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Applications of Type Constraints in Software Engineering Tools

Learn how type constraints play a crucial role in software engineering tools by ensuring type correctness, maintaining behavior, and facilitating transformations like refactorings. Explore real-world applications and advancements in this field.

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Applications of Type Constraints in Software Engineering Tools

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  1. Applications of Type Constraints in Software Engineering Tools Frank Tip IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

  2. This Presentation is Based on Joint Work With • Ittai Balaban (New York University) • Dirk Bäumer (IBM Zurich Research Center) • Bjorn De Sutter (Ghent University) • Julian Dolby (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) • Robert Fuhrer (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) • Adam Kieżun (MIT)

  3. IBM Research • about 3000 people world-wide • 1600 at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center • other sites: Almaden, Austin, Zurich, Haifa, China, India • Software Technology Department • about 70 people, director Daniel Yellin • projects on: compiler optimization (JikesRVM), aspects, performance analysis, web services, refactoring, verification, XML, ... • www.research.ibm.com/compsci/plansoft/index.html • ARTIST project (Advanced Refactoring Tools for Improving Software archiTecture) • Robert Fuhrer, Mandana Vaziri, Tim Klinger, Adam Kiezun (intern), Frank Tip (project leader) • collaboration with Eclipse JDT team at IBM Zurich • collaboration with IBM Rational • academic collaborations with Bjorn De Sutter (Ghent University), Ittai Balaban (NYU)

  4. Other Research Activities • change impact analysis • given an old and a new version of a program, and a test that fails in the new version, find the subset of the source code changes responsible for the failure • with Barbara Ryder and Xiaoxia Ren (Rutgers) and Julian Dolby (IBM), Max Stoerzer (University of Passau) • papers: PASTE’01, OOPSLA’04 • Jax: an application extractor for Java • apply static analysis techniques to eliminate redundant functionality from Java applications, and apply size-reducing transformations • with Peter Sweeney, Chris Laffra, Aldo Eisma, David Streeter • transferred to IBM product (WebSphere Studio Device Developer) • papers: CACM’03, TOPLAS’02, OOPSLA’00, FSE’00, OOPSLA’99

  5. Outline • background • type constraints for Java programs • notation and terminology • constraint generation rules • applications • generalization-related refactorings (OOPSLA’03) • customization of library classes (ECOOP’04) • refactorings for introducing generics (work in progress) • related work • conclusions and future work

  6. Outline • background • type constraints for Java programs • notation and terminology • constraint generation rules • applications • generalization-related refactorings (OOPSLA’03) • customization of library classes (ECOOP’04) • refactorings for introducing generics (work in progress) • related work • conclusions and future work

  7. Scope of our Research • start with a type-correct Java program P • for a given transformation that transforms P into P’ • we would like to check/guarantee that P’ is type-correct • we would like to check/guarantee that P’ has the same behavior as P • (in some cases) compute “maximal” P’ for which the above properties hold • we use type constraints to establish these properties • formalism for expressing relationships between program expressions that must hold in order for a program to be type-correct • traditionally used for type checking and type inference • transformations under consideration • refactorings: well-known maintenance operations, usually aimed at making code more flexible/general; proposed by the programmer • driven by static/dynamic analysis in link-time optimizer

  8. Refactoring • refactoring: the application of behavior-preserving transformations to a program in order to improve a program’s design • eliminating undesirable program characteristics • e.g., duplicated code, classes/methods that are too large,... • making existing classes/methods usable in new contexts • preparing for extensions • breaking up monolithic systems into components • introduction of design patterns • refactoring (noun): a specific program transformation. Usually identified by: • name (e.g., “Extract Method”, “Pull Up Members”, ...) • preconditions • a specific set of transformations to be performed by a programmer or by an automated tool

  9. Refactoring • pioneered by Griswold [1991], Opdyke [1992] & Johnson, leading to Smalltalk Refactoring Browser [Roberts 1992] • recently popularized by continuous-refinement methodologies such as “Extreme Programming” [Beck 2000] • catalogues of common refactorings:[Fowler 1999], [Kerievsky 2003] • Fowler describes refactorings as a series of steps to be performed by the programmer • manual refactoring is very error-prone • renewed interest in automated refactoring support in IDEs • refactoring support featured in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, OmniCore, ...

