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1984. Background Information on the Author and the Book. Who wrote 1984?. George Orwell . The Author – George Orwell. Born in 1903 in India, grew up in England After school at Eton, joined civil service Was a sergeant in the police force in Burma

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  1. 1984 Background Information on the Author and the Book

  2. Who wrote 1984? George Orwell

  3. The Author – George Orwell • Born in 1903 in India, grew up in England • After school at Eton, joined civil service • Was a sergeant in the police force in Burma • Saw British imperialism first-hand in India (He was appalled at the oppression he witnessed.) • Chose to live among the lower classes for one year • Became a socialist, moved to Spain, was kicked out by Communist Party • In 1945 wrote Animal Farm, a political satire • 1984 was later published in 1949

  4. Orwell’s Political Views A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state (USSR) • He considered himself a democratic socialist and was critical of communism • He hated intellectuals, lying, cruelty, political authority, and totalitarianism • He strongly opposed Stalin and Hitler – was very outspoken during WWII A system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production (Nazi) The political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority

  5. What was going on in the world at the time? (1940’s)

  6. So what is the book about? And why is there an eye on the cover?

  7. Warning!!!!!!!!!! • A novel of psychological terror that warns us about a future where the government controls everything and individual rights are taken away • The novel was a response to Totalitarian governments (Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, etc.)

  8. Warning!!!!!!!!!! • Of what could happen in the future based on the atrocities and dictators that gained power in WWII • The rise of totalitarian governments • The use of science and technology to regulate or brainwash society • The distortion of truth through rhetoric • The restriction of individual freedoms

  9. Is it real? • The world of 1984 is a negative utopia – a dystopia • The main character, Winston Smith, tries to rebel against society • He begins his rebellion with the simple act of writing in his journal – which is illegal a perfect society gone wrong

  10. What is the world of 1984 Like? • All citizens are monitored by telescreens which are present in all homes and workplaces • The government is represented by Big Brother, a figure who “Sees everything”

  11. More… • Laws are enforced by the Thought Police, who arrest and “vaporize” anyone who even thinks disruptive thoughts • History is constantly rewritten so that the predictions of Big Brother will never be wrong • Citizens are constantly asked to show their allegiance by engaging in rallies and meetings to support Big Brother • Hatred for the enemies of Big Brother is encouraged through the use of propaganda • The society of Oceania is constantly at war with other countries --- or so Big Brother says.

  12. A few terms from 1984 • Doublethink – the ability to believe two contradictory things at the same time • Newspeak – the language of Oceania • Ingsoc – Oceania’s form of government • Thought crime – thinking anti-party thoughts • Inner Party/Outer party – those closest to Big Brother and those on the outside • Proles – the lower classes who live in a separate part of the city

  13. Themes • Alienation • Love • Individuality/Freedom of Thought and Speech • Governmental Control • Appearance vs. Reality

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