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<br><br>http://chirocarolinacharlotte.com/<br>Recommendations for the best Charlotte chiropractic treatment for joint pain. <br>
The best Charlotte Chiropractic treatment for joint pain Inflammation and joint pain It is important to seek the best Charlotte chiropractic care for treatment of your joint pain. Typically, the largest contributor to joint pain is inflammation. While this may sound bad, inflammation is the mechanism that our body uses as to begin the healing process. Inflammation provides protection against physical damage, germs, and other irritants to the tissues in our joints. Inflammation is actually part of our immune response. Initially, it is beneficial, but sometimes inflammation can become self- perpetuating, causing your body to produces more inflammation than is necessary, making the presence of inflammation a painful, chronic problem. Degenerative disease and painkillers The chronic presence of inflammation is the most common factor in every degenerative disease that we face today. Sadly, the most common approach for dealing with inflammation is to take over the counter medications or prescription painkillers. This means that we are not actually dealing with the cause our pain, only masking the symptoms of chronic inflammatory disease. Adding fuel to the fire, all of these medications have side effects. The most common over the counter medications are aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen. These drug are wrongly conceived to be fairly harmless, when in fact they are documented to cause digestive problems such as heartburn, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain; and GI bleeds. They also are significant factors for kidney disorders, liver failure, and increased risk for stroke and heart disease. Inflammation fighting foods Instead of taking medication to treat the pain, a healthier solution would be to treat the cause of the chronic inflammation. According to some chiropractors, this can be something as simple as changing your diet. Patients who suffer with chronic inflammation should eat foods which are naturally anti- inflammatory. Consider the following: Fruits Vegetables Nuts Wild caught fish Organic free range meat Omega 3 fats Pain relief from Charlotte’s top chiropractor Many people who suffer with joint pain and chronic inflammation believe that their condition is an acceptable fact of life. As some of the best chiropractors in Charlotte, the doctors at ChiroCarolina™ are trained to diagnose and treat illness and pain. They understand that each individual has unique underlying factors and causes that need to be addressed in order to ensure full recovery or optimal health. ChiroCarolina™ also provides neuromuscular stimulation and physiotherapy to aid in the elimination of chronic pain. You can also expect treatments to include supplemental therapies such as massage therapy, physical therapy, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle coaching when applicable. It is time to improve your quality of life. Patients visit from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, and as far as Georgia, Florida, and
Virginia. ChiroCarolina™ is one of Charlotte’s top chiropractic centers providing top chiropractic care for the uptown, NoDa, and University area- located conveniently off North Tryon Street.