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Bramidae. Responsible works output THU, Dao Duy RIMF- Vietnam. Bramidae. Unknown species flexion of Bramid Collected in Bay of Bengal via bongo net Measurements: BD: 3.75 mm HL: 1.45 mm ED 0.5mm SnL 0.3mm PAL 1.75mm BD 1.4mm

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  1. Bramidae

  2. Responsible works outputTHU, Dao DuyRIMF- Vietnam

  3. Bramidae • Unknown species flexion of Bramid • Collected in Bay of Bengal via bongo net • Measurements: BD: 3.75 mm HL: 1.45 mm ED 0.5mm SnL 0.3mm PAL 1.75mm BD 1.4mm • Pigmentation: scattered on head and trunk; be density over the head and gill cover and around dorsal gut area • Others: Round head- trunk part. Non visual head spine

  4. Bramidae • Post flexion of Bramid Collected in Similan Island by ring net oblique trawling. • Measurements: BL: 8.1 mm HL: 2.3 mm ED 1.3mm SnL 0.8mm PAL 5.0mm BD 3.3mm • Counts: D: 33 A: 23 • P1: 18 P2: I,5 • C:21 Myomeres: NR • Pigmentation: Pigments appear clearly and small on head and trunk but be gradually to tail base. Mostly concentrative on over head to anterior dorsal fin base and gut areas. • Head Spine: Serrate preopercular.

  5. Bregmacerotidae • Post flexion stage of unknown species collected in Western of Kalimantan via bongo net • Genus: Bregmaceros • Measurements: BL: 8.3 mm HL: 1.4 mm ED 0.3mm SnL 0.5mm PAL 3.0mm BD 1.5mm • Counts: D: 1+51 A: 52 P1: 10-13; P2: I- 3 C:26 Myomeres: 41-42

  6. Bregmacerotidae (cont.) • Pigmentation: few and small at pectoral fin base, above gill cover and gut. A big pigment above marginal posterior gut area • Others: gut coil. Long ray like spine over the head. Pectoral fin nearly horizontal that makes tip of fin ray rises higher body. Pelvic fin elongated within a few ray (3-5) like barbell. Dosal and anal fin ray so tiny and tight that be countable after staining only and continua to caudal fin • Stylephoridae very similar but fewer anal fin ray, mouth smaller and protrusible (Lesis, 2004).

  7. Engraulidae • Post flexion stage of unknown species collected in SW-SE Vietnam via bottom trawling net (500Mr) • Subfamily: Engrauninae • Measurements: BL: 10.65 mm HL: 2.5 mm ED 0.5mm SnL 0.7mm PAL 8.4mm BD 1.0mm • Counts: D: 13 A: 14 P1: 9; P2: C:19 Myomeres: 41-42

  8. Engraulidae (cont.) • Pigmentation: Along the gut and lower posterior of tail base and caudal fin. One behide the eye on gill cover • Others: Very elongate body and very long gut. Lower jaw is longer than uper jaw. Posterior gut puckers. Gas blader is above midle gut. No head spine • Similar fam.: Clupeidae (mouth, dorsal and anal fins location…)

  9. Thank you

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