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This chapter explores the concept of stochastic processes, their characterization, and classification, including examples such as queuing systems and Markov chains. It also covers the notion of sojourn time and introduces Bernoulli and renewal counting processes.
Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications: Chapter 6 on Stochastic Processes Kishor S. Trivedi Visiting Professor Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
What is a Stochastic Process? • Stochastic Process: is a family of random variables {X(t) | t ε T} (T is an index set; it may be discrete or continuous) • Values assumed by X(t) are called states. • State space (I): set of all possible states • Sometimes called a random process or a chance process
Stochastic Process Characterization • At a fixed time t=t1, we have a random variable X(t1). Similarly, we have X(t2), .., X(tk). • X(t1) can be characterized by its distribution function, • We can also consider the joint distribution function, • Discrete and continuous cases: • States X(t) (i.e. time t) may be discrete/continuous • State space I may be discrete/continuous
Classification of Stochastic Processes • Four classes of stochastic processes: • discrete-state process chain • discrete-time process stochastic sequence {Xn | n є T} (e.g., probing a system every 10 ms.)
Example: a Queuing System • Interarrival times Y1, Y2, … (common dist. Fn. FY) • Service times: S1, S2, … (iid with a common cdf FS) • Notation for a queuing system: FY /FS/m • Some interarrival/service time distributions types are: • M: Memoryless (i.e., EXP) • D: Deterministic • Ek: k-stage Erlang etc. • Hk: k-stage Hyper exponential distribution • G: General distribution • GI: General independent inter arrival times • M/M/1 Memoryless interarrival/service times with a single server
Discrete/Continuous Stochastic Processes • Nk: Number of jobs waiting in the system at the time of kth job’s departure Stochastic process {Nk| k=1,2,…}: • Discrete time, discrete state Nk Discrete k Discrete
Continuous Time, Discrete Space • X(t): Number of jobs in the system at time t. {X(t) | t є T} forms a continuous-time, discrete-state stochastic process, with, X(t) Discrete Continuous
Discrete Time, Continuous Space • Wk: waiting time for the kth job. Then {Wk | k є T}forms a Discrete-time, Continuous-state stochastic process, where, Wk Continuous k Discrete
Continuous Time, Continuous Space • Y(t): total service time for all jobs in the system at time t. Y(t) forms a continuous-time, continuous-state stochastic process, Where, Y(t) t
Further Classification • Similarly, we can define nth order distribution: • Formidable task to provide nth order distribution for all n. (1st order distribution) (2nd order distribution)
Further Classification (contd.) • Can the nth order distribution be simplified? • Yes. Under some simplifying assumptions: • Independence • As example, we have the Renewal Process • Discrete time independent process {Xn | n=1,2,…} (X1, X2, .. are iid, non-negative rvs), e.g., repair/replacement after a failure. • Markov process introduces a limited form of dependence • Markov Process • Stochastic proc. {X(t) | t є T} is Markov if for any t0 < t1< … < tn< t, the conditional distribution satisfies the Markov property:
Markov Process • We will only deal with discrete state Markov processes i.e., Markov chains • In some situations, a Markov chain may also exhibit time-homogeneity • Future of process (probabilistically) determined by its current state, independent of how it reached this particular state; but in a non homogeneous case, current time can also determine the future. • For a homogeneous Markov chain current time is also not needed to determine the future. • Let Y: time spent in a given state in a hom. CTMC
Homogeneous CTMC-Sojourn time • Since Y, the sojourn time, has the memoryless prop. • This result says that for a homogeneous continuous time Markov chain, sojourn time in a state follows EXP( ) distribution (not true for non-hom CTMC) • Hom. DTMC sojourn time dist. Is geometric. • Semi-Markov process is one in which the sojourn time in a state is generally distributed.
Bernoulli Process • A sequence of iid Bernoulli rvs, {Yi | i=1,2,3,..}, Yi =1 or 0 • {Yi} forms a Bernoulli Process, an example of a renewal process. • Define another stochastic process , {Sn | n=1,2,3,..}, where Sn = Y1 +Y2 +…+ Yn (i.e. Sn :sequence of partial sums) • Sn = Sn-1+ Yn (recursive form) • P[Sn = k | Sn-1= k] = P[Yn = 0] = (1-p)and, • P[Sn = k | Sn-1= k-1] = P[Yn = 1] = p • {Sn |n=1,2,3,..}, forms a Binomial process, an example of a homogeneous DTMC
Renewal Counting Process • Renewal counting process: # of renewals (repairs, replacements, arrivals) by time t: a continuous time process: • If time interval between two renewals follows EXP distribution, then Poisson Process
Note: • For a fixed t, N(t) is a random variable (in this case a discrete random variable known as the Poisson random variable) • The family {N(t), t 0} is a stochastic process, in this case, the homogeneous Poisson process • {N(t), t 0} is a homogeneous CTMC as well
Poisson Process • A continuous time, discrete state process. • N(t): no. of events occurring in time (0, t]. Events may be, • # of packets arriving at a router port • # of incoming telephone calls at a switch • # of jobs arriving at file/compute server • Number of component failures • Events occurs successively and that intervals between these successive events are iid rvs, each following EXP( ) • λ: arrival rate (1/ λ: average time between arrivals) • λ: failure rate (1/ λ: average time between failures)
Poisson Process (contd.) • N(t) forms a Poisson process provided: • N(0) = 0 • Events within non-overlapping intervals are independent • In a very small interval h, only one event may occur (prob. p(h)) • Letting, pn(t) = P[N(t)=n], • For a Poisson process, interarrival times follow EXP( ) (memoryless) distribution. • E[N(t)] = Var[N(t)] = λt ; What about E[N(t)/t], as t infinity?
