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2009 TDM Summit November 16 th , 2009

Planning for Mobility Hubs. Joshua Engel-Yan Transportation Policy and Planning Metrolinx. 2009 TDM Summit November 16 th , 2009. Outline . The Big Move – the Regional Transportation Plan What are Mobility Hubs? Kipling mobility hub planning Lessons learned. Metrolinx Mission.

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2009 TDM Summit November 16 th , 2009

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  1. Planning for Mobility Hubs Joshua Engel-Yan Transportation Policy and Planning Metrolinx 2009 TDM Summit November 16th, 2009

  2. Outline • The Big Move – the Regional Transportation Plan • What are Mobility Hubs? • Kipling mobility hub planning • Lessons learned

  3. Metrolinx Mission Deliver rapid transit improvement Make up for lost generation of rapid transit investment Lay foundation for long-term sustainable strategy of investment in rapid transit 3

  4. 6 million people today 8.62 million people by 2031 30 municipalities 4 levels of gov’t 10 transit agencies 8,242 km2 Geographical Context

  5. Provincial Policy Context • Places to Grow legislation • Management of future growth to 2031 • 25 Urban Growth Centres • Density targets to encourage revitalization as vibrant, transit-oriented nodes • Protects 1.8 million acres of sensitive land from development for: • water and air • local food production • recreation opportunities, incl. trails and parks

  6. A Bold Plan 6

  7. The Big Move Regional transit service will double Transit lines will triple in length Despite growth, commuting times do not increase 7

  8. Mode Share

  9. 9 Big Moves 1 A fast, frequent and expanded regional rapid transit network 2 High-order transit connectivity to the Pearson Airport District from all directions 3 An expanded Union Station - the heart of the GTHA’s transportation system. 4 A complete walking and cycling network with bike-sharing programs 5 An information system for travellers, where and when they need it 6 A region-wide integrated transit fare system 7 A system of interconnected mobility hubs 8 A comprehensive strategy for goods movement 9 An Investment Strategy to provide stable and predictable funding

  10. Critical Function of Mobility Hubs • Catalyze effective implementation of regional rapid transit projects • Provide multi-modal access and seamless transfers to the regional rapid transit system • Improve customer experience • Generate transit-supportive densities and destinations that support sustainable regional growth

  11. 51 Mobility Hubs identified 18 Anchor Hubs 33 Gateway Hubs 5

  12. 6

  13. 7

  14. 8

  15. Metrolinx Role in Mobility Hubs • Ensure that the hub concept is realized • Lead design and implementation • Planning and policy coordination • Optimization of public investments • Lead hub construction and development • Advance innovation in operations • Land value capture

  16. First Projects First Five Projects - $10B 18

  17. Mobility Hub Master Planning • Density and mode split targets • Design and land use vision • Station design concepts • Development potential analysis • Multi-modal transportation networks • Parking management strategies • Green Design • Phasing and implementation plan

  18. Anchor Hubs Kipling Pickering Oshawa Gateway Hubs Renforth Cooksville Port Credit Dundas W/Bloor Weston/Mt. Dennis Kennedy Unique Hubs: Airport Precinct Union 2031 Mobility Hub planning underway

  19. Kipling Station Mobility Hub KiplingMobility Hub Etobicoke Centre UGC

  20. Phase 1

  21. Phase 2

  22. Phase 3

  23. Initial TTC/GO Plan

  24. Metrolinx - Phase 1 Longer term

  25. Section

  26. Hub Planning Lessons Learned • Every mobility hub is different • Need to bring together transit agencies and municipalities • Involve an interdisciplinary team: planning, urban design, transit operators, real estate, customer services • Plan for people, but transit operations must work • Include real estate considerations early in the planning process • Use planned capital investment to leverage hub concept • Capital investment in the short-term should not preclude opportunities in the medium- and long-term • Need to develop a suite of implementation mechanisms • Lots of room for innovation (station cars, bike stations, enhanced customer information, etc.)

  27. Next Steps • Continue mobility hub planning and development • Mobility hub guidelines • Parking management strategy • Land value capture strategy

  28. www.metrolinx.com joshua.engel-yan@metrolinx.com

  29. Mobility Hubs: A Bridge between Project Delivery + Customer Service • PLACE + PROXIMITY + PURPOSE = VALUE • Integrating the perspective of the passenger into project design by: • Creating a sense of place • Well integrated customer amenities • Easily accessed by multiple modes • Optimizing the development potential from the infrastructure investment

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