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Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on the Sustainable Tourism Programme of the 10-Year Framework of Programme (10 YPF) on Sustainable Consumption and Production Busan , Korea, 17-18 April 2014. Ilisoni Vuidreketi CEO, South Pacific Tourism Organisation.
Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on the Sustainable Tourism Programme of the 10-Year Framework of Programme (10 YPF) on Sustainable Consumption and Production Busan, Korea, 17-18 April 2014 Ilisoni Vuidreketi CEO, South Pacific Tourism Organisation REGIONAL TOURISM PLANS AND PRIORITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN PACIFIC ISLANDS
PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Pacific Islands – A snapshot • Status of the Pacific’s Tourism Industry • Constraints to Growth • Regional Strategies and Sector Priorities • Priority Actions for Sustainable Consumption and Production • Pacific Islands Expectations
PACIFIC ISLANDS - A Snapshot • 16 Island countries; 1.8 million visitors in 2013 • Comprise of over 20,000 tropical islands • Total population of about 10 million • Spread over 50 million square kms of Pacific ocean
PACIFIC ISLANDS - A Snapshot • Small and geographically isolated • Historically reliant on traditional industries: agriculture and fishing for economic survival • Tourism industry a promising growth sector across Pacific Island SIDS • Largest common economic sector contributing to foreign exchange, job creation and encouraging economic diversification • Range of Tourist Arrival Numbers – 2012 Annual • Tuvalu – 1,500 • Tonga – 50,000 • Samoa – 135,000 • Fiji – 660,000 • Tourism now a development tool to drive economic growth and provide much needed employment • European Union funding – until Dec. 2014.
STATUS OF TOURISM IN PACIFIC ISLANDS • International Visitor Arrivals: 1.8 million in 2013 • Extent of tourism activities in P-SIDS varies widely; economic benefits diverse • Region’s tourism industry contributed between US$2.5bn and US$3.0bn as gross tourism receipts in 2012; • Average annual growth in VAs approximately 3.5% • Direct Contribution– 10.7% of PICs GDP • Biggest contributor to GDP, foreign exchange earnings, employment (exception of PNG) • Best hope for sustainable economic development for PICs. • (source: World Travel Tourism Council, 2013 Report)
CONSTRAINTS TO GROWTH • Geographical spread and isolation of P-SIDS • Small population base and limited domestic capital for investment • Low level critical mass, restricted marketing funds and high production cost • Inadequate infrastructure and high cost of transportation and services • Limited capacity among key public sector tourism related agencies • Limited tourism statistics, research and intelligence data to improve sector planning, development, marketing and advocacy • Inadequate conservation of marine and land resources • High vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change impacts
REGIONAL TOURISM STRATEGY AND PRIORITIES • Pacific Regional Tourism Strategy 2015-2019 • Wide public and private sector industry consultations 2012-2014 • Identified 3 key strategic areas for development support at a regional level • To be approved by the Pacific Islands Ministers of Tourism, October 2014 • 3 key strategic areas for tourism sector development at a regional level: • Developing sustainable tourism products • - integration of tourism in the natural and cultural environment • - environmental legislation and guidelines • - addressing vulnerability to natural disasters • - niche and emerging market products • b)Developing institutional capacity and the Pacific people • - supporting training providers • - identifying training gaps - TNA • - qualifications frameworks • c) Improving access and transport infrastructure • - air transportation and tourism development • - cruise shipping development
REGIONAL PRIORITY ACTIONS • To support Global Action for Sustainable Consumption and Production: • Support and strengthen tourism planning controls, policies and development regulations and seek to incorporate these into national and local level tourism planning • 2. Promotion and development of sustainable tourism activities as tools for the retention and regeneration of niche products such as eco-tourism, culture-tourism, heritage tourism and agro-tourism. • 3. Support local participatory measures to strengthen local employment and engagement in the sector, such as SME development, cruise shipping development, community based tourism, art and craft. • 4. Protect the SIDS’ natural environment, ecosystems and biodiversity, through the development and dissemination of environmental guidelines for tourism operators, tourists and stakeholders • 5. Promote and develop strategic partnerships with development organisations to provide direct and focused support for sustainable tourism development initiatives • 6. Encourage the establishment of governance and management structures for tourism, and enable a meaningful partnership approach between the public and private sector and local community.
PACIFIC ISLANDS EXPECTATIONS • Pacific Islands SIDS expectations of this conference are: • To compile and identify practical and relevant (sustainable) tourism development issues and needs of Pacific Islands towards the 10YFP • To produce meaningful outputs that will feature in the outcome documents on Tourism for UN SIDS Conference in Samoa, September, 2014 • To be conduit for tourism development support and partnerships between Pacific Island SIDS and the donor community and development agencies such as UNEP, WTO • To produce a well defined and relevant SCP Programme of Action that Pacific Island SIDS can take back and consider for their respective national and regional plans on sustainable tourism development.
THANK YOU ALL And our special THANKS to UNEP, UNOSD and the Government of the Republic of Korea