  10. Categories of Refactorings (see Fowler’s book) • making method calls simpler • Rename Method, Add/Remove Parameter, ... • composing methods • Extract Method, Inline Method, Inline Local, ... • moving features between objects • Move Method, Move Field, Extract Class, ... • organizing data • Self-Encapsulate Field, Replace Data Value with Object, ... • simplifying/eliminating conditionals • Replace Conditional with Polymorphism, ... • dealing with generalization • Extract Interface, Pull Up Members, ...

  11. Eclipse (www.eclipse.org) • open-source (CPL) development environment • implemented in Java, XML • basis for commercial offerings by IBM (WSAD, WSDD) and others • plugin-architecture • plugins contribute views/perspectives • plugins provide extension points • state-of-the-art development environment for Java • quick-fixes, refactoring, type hierarchy view, call hierarchy, search facilities • support for other languages (C, Smalltalk, AspectJ) • various IBM programs focused on Eclipse • Eclipse Innovation Grants for academics (2002, 2003) • Eclipse Technology Exchange meetings (ICSE, OOPSLA, ECOOP) • solid basis for research/education projects • Penumbra, Gild, Hipikat, ECESIS, ... • Continuous Testing, Java Traits, Ownership Types, ...

  12. Demo: Eclipse Refactorings

  13. Outline • background • type constraints for Java programs • notation and terminology • constraint generation rules • applications • generalization-related refactorings (OOPSLA’03) • customization of library classes (ECOOP’04) • refactorings for introducing generics (work in progress) • related work • conclusions and future work

  14. Type Constraints • formalism developed in 1990s • captures relationships between types of program constructs • original purpose: type checking/inference • prove that certain kinds of errors cannot occur at run-time • e.g., no “message not understood” errors • we use a variation on the formalism from a book by Palsberg & Schwartzbach • adapted/extended to capture the semantics of Java

  15. Type Constraints Notation [E] the type of expression E [M] the declared return type of method M [F] the declared type of field F Decl(M) the type that contains method M Param(M,i) the i-th parameter of method M  ,  subtype relation

  16. Syntax of Type Constraints [E] = [E’] the type of expression E must be the same as the type of expression E’ [E]  [E’] the type of expression E is a proper subtype of the type of expression E’ [E]  [E’] either [E] = [E’] or [E]  [E’] [E]  T the type of expression E is defined to be T [E]  [E1] or ... or [E]  [Ek] disjunction: at least one of subconstraints [E]  [E1],...,[E]  [Ek] must hold

  17. Generating Type Constraints

  18. Virtual Method Calls for a call E.m(E1,...,En)to a virtual method M RootDefs(M) = { M’ | M overrides M’, and there exists no M’’ (M’’ M’) such that M’ overrides M’’ }

  19. Dictionary Map Hashtable Constraints for Virtual Method Calls put() put() publicvoidfoo(Strings1,Strings2){ Hashtableh=newHashtable(); h.put(s1,s2); } [h]  Decl(Map.put(...)) or [h]  Decl(Dictionary.put(...)) Map put() [h]  Map or [h]  Dictionary

  20. Constraints for Overriding & Hiding if method M’ overrides method M, M’ M if fieldF’hides fieldF

  21. Casts for a cast (C)E • the latter constraint need not be generated if C or |E| is an interface • these constraints only capture the requirements for type-correctness (not necessarily program behavior) • it is possible to avoid generating disjunctions by preserving the “directionality” of the cast

  22. Outline • background • type constraints for Java programs • notation and terminology • constraint generation rules • applications • generalization-related refactorings (OOPSLA’03) • customization of library classes (ECOOP’04) • refactorings for introducing generics (work in progress) • related work • conclusions and future work

  23. Refactoring for Generalization • several refactorings are concerned with generalization • moving methods/fields to superclasses and subclasses • splitting & merging of classes • manipulating the types of declarations • Chapter 11 of Fowler’s book mentions: • Extract Interface • Pull Up Member(s) • Push Down Member(s) • Extract Subclass • Generalize Type

