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MACKAY SUGAR’S PRODUCTIVITY NIGHT. 13 April 2012. Best Productivity Zone 1 (Nth Coast) Vellaroo Farming Darren, Savannah and Lincoln Vella and Graham Blines ( Rabo Bank).
Best Productivity Zone 1 (Nth Coast)Vellaroo FarmingDarren, Savannah and Lincoln Vellaand Graham Blines (Rabo Bank)
Best Productivity Zone 2 (Calen)AD PrattClifford Pratt (right) and Andrew Cappello (on behalf of Crokers Truck Centre)
Best Productivity Zone 3 (Ossa – Seaforth)Samari Pty LtdMichael and Joshua Ferlazzo (right) and Christine West (on behalf of MengTyres)
Best Productivity Zone 4 (Silent Grove – Owens Creek)Samari Pty LtdMichael and Joshua Ferlazzo (right) andAndrew Cappello (on behalf of Water Dynamics)
Best Productivity Zone 5 (Kuttabul)Silkwish Pty Ltd ATF McLean Farming TrustScott Mclean (right) and Steve Fordyce (ACFA)
Best Productivity Zone 6 (Habana)VC MuscatVince Muscat (right) and Darren Bugeja (Farview Engineering)
Best Productivity Zone 7 (Mt Martin)McFaul Family TrustRoy McFaul (left) andBrian Costello (Hodge Industries)
Best Productivity Zone 8 (Devereaux – Nabilla)EJ & KV Bugeja Family TrustManny, Nathan and Rebecca Bugeja (right) andAndrew Cappello (on behalf of ACE Marian)
Best Productivity Zone 9 (Coningsby)Mrs MA KippenIan Kippen Jnr (left) andBrad Hamilton (Consolidated Plastic & Epoxy)
Best Productivity Zone 10 (Farleigh/Erakala)MA & AM CamilleriNo photo taken
Best Productivity Zone 11 (Richmond)L & CM BarettaDavid Baretta (right) andLee Blackburn (on behalf of Impact Fertilisers)
Best Productivity Zone 12 (Upper Valley)RF GibsonRob Gibson (right) andJim Peoples (on behalf of Coleman Agencies)
Best Productivity Zone 13 (Mirani)C & Mrs C AxiakCharlie Axiak (left) andMathew Woodward (McGinns Engineering)
Best Productivity Zone 14 (Palms – Foulden)HE RobkeHerb Robke (right) andAndrew Cappello (on behalf of Metaland Mackay)
Best Productivity Zone 15 (Septimus – Pinevale)FM AgiusFred Agius (left) andLou Pace (Landmark)
Best Productivity Zone 16 (Allandale – Brightley)RS & Mrs KJ BugejaRichard Bugeja (right) andDarren Deguara (DMD Hydraulic Hoses & Repairs)
Best Productivity Zone 17 (Victoria Plains)PA & Mrs LC ZammitPaul Zammit (right) andSteve Muscat (Greenmount Engineering)
Best Productivity Zone 18 (Mt Vince)DC McLennan Pty Ltd ATF McLennan Family TrustNo photo taken
Best Productivity Zone 19 (Bakers Creek)GJ GaleaGerry Galea (right) andTom Becker (Townsend Industries)
Best Productivity Zone 20 (Oakenden)SM & D Sievers ATF BDS Sievers Family TrustNo photo taken
Best Productivity Zone 21 (Sandy Creek)Kajavi Pty Ltd ATF The Kevin Lay Family TrustGary Lay (right) andNobby Byrne (Carlisle Tractors Pty Ltd)
Best Productivity Zone 22 (Alligator Creek)LC & Mrs EM WindsorLes Windsor (left) andJulian Vassallo (GPS Solutions Mackay)
Best Productivity Zone 23 (Munbura)DA GaleaDavid Galea (right) andWayne Berginery (RavensdownFertilisers)
Best Practice Zone 24 (Blue Mountains)G, Mrs S, LG & Mrs AT BorgJoseph Borg (right) andChris Adams (Rabo Bank)
Reef Rescue Practice AdoptionAndrew DeguaraPictured (at left) with Phil Trendle (Reef Catchment)
In Appreciation for On Farm ResearchMount Catherine Co-op LtdJohn Fox (left) and Dave Hindle (Crokers Fuel & Oils Pty Ltd)
Harvesting Award – Under 30,000 Tonnes 2011Peoples Pty Ltd, Binstead Brothers, Rob GibsonJim Peoples (left) and Rob Gibson (right) andGlen Agnew (Dowdens Pumping Sales and Service)
Harvesting Award – 30,000 Tonnes to 50,000 Tonnes 2011Dean Insch & Ned MuscatPictured (at right and left) with David Pace (Centracks)
Harvesting Award – Over 50,000 Tonnes 2011Craig KeatingPictured (at right) withAndrew Cappello (on behalf of McDonald Murphy Machinery Pty Ltd)
Young Grower Award 2011George WilliamsPictured (at right) withPaul Schembri (Canegrowers Mackay Sugar Area Committee)
Sustainable Management Practices Award 2011John MuscatPictured (at right) withGeorge Russell (SucrogenBioEthanolAgServices)
Best Average Producer Over 5 Years 2011Kajavi Pty Ltd ATF The Kevin Lay Family TrustGary Lay (right) and John Markley (Farmacist)
Cane Growing Excellence Award 2011Samari Pty LtdJoshua and Michael Ferlazzo (front) andBruce Drysdale (Farm HQ)