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IPO-organization. One Contract with the Commission Comenius Erasmus Leonardo da Vinci Grundtvig. Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP. One Desk Officer responsible for co-ordination and the contract Sub programme administration in different units. Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP.
One Contract with the Commission Comenius Erasmus Leonardo da Vinci Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP
One Desk Officer responsible for co-ordination and the contract Sub programme administration in different units Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP
3 Desk Officers for Erasmus: - Information, IP, EILC - Mobility grants, statistics, applications and reporting - Mobility grants, placements Economic unit Information unit Erasmus organization at IPO
Swedish national model Decentralized administration IPO set rules based on Commission rules National Handbook Contracts with the HEIs HEIs/Consortia administer individual grants to students and reports to IPO Erasmus organization
Work Programme NA “application” to the Commission National context Objectives for programme implementation National award criteria Budget breakdown Grant allocation policy (no zero grant students) Complementary funding (national study grant scheme) Policy for redistribution of unused funds Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP
Information, priorities, maximum grant amounts etc in General Call for proposals 2008 (not yet published) http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/llp/index_en.html Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP
Work Programme - Erasmus Student mobility placements
Application, mobility, Early spring Simple on-line application Commission model application HEI have to have EUC to apply
Mobility application containing short information about: Student mobility, studies Student mobility, placements Teacher mobility Staff exchange
The Charter sets out the fundamental principles and the minimum requirements underlying the Erasmus activities a higher education institution has to respect.The Charter entitles institutions to participate in decentralised Erasmus activities, as well as to act as an applicant organisation in Erasmus centralised actions managed by the Executive Agency. Erasmus University Charter, EUC
Institutional profile Name, statistical data etc Fundamental principles Tick boxes Questions on Organisation of mobility Yes/No Erasmus policy statement Important 3 important policy question (to be discussed on different levels of each HEI) Erasmus University Charter, EUC
Application procedures managed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) . Next application round planned to 30 November 2007 On-line application through the EACEA website http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/llp/erasmus/index_en.htm Erasmus University Charter, EUC
Standard Extended (entitles also to placements) Sweden: 40 HEIs were awarded EUC Not all HEIs were awarded EUC Some were not awarded extended EUC Erasmus University Charter, EUC
Grant award decisions based on past performance (of last two years) All HEIs get funds for exchange as long as they apply If no past performance, like this year with placements and Staff exchange, IPO take in consideration, applied number and size of institution
Besides the funds for grants the HEIs receives funds for organizing the mobility, OM Based on the number of mobilities Distributed on according a formula
IPO model 2007/2008 based on a UK model
Contracts with HEIs based on a model provided by the commission 80 % paid in a prefinancing payment Possible 2nd payment based on actual mobility reported in an Interim report
Contracts, reporting and payments sums stated in euro (not Swedish currency). Payments in euro may require special arrangements as it is considered as an international payment
Swedish model Interim report in April during the ongoing academic year Final report in October Reporting, HEI to NA
Interim report On-line based Provides information for a second payment and a possible reallocation of funds between the HEIs Results in an amendment to the original contract Reporting, HEI to NA
Final report On-line based Provides information for closing of contracts and possible reimbursements Provides information for the NA-report to the Commission Reporting, HEI to NA
Commission rules stipulated in the Guide for National Agencies. Control of a certain number of HEIs after HEI report according to the number of HEIs involved in Erasmus. Monitoring visits Audit visits (control of financial docs., contracts etc) Financial control, desk check (control of financial docs., contracts etc) Control and audit of HEIs
LLP rules not set. During Socrates period: Interim report (financial), 31 January End of activity report, 30 November, including: financial, performance and narrative report Final report 31 May, including: Monitoring and audit report, financial and certification of accounts Reporting, NA to Commission
During Socrates period Report form provided by the UK NA Reporting done through a specially designed software Important to fill in the information in the right format, hence important to take in the information from the HEIs in the right format Reporting, NA to Commission
EILC – Erasmus Intensive Language Courses HEIs sending students to EILC, 150 EUR/week for students as extra grant Courses in Sweden (decentralised administration): All OI applications accepted (so far), 7 OIs, summer/winter courses for 370 students OIs receive student applications in May and prepare for admissions National clearing meeting in June, geographical distributions of students, students admitted by HEIs EU financing: 6743 EUR/group of about 15 students, 80 % paid before course, 20 % after Final report National financing: 5000 SEK/group Final report (interim report): Excel sheet
Erasmus Intensive Programmes (IP) Short course for teacher and students from min 3 countries (min 10 days), 1-3 years Applications on paper during spring IPO assesses applications on technical grounds External assessors grade the applications on quality grounds (only first year applications) Assessment handbook from the Commission Evaluation committee (within IPO) to propose Director General makes decision on distribution of grants – (contract period september-august)
Erasmus Intensive Programmes (IP) IPO allocates an amount for organisational costs of each IP as a lump sum 7 867 euros. The Community contribution will be 75% of the total eligible travel costs. The National Agency will allocate funds for accommodation and subsistence costs according to a system of daily and weekly rates for teaching staff and weekly rates for students.
NA have to organize on it’s own LLP-link in the future? MoveOn administrative tool which some universities and NAs use IPO On-line application and reporting Excel-sheets Administration tools
Formal NA meetings in Brussels Informal NA meetings organized by one NA Nety – Intranet for NAs organized by the Commission NA-talk – E-mail list for Erasmus desk officers at all NAs Contacts with the Commission and other NAs
National HEI-conference in May Erasmus Co-ordinator meeting in September Introduction day for new co-ordinators at HEIs in September Erasmus thematic conference in November HEI Study visit to Brussels in December E-mail list to all Erasmus co-ordinators E-mail list to all heads of International Offices at HEIs IPO web site Contacts with HEIs
Erasmus marketing activities: Erasmus brochures and posters created Advertisements in national student magasines and other publications Information sent to media on Erasmus, leads to articles in newspapers, radio interviews, TV Yearly Erasmus Student photo competition Best pictures used to make a calendar and can be used in other marketing and information materials (students get 600 SEK/picture)
The Decision1720/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 establishing an action programme in the field of lifelong learning Call for Proposals http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/llp/index_en.html Guide for national agencies implementing the Lifelong learning programme Important documents
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for the management of certain parts of the EU's programmes Erasmus University Charter (EUC) Centralized actions (Multilateral projects, Thematical Networks etc.) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/index.htm