Merged Multiple Poisson Process Streams • Consider the system, • Proof: Using z-transform. Letting, α = λt, +
Decomposing a Poisson Stream • Decompose a Poisson process using a prob. switch • N arrivals decomposed into {N1, N2, .., Nk}; N= N1+N2, ..,+Nk • Cond. pmf • Since, • The uncond. pmf
Generalizing the Poisson Process Poisson Process Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP)
If the expected number of events per unit time, l, changes with age (time), we have a non-homogeneous Poisson model. We assume that: 1. If 0 t, the pmf of N(t) is given by: where m(t) 0 is the expected number of events in the time period [0, t] 2. Counts of events in non-overlapping time periods are mutually independent. m(t) : the mean value function. l(x) :the time-dependent rate of occurrence of events or time-dependent failure rate Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP)
Generalizing Poisson Process Poisson Process Renewal Counting Process Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP)
Renewal Counting Process • Poisson process EXP( ) distributed interarrival times. • What if the EXP( ) assumption is removed renewal proc. • Renewal proc. : {Xi | i=1,2,…} (Xi’s are iid non-EXP rvs) • Xi : time gap between the occurrence of (i-1) st and ith event • Sk = X1 + X2 + .. + Xk time to occurrence of the kth event. • N(t)- Renewal counting process is a discrete-state, continuous-time stochastic process. N(t) denotes no. of renewals in the interval (0, t].
Sn t tn More arrivals possible Renewal Counting Processes (contd.) • For N(t), what is P(N(t) = n)?
Renewal Counting Process Expectation • Let, m(t) = E[N(t)]. Then, m(t) = mean no. of arrivals in time (0,t]. m(t) is called the renewal function.
Renewal Density Function • Renewal density function: • For example, if the renewal interval X is EXP(λ), then • d(t) = λ , t >= 0 and m(t) = λ t , t >= 0. • P[N(t)=n] = • Fn(t) will turn out to be n-stage Erlang e–λ t (λ t)n/n! i.e Poisson pmf
Where: Failure times T1, T2, … are mutually independent with a common distribution function W Restoration times D1, D2, … are mutually independent with a common distribution function G The sequences {Tn} and {Dn} are independent Alternating Renewal Process I(t) 1 Operating Restoration 0 Time
MTBF T1 D1 T2 D2 T3 D3 T4 D4 ……. Availability Analysis • Availability: is defined is the ability of a system to provide the desired service. • If no repair/replacement,Availability(t)=Reliability(t) • If repairs are possible, then above is pessimistic. • MTBF = E[Di+Ti+1] = E[Ti+Di]=E[Xi]=MTTF+MTTR
renewal Repair is completed with in this interval t x Availability Analysis (contd.) • Two mutually exclusive situations: • System does not fail before time t A(t) = R(t) • System fails, but the repair is completed before time t • Therefore, A(t) = sum of these two probabilities
Repair is completed with in this interval x t x+dx 0 Renewed life time >= (t-x) Availability Expression • dA(x) : Incremental availability • dA(x) = Prob(that after renewal, life time is > (t-x) & that the renewal occurs in the interval (x,x+dx])
Availability Expression (contd.) • A(t) can also be expressed in the Laplace domain. • Since, R(t) = 1-W(t) or LR(s) = 1/s – LW(s) = 1/s –Lw(s)/s • What happens when t becomes very large? • However,
Availability, MTTF and MTTR • Steady state availability A is: • Taking the expression of sLA(s) and taking the limit via L’Hospital rule and using the moment generating property of the LT, we get the required result for the steady-state A=MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR)
Availability Example • Assuming EXP( ) density fn for g(t) and w(t)
Generalizing Poisson Process Bernoulli Process Poisson Process Homogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chain Compound Poisson Process Renewal Counting Process Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP) Homogeneous Discrete Time Markov Chain Non-Homogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chain Semi-Markov Process Markov Regenerative Process