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Dr. Monica Wehby - Pediatric Neurosurgery Specialist

Dr. Monica Wehby is certified by the board of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the American Board of Pediatric Neurological Surgery. She has been in practice for more than 20 years now. Dr. Wehby has a license to practice medicine in three US states: Oregon, Indiana, and Nebraska. Get complete information about her by reviewing above PDF.

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Dr. Monica Wehby - Pediatric Neurosurgery Specialist

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  2. ABOUTHER DR. MONICAWEHBY MonicaWehbyisanAmericanphysicianandpolitician fromthestateofOregon. ShewasPastPresidentof OregonMedicalAssociationandcurrently, sheisa neurosurgeoninPortland, Oregonandisaffiliatedwith multiplehospitalsintheareaandhasbeenpracticing formorethan20years. Toknowabouther, checkthe website.

  3. POSITIONSHELD NEUROLOGICALSURGEONS Dr. MonicaWehbyiscertifiedbytheboardofthe AmericanAssociationofNeurologicalSurgeonsand theAmericanBoardofPediatricNeurological Surgery. Shehasbeeninpracticeformorethan20 yearsnow. Dr. Wehbyhasalicensetopractice medicineinthreeUSstates: Oregon, Indiana, and Nebraska. Sheiscurrentlyassociatedwiththree medicalcenters: LegacyEmanuelMedicalCenter, ProvidenceSt. VincentMedicalCenter, and LegacyMeridianParkMedicalCenter.

  4. IMPROVINGCHILDREN’SHEALTH Dr. Wehbyhasarobustandrespectfulbackgroundin healthpolicy. Shehasexpertiseinspinabifidaand tetheredcordforwhichsheisinternationally recognized. ShehasalsowontheCongressionalMedal ofdistinctionforimprovingChildren’shealth. Shehas spokenupinherpreviousinterviewsthatsheenjoys every aspect of pediatric neurosurgery. She particularlyhasclinicalinterestsincraniofacial reconstruction, hydrocephalus, congenitalanomalies, neonatalsurgery, andchildabuse.

  5. DR. WEHBYSAID LaterinanotherinterviewDr. Wehbysaidthat medicinewasanaturalcareerchoiceforher, sheis heretomakelifebetterforothersandthatisthegoal ofherlife. Shesaysthatshefeelsblessedwhena parenthandsovertheirbabytohersothatshecould curethem. It'sasenseofresponsibilitythatkeepsher goingeverydaytomakethelifeofchildrenbetter.

  6. ADDRESS RandallChildrensNeurosurgery NEUROSURGEONINPORTLAND 501NGrahamStSte330B, Portland, OR, 97227 DR. MONICAWEHBY, MD PHONENUMBER (503) 413-3690 TWITTER @MonicaForOregon FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/monicafororegon/

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