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. Error Explanation . Cautions . Solution MAP . Communication wiring . DVMPLUS2 I/F

. Error Explanation . Cautions . Solution MAP . Communication wiring . DVMPLUS2 I/F . Indoor Power line wiring. 1. Error Display    1) The Meaning of the First Alphabet.   2) Error Display sequence.

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. Error Explanation . Cautions . Solution MAP . Communication wiring . DVMPLUS2 I/F

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  1. . Error Explanation . Cautions . Solution MAP . Communication wiring . DVMPLUS2 I/F . Indoor Power line wiring

  2. 1. Error Display    1) The Meaning of the First Alphabet   2) Error Display sequence  ○ In case several errors occurred at the same time, seven segment on the outdoor PBA displays only one error whose priority is higher. ( Refer to the errorr code table about priority order )  ○ When the same error occurred in several indoor units, seven segment displays one main address of indoor unit whose address number is lowest.

  3. Operation flow of Outdoor unit E201 E425

  4. 2. Initial tracking(communicaton check) – E201 indicated if abnormal 1) When the power is on, the micom of outdoor unit check the indoor units, and transmitters Installed in the same system, which is called as tracking. 2) The left 2 sides of displays shows the address of indoor unit which the outdoor unit is trying to communicate.(0,1,2,~,47) 3) The right 2 sides of displays shows the address of indoor unit which the outdoor unit succeed in communicating. 4) Using outdoor 2 rotary switches to check the numbers of indoor unit connected with outdoor unit 5) If the total numbers of indoor unit don't match with the outdoor switches setting, the 4 segments display E201.. ▶ Main unit displays indoor unit main address in sequence from 0 to 47 ▶ Sub unit displays only outdoor unit address connected to each other like C9,CA,CB,CC,CD,CE,DF

  5. 6) Letters on the 7 segment display means as the follows. 2. Reverse phase/missing phase detection - E425 indicated if abnormal 3. Compressor preheating – Ch displays (DISCHARGE ≤ COND_Out + 2℃ ) and ( out air temp) ≤ 30 ℃, for 2 minutes -> CCH ON for 2 and half hours only at first. (DISCHARGE > COND_Out + 5℃ ) and ( out air temp) ≥ 32 ℃, for 2 minutes -> CCH OFF

  6. E201: E202: E203:

  7. E425: E452: E162:





  12. Cautions in Solution Map * Blue to be released , * Red to be sterilized * MWR-WS00 : 7-day schedule function included. * MWR-WH00 : daily schedule function. Will be released on '06.04 * When using the DMS, MCM-A202 and MIM-B13 or MIM-B04A must be used * MIM-B07 will be provided by R&D till '06.03. Order may be placed starting from '06.03. * The power meter must be purchased from Korea separately. (Not provided by Samsung HQ) MWR-WS00 is not compatible with the DVM, HR and FJM models at this time. (Compatibility date will be announced later on) MWR-WS00 is not compatible with the BAC models at this time. (Compatibility date will be announced later on) *Remote controller model for BAC will be listed by model separately

  13. Cautions in RS-485 Communication wiring

  14. DVMPLUS2 Interface Module

  15. Cautions in Indoor power line wiring , Coef = 1.55 < Instrallation condition > total wire Length = 100[m], total input current i = 10[A], each indoor current 1[A], total indoor number 10[EA]

  16. Cautions in Indoor power line wiring

  17. Cautions in Indoor power line wiring

  18. Cautions in Indoor power line wiring 3.5[mm2] 2[mm2] 5.5[mm2]

  19. Schmatic Diagram of DVMPLUS2

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