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CS 330 – Software Engineering

Discover the essence of software engineering, its importance in today's world, and the need for guidelines to ensure quality, efficiency, and adherence to specifications.

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CS 330 – Software Engineering

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  1. CS 330 – Software Engineering What is Software Engineering? Lab 1

  2. What is Engineering? • Main Entry: en·gi·neer·ingFunction: nounDate: 17201: the activities or function of an engineer2 a:the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to peopleb: the design and manufacture of complex products <software engineering>3: calculated manipulation or direction (as of behavior)

  3. What is Software? • Main Entry: soft·warePronunciation: 'soft-"war, -"werFunction: nounDate: 1960: something used or associated with and usually contrasted with hardware: as a:the entire set of programs, procedures, and related documentation associated with a system and especially a computer system; specifically: computer programsb: materials for use with audiovisual equipment

  4. Need for guidelines

  5. Why is Software Engineering Important? • How is software different? • Why does it need engineering? • Product • Requirements • Quality • Documentation • Process • Teams • Time • Money

  6. So, What is Software Engineering?? • Applying a set of techniques and methodologies to both the software product and the software process. The goal is to be able to deliver quality software on time, within budget and according to specifications.

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