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Pursue Restoration: Uniting for a Common Purpose

Discover the strength in togetherness as we pursue restoration. Learn to set aside selfish ambitions and embrace a shared purpose, following the example of Christ. Explore the Worshipper Acronym to evaluate life ambitions and deepen spiritual connections.

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Pursue Restoration: Uniting for a Common Purpose

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  1. Pursue Restoration: #StrongerTogether Body text…

  2. Pursue Restoration: #StrongerTogether Body text…

  3. Pursue Restoration: #StrongerTogether Body text…

  4. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together Common Source

  5. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together Common Source Common Bound

  6. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together Common Source Common Bound Common Purpose

  7. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together Philippians 2:1-5 1 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection & compassion, 2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus

  8. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together I) Shared Common Source (v1)- “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection & compassion...”

  9. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together II) Shared Common Bond (v2) make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love united in spirit, intent on one purpose

  10. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3) Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; (v4) do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

  11. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose 1. Put off selfish ambition

  12. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose 1. Put off selfish ambition 1) Work on self to better love others

  13. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose 1. Put off selfish ambition 1) Work on self to better love others a. Evaluate your ambitions by using Ernie Baker’s Worshipper Self-Evaluation

  14. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for?

  15. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you?

  16. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church?

  17. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church? S- Spiritually: How is this ambition impacting your relationship with the Lord? What do you find yourself praying about regularly?

  18. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church? S- Spiritually: How is this ambition impacting your relationship with the Lord? What do you find yourself praying about regularly? H- Heart: When do you tend to experience fear, worry, or anxiety? What life situations do you find difficult? What things do you find yourself seeking to avoid?

  19. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church? S- Spiritually: How is this ambition impacting your relationship with the Lord? What do you find yourself praying about regularly? H- Heart: When do you tend to experience fear, worry, or anxiety? What life situations do you find difficult? What things do you find yourself seeking to avoid? I- Interests: What do you like to read? What hobbies do you have?

  20. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church? S- Spiritually: How is this ambition impacting your relationship with the Lord? What do you find yourself praying about regularly? H- Heart: When do you tend to experience fear, worry, or anxiety? What life situations do you find difficult? What things do you find yourself seeking to avoid? I- Interests: What do you like to read? What hobbies do you have? P- Physical: How is this ambition impacting you physically? How are you sleeping?

  21. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church? S- Spiritually: How is this ambition impacting your relationship with the Lord? What do you find yourself praying about regularly? H- Heart: When do you tend to experience fear, worry, or anxiety? What life situations do you find difficult? What things do you find yourself seeking to avoid? I- Interests: What do you like to read? What hobbies do you have? P- Physical: How is this ambition impacting you physically? How are you sleeping? E- Emotions: What is the biggest emotion you struggle with this ambition?

  22. Evaluating Your Life Ambitions: Worshipper Acronym by Dr. Ernie Baker W- Wants/Wishes: What do you want in this ambition? What are you wishing for? O- Others: How are others being impacted by this ambition? How are your relationships in general? How do others perceive you? R- Reasoning: How many hours do you spend thinking about this ambition compared with God, family, church? S- Spiritually: How is this ambition impacting your relationship with the Lord? What do you find yourself praying about regularly? H- Heart: When do you tend to experience fear, worry, or anxiety? What life situations do you find difficult? What things do you find yourself seeking to avoid? I- Interests: What do you like to read? What hobbies do you have? P- Physical: How is this ambition impacting you physically? How are you sleeping? E- Emotions: What is the biggest emotion you struggle with this ambition? R- Responses/Reactions: How do you respond to this ambition? What habits do you struggle with? How do you deal with this pressure in your life ambition?

  23. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “Empty Conceit”- an exaggerated view of self

  24. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “Empty Conceit”- an exaggerated view of self Exaggerated self-evaluation: 1) thinking too highly of self

  25. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “Empty Conceit”- an exaggerated view of self Exaggerated self-evaluation: 1) thinking too highly of self 2) thinking too lowly of self

  26. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “lowliness of mind”- humility (freedom from conceit or vanity) We can cultivate an accurate view of self by using the 1 Cor. 6:9-11 Model.

  27. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose 1 Cor. 6:9-11 And “9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

  28. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “lowliness of mind”-

  29. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “lowliness of mind”- 2) Cultivate the new you: a. Read and discuss 1 Cor. 12

  30. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “lowliness of mind”- 2) Cultivate the new you: a. Read and discuss 1 Cor. 12 b. Read chapter 11 of Jerry Bridges’ book, Trusting God  

  31. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “lowliness of mind”- 2) Cultivate the new you: a. Read and discuss 1 Cor. 12 b. Read chapter 11 of Jerry Bridges’ book, Trusting God   c. Take a spiritual gift test

  32. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3)- “lowliness of mind”- 2) Cultivate the new you: a. Read and discuss 1 Cor. 12 b. Read chapter 11 of Jerry Bridges’ book, Trusting God   c. Take a spiritual gift test d. Find a place to serve

  33. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v3) “regarding others as more important ”- Advice from John Calvin

  34. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose (v4) do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Advice from Richard Baxter

  35. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements

  36. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse

  37. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse 3. Practice 1 Cor. 13:7 Love believeth all things

  38. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse 3. Practice 1 Cor. 13:7 Love believeth all things 4. “Everything is fine”

  39. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse 3. Practice 1 Cor. 13:7 Love believeth all things 4. “Everything is fine” 5. Seeing the Shared offense

  40. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse 3. Practice 1 Cor. 13:7 Love believeth all things 4. “Everything is fine” 5. Seeing the Shared offense 6. No Seeing the Shared Offense

  41. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse 3. Practice 1 Cor. 13:7 Love believeth all things 4. “Everything is fine” 5. Seeing the Shared offense 6. No Seeing the Shared Offense 7. Time of Fasting & Prayer for Other’s POV

  42. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together III) Shared Common Purpose Prepared Hearts Ready to Engage: 1. Don’t play around in speculative judgements 2. Ask instead of accuse 3. Practice 1 Cor. 13:7 Love believeth all things 4. “Everything is fine” 5. Seeing the Shared offense 6. No Seeing the Shared Offense 7. Time of Fasting & Prayer for Other’s POV 8. Make it right or Mediate

  43. Pursuing Restoration: Stronger Together IV) The Divine Example (v5) Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus Jesus is the perfect model of One who pursues restoration with others

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