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“In other words we think we have found the basic copying mechanism by which life comes from life...”. “ Dear Michael, Jim Watson and I have probably made a most important discovery . We have built a model for the structure of des-oxyribose -
“In otherwordswethinkwehavefound the basiccopying mechanism by which life comes from life...”
“Dear Michael, Jim Watson and I haveprobably made a mostimportantdiscovery. Wehavebuilt a model for the structure of des-oxyribose- nucleic-acid (readitcarefully) called D.N.A. Youmayrememberthat the genes of the chromosomes - whichcarry the hereditaryfactors - are made up of protein and D.N.A. Ourstructureisvery beautiful”
He goes on to describe the structure in detailincludingitshelicalshape with hishanddrawndiagram: “Nowwehavetwo of thesechainswinding round eachother - eachoneis a helix - and the chain, made up of sugar and phosphorus, is on the outside, and the bases are all on the inside.
I can’tdrawitverywell, butitlookslikethis” Crick lays out the fixed base pairingswhichhe describesasbeinglike a code: “Ifyou are givenone set of lettersyou can write down the others.
“Nowwebelievethat the D.N.A. is a code. Thatis, the order of the bases (the letters) makesone gene different from another gene (just asone page of printisdifferent from another). You can nowseehow Nature makescopies of the genes. Becauseifthe twochainsunwindintotwo separate chains, and ifeachchainthenmakesanotherchain come together on it, then because A alwaysgoes with T, and G with C, weshallgettwocopieswherewehadonebefore.”
After a series of diagrams of the base pairings, he modestlycontinues: “In otherwordswethinkwehavefound the basiccopyingmechanism by which life comes from life.” Referringto publication of the discovery, Crick informs he son: “You can understandthatwe are veryexcited. Wehave to have a letter off to Nature in a day or so” and instructshim “Read thiscarefullyso thatyouunderstandit. Whenyou come home wewill show you the model. Lots of love, Daddy.”
28 Febbraio 1953 definizione della scoperta • 19 Marzo 1953 lettera a Michael • 2 Aprile 1953 submission a Nature • 25 Aprile 1953 primo articolo su Nature • 30 Maggio 1953 secondo articolo su Nature
Nature Papers • Nature. 1953 Apr 25;171(4356):737-8. Molecularstructure of nucleicacids; a structure for deoxyribosenucleic acid. WATSON JD, CRICK FH. • Nature. 1953 May 30;171(4361):964-7. Geneticalimplications of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid. WATSON JD, CRICK FH.