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Geometry. Mr. Moreno. Food for Thought. What would you think of somebody that goes to the Police Academy but does not want to be a police officer? What would you think of somebody that goes to acting school but does not want to become an actor?
Geometry Mr. Moreno
Food for Thought • What would you think of somebody that goes to the Police Academy but does not want to be a police officer? • What would you think of somebody that goes to acting school but does not want to become an actor? • What would you think of somebody that goes to a college preparatory school but does not want to go to college?
SAT/ACT Prep Course Geometry Mr. Moreno
SAT/ACT Prep Course • 40% of SAT Math section is Geometry • SAT Math score 570 • Burton Tech Average – 420 • ACT Math score 24 • Burton Tech average - 15
Math Placement Test Prep Geometry Mr. Moreno
Math Placement Test • Every student applying for a community college and four year university must take a math placement test • This tests determines if you are ready for college level math courses • If you fail, you must take remedial courses • Question: What are remedial courses?
Remedial Courses • Courses that get you prepared for college level work • Do not count towards any degrees or transfer credit • Cost the same amount as a regular course Southwest Community College Remedial Courses
Expectations • This course is preparing you for those two exams • Come in everyday with that mentality
What is Geometry? • Geo which means earth and metria which means measure.(Greek) • Geometry is the study of the size, shape and position of 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional figures. • Geometry is found everywhere: in art, architecture, engineering, robotics, land surveys, astronomy, sculptures, space, nature, sports, machines, cars and much more.
BLAST • Classroom will be broken into 3 stations • Direct Instruction • Collaborative • Independent
Direct Instruction • Teacher Directed with peer tutors • New concepts
Collaborative • Work on weekly projects with group • Team leaders will be selected for each group • Every student responsible to complete project • One student fails, the group fails
Independent • Computer station • Revolution Prep and Compass Learning • Completely independent • No Talking or asking for help
Materials • 2 inch 3-ring binder with 5 dividers • Pencils • Loose-leaf paper • Notes – Teacher created If you do not bring materials to class you will not be allowed in the classroom.
Homework Policy • Finish all work that is not completed in class • Print out notes • Parent notified if HW not completed • Will not be allowed in class if notes are not printed out Computer Lab: Open Monday - Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Technology • Students are allowed to use the computer to for digital content only (Revolution Prep, Compass Learning, Vault). • Students are not allowed to access social media (Facebook, Instant Messaging, personal email, etc.) or surf the web for any reason. • Failure to follow this rule will result in loss of computer privileges for the year.
Uniform Policy • Tops: B-Tech logo dress or polo shirt tucked in for the entire day while on school grounds • Bottoms: Solid black dress slacks, skirts/shorts at knee-length • Footwear: Black, white, or gray dress shoes or tennis shoes • Socks: Black, white, or gray socks • Undershirts: Black, white, or gray undershirts • Outerwear: Uniform sweaters and jackets with a stitched school logo
Hall Pass • One hall pass a semester • If an emergency arises it will cost you an hour of Wednesday detention. • Use bathroom during nutrition and lunch.
Daily Routine • At the door have notes out before you walk in • Sit down quietly in your assigned seat with notes out on desk • Teacher will lecture to entire class • Break into stations • Rotate – Sit at the same number in each station