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Multisyllabic Words. Unit 16 Transparency 80.
Multisyllabic Words Unit 16 Transparency 80 Based on and organized for use with Hampton Brown’s High Point curriculum, Basics level. Unless otherwise cited, all graphics come directly from High Point materials, ClickArt 950,000, published by Broderbund software, or the Microsoft Clip Art and Media Homepage, http://office.microsoft.com/clipart/default.aspx?lc=en-us. Graphics are only to be used for viewing purposes. They may not be saved or downloaded. Designed by Adriana T. Ibarra for the LANGUAGE ACQUISITION BRANCH LAUSD
wa gon wa gon Do you see one consonant between two vowels? Does that sound right? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
wa gon wag on Try to divide the word after the consonant. That sounds right!
wag on w a g o n Blend the parts to say the word.
op en o pen Do you see one consonant between two vowels? Does that sound right? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
o pen o p e n Blend the parts to say the word.
me dal me dal Do you see one consonant between two vowels? Does that sound right? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
me dal med al Try to divide the word after the consonant. That sounds right!
med al m e d a l Blend the parts to say the word. http://www.mackmattressoutlet.com/images/full-sized-mattress-470.jpg
stu dent stu dent Do you see one consonant between two vowels? Does that sound right? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
stu dent s t u d e n t Blend the parts to say the word.
mu sic mu sic Do you see one consonant between two vowels? Does that sound right? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
mu sic m u s i c Blend the parts to say the word.
plan et pla net “PLAY-net” Does that sound right? Do you see one consonant between two vowels? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
plan et plan et Try to divide the word after the consonant. That sounds right!
plan et l a n e p t Blend the parts to say the word.
ca bin ca bin Do you see one consonant between two vowels? Does that sound right? First, try to divide the word before the consonant.
ca bin cab in That sounds right! Try to divide the word after the consonant.
cab in c a b i n Blend the parts to say the word.
bot tom bot tom Do you see two consonants between two vowels? Divide the word between the consonants.
bot tom b o t t o m Blend the parts to say the word.