  24. Extract Interface – Recipe • select class C • select subset M of C’s methods • create interface I containing declarations of the methods in M • add inheritance “C implements I” • “Adjust client type declarations to use the interface” [Fowler, p.342]

  25. Extract Interface: An Example • List class with methods as follows: • add(Comparable) add an element • addAll(List) add contents of another List • iterator() iteration support • sort() sorts the list • ListIterator class • implements java.util.Iterator; methods hasNext(), next() • Client class • create List; add some elements • add contents of another List; sort the List • print contents of the List • extract an interface Bag from List • declares add(Comparable), addAll(List), iterator()

  26. interfaceBag{ publicIteratoriterator(); publicListadd(Comparablee); publicListaddAll(Listv0); } classListimplements Bag { intsize=0;Comparable[]elems=newComparable[10]; publicIteratoriterator(){returnnewListIterator(this);} publicListadd(Comparablee){ if(this.size+1==this.elems.length){ Comparable[]newElems=newComparable[2*this.size]; System.arraycopy(this.elems,0,newElems,0,this.size); this.elems=newElems; } this.elems[this.size++]=e;returnthis; } publicListaddAll(Listv1){ java.util.Iteratori=v1.iterator(); for(;i.hasNext();this.add((Comparable)i.next())); returnthis; } publicvoidsort(){/* insertion sort */} } List/Bag Example (1)

  27. classListIteratorimplementsjava.util.Iterator{ privateintcount=0;privateListv2; ListIterator(Listv3){v2=v3;} publicbooleanhasNext(){returnthis.count<this.v2.size;} publicObjectnext(){returnthis.v2.elems[this.count++];} } publicclassClient{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ Listv4=createList();populate(v4);update(v4); sortList(v4);print(v4); } staticListcreateList(){returnnewList();} staticvoidpopulate(Listv5){v5.add("foo").add("bar");} staticvoidupdate(Listv6){ Listv7=newList().add("zap").add("baz");v6.addAll(v7);} staticvoidsortList(Listv8){v8.sort();} staticvoidprint(Listv9){ for(Iteratoriter=v9.iterator();iter.hasNext();) System.out.println("Object: "+iter.next()); } } List List/Bag Example (2) List List List List

  28. Problem Statement • identify all declarations that can be updated to make use of the newly extracted interface • want to be able to reason about: • correctness of the solution • maximality of the solution

  29. Using Type Constraints • declared types of variables, fields, parameters constrained by: • field access, method calls • assignments, parameter-passing • several other invariants must be maintained to preserve type-correctness & program behavior • Observation: all these constraints can be stated succinctly and uniformly using type constraints

  30. Observation • the constraints for the original program contain all the information we need • some declarations cannot be updated List  [v3]  [v2]  List [v4]  [v8]  List • other variables are less constrained [v1]  Bag

  31. Algorithm for Determining “Updatable” Declarations • iterative algorithm for determining non-updatable declarations • first determine declarations that cannot be updated because of member access (e.g., [v2]  List, [v8]  List) • if x is non-updatable, and there is a type constraint [y]  [x], [y] = [x], or [y] < [x] then y is non-updatable • iterate until fixed-point is reached

  32. Non-Updatable Declarations for the Example Program { v2, v3, v4, v8, Client.createList() } (consistent with earlier result)

  33. Justification (Details in Paper) • type-correctness • updating the “updatable” declaration elements results in a program that satisfies all type constraints • preservation of behavior • argument based on the fact that method dispatch, cast/instanceof behavior do not depend on declared types • maximality • updating any non-updatable declarations will result in the violation of type constraints

  34. ? Another Refactoring: Pull Up Members [this]  Decl(B.foo()) Decl(B.foo())  B [B.foo()]  B [this]  [B.foo()] classA{ ... } classB extends A{ public B foo(){returnthis;} }

  35. Pull Up Members (2) classA{ public B foo(){returnthis;} } classB extends A{ ... } [this]  Decl(A.foo()) Decl(A.foo())  A [A.foo()]  B [this] ≤ [A.foo()]

