools.org Student Art by 5th Grade Artists

  39. English as a Second Language (ESL) -Mrs. Lucy Chapman As an ESL teacher, I work with students in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing to improve their English language skills. These students speak another language at home or have English as their second language. They are tested to see if they qualify for ESL. Once in the program, an ESL student takes the WIDA test at the end of the year that measures their progress. They transition from the program when they meet the exiting criteria on the test.

  40. RTI Teacher—Elise Maharrey • What is RTI? - RTI is a multi-tiered system that uses testing data to identify specific student needs and match appropriate instructional strategies. • Benchmark Assessments - Three times a year, each Ellendale Elementary student is given the AIMSweb universal screening assessment to determine his or her reading and math abilities. Based on the scores he or she will be placed into a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention group. • Intervention groups - Each grade level has a daily 1-hour block to work on targeted interventions with each student. If you have any additional questions, you may contact me by email: emaharrey@bartlettschools.org

  41. Bullying Policies and Procedures Sharon Rees, School Counselor

  42. Bartlett City Schools Policies • #6002 – Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, and Cyber-Bullying and Intimidation: • “Alleged victims of bullying/harassment offenses shall report these incidents immediately to a teacher, counselor or building administrator. All school employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the principal/designee.” • #6038 – Discipline Procedures • Information is included in Student Handbooks • Or, visit: www.bartlettschools.org > Board > Policies

  43. If you suspect bullying at Ellendale: • Step 1: Report the concern to your child’s homeroom teacher. • Give as many details as possible. • The teacher will follow-up with administration or the school counselor. • An investigation will begin. • Depending on the results, a ”stay away” agreement, or other plans will be put into place to protect those that were mistreated. • Consequences and intervention will be provided to the person responsible for the mistreatment. • Step 2: Follow-up with your child’s teacher or the school counselor if you have additional concerns or want to know more about the investigation. • For confidentiality reasons, only certain information can be shared. • Step 3: Discuss bullying vs. conflicts with your child, promote acts of kindness, and continue to check in with your child about school.

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