  36. Other Refactorings • Generalize Type • update the type of a declaration E • use type constraints to determine allowable supertypes/subtypes • may enable Pull Up Members in certain cases • Extract Subclass • splitting of a class • can be treated similarly as Extract Interface • Push Down Members • the “inverse” of Pull Up Members • similar issues

  37. Perspective • infer from original program a system of ordering constraints between types of declaration elements • original program is just one possible solution • Extract Interface • declarations: variables • locations of members: constants • Pull Up Members • declarations: constants • locations of members: variables • Generalize Type • selected declaration: variable • all other declarations & locations of members: constants

  38. Demo: Extract Interface & Generalize Type

  39. Outline • background • type constraints for Java programs • notation and terminology • constraint generation rules • applications • generalization-related refactorings (OOPSLA’03) • customization of library classes (ECOOP’04) • refactorings for introducing generics (work in progress) • related work • conclusions and future work

  40. Class Libraries • class libraries improve programmer productivity • programmers don’t have to waste time developing & debugging standard infrastructure • but... class libraries are often implemented with some typical/ average usage pattern in mind • for example: container class implementations assume that: • elements are accessed often & frequently • a large number of elements is stored • performance loss if the actual usage of a library class differs from this typical usage pattern • “MyHashTable”, “SmartHashtable”,... in various benchmarks

  41. Our Approach • derive custom versions from library classes • rewrite application to use these custom versions • ship custom library classes with application • technical foundations: • use type constraints to determine where custom classes can be used • use profile information to determine where introducing custom classes is profitable • use static analysisandprofile information to decide how to customize

  42. Object O S String Dictionary D M Map H Hashtable O S D M H Example Program class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H r2 = new H(); H r3 = new H(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } class Example { void foo(Map m){ Hashtable r1 = new Hashtable(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); Hashtable r2 = new Hashtable(); Hashtable r3 = new Hashtable(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(Object o){ Hashtable r4 = (Hashtable) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } }

  43. O S D M H H1 H2 class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H r2 = new H()H1(); H r3 = new H()H2(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } How to customize? class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H r2 = new H(); H r3 = new H(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } }

  44. class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H r2 = new H()H1(); H r3 = new H()H2(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } H1 H2 class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H H1 r2 = new H()H1(); HH2 r3 = new H()H2(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } H1 H2 O How to customize? S D M H

  45. class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H H1 r2 = new H()H1(); HH1 r3 = new H()H1(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } H1 H2 O How to customize? S D M H

  46. class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H H1 r2 = new H()H1(); HH1 r3 = new H()H1(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } H1 H2 class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H AH r2 = new H()H1(); HAH r3 = new H()H2(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } H1 H2 AH O How to customize? S D M H • update allocations of library types • update declarations

  47. O S D M H H1 H2 AH Restrictions? call to: javax.swing.JTree(Hashtable) class Example { void foo(M m){ H r1 = new H(); JTree tree = new JTree(r1); H r2 = new H(); H r3 = new H(); r2.put(“FOO”,“BAR”); bar(r3); r2 = r3; r2.putAll(m); bar(“HELLO”); } void bar(O o){ H r4 = (H) o; if (r4.contains(“FOO”)) {…} } } • type correctness • interface compatibility • preserve behavior of cast and instanceof operations

  48. Outline of Approach • generate type constraints for program • additional constraints generated to ensure that behavior of cast/instanceof operations is preserved • constraint simplification • rewrite/replace all constraints to use “≤” only • solve the resulting constraint system • rewrite the program’s declarations and allocation sites to use the inferred types

  49. Preserving the Behavior of Cast & instanceof • we want to change declarations and allocation sites • need to ensure that cast/instanceof operations succeed and fail in exactly the same cases as before • use points-to analysis to approximate the set of objects to which the cast/instanceof is applied • easily expressed using constraint (to be replaced with a ≤constraint) publicclass Example { void zip(){ zap(new Hashtable()); // A1 zap(new String()); // A2 } void zap(Object o){ Hashtable h = (Hashtable)o; // C } } A1 ≤ C A2  C

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