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Poisonous Poultry:. Sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in meat production and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. By Anandi Ehman and Tyler Jacobson. Stance:.
Poisonous Poultry: Sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in meat production and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. By Anandi Ehman and Tyler Jacobson
Stance: The sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in food producing animals is causing an increase in the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The issue: • Food-borne pathogens account for: 76 million diseases, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths annually in the United States
This issue and antibiotic resistance: • 25000 patients died due to multi-drug resistant bacteria in 2008 in the EU • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are one of the leading causes of a recent increase in infectious disease deaths in the United States(HIV is the other) Trend for Penicillin-Resistant (MIC 2 mg/ml) S. pneumoniae in the US (1988-2002) % of Isolates Resistant to Penicillin
Historical Aspects: • 3000 BC- use of molds by Ancient Egyptians to treat infection • 1674- Anton Von Leeuwenhoek creates lens for microscope • 1800’s- Germ Theory of Disease • 1877- Robert Koch discovers how to best grow cells in culture • 1928- Discovery of Penicillin
Historical Aspects continued: 1945 - Alexander Flemming claims that the misuse of penicillin could lead to “the selection and propagation of mutant forms of bacteria resistant to the drug,” 1946 - 14% of staphylococci strains resistant to penicillin
Historical Aspects continued: • 1950 - use of antibiotics spread to livestock • 1966-1970 - reports showing multi-drug resistant organisms transmissible between humans and animal • 1969 - Swann Report in UK bans many antibiotics • 1972 - FDA releases statement suggesting sub-therapeutic resistance of in food be stopped • 1998 - WHO recommends use of antibiotics as growth promoters be ceased • 1998 - Demark bans use of all antibiotics used in humans from use in food animals
What causes antibiotic resistance? • Mutation of bacteria gives rise to resistant forms • Treatment with antibiotics strongly selects for resistant bacteria • Resistant bacteria become more prevalent
What causes antibiotic resistance? • Over-prescription/over-availability of antibiotics • Incomplete dosages of antibiotics • Incorrect antibiotics for a particular disease • Prophylactic application • Use of antibiotics in food producing animals
How does resistance spread? • One major danger 0f antibiotic resistance is how quickly it spreads through bacterial populations • Bacteria can transmit resistance between even distantly related species through multiple mechanisms • Genes for antibiotic resistance are often housed on plasmids, smaller rings of DNA not part of the bacterial chromosome
How does resistance spread? • Antibiotic resistance can be shared through transformation, transduction, and conjugation.
Why worry about resistance in bacteria that infects animals? • Antibiotics used in animals are not the same as those used in humans • Antibiotics are divided into classes • Antibiotics used in animals often come from the same classes as those used in humans • Resistance to a specific antibiotic often increases resistance against others in same class because they have similar mechanisms of function
Why keep using antibiotics? • Meat industry creates 4.4 million jobs directly, 6.2 million indirectly in the US • Meat industry indirectly produces $832 billion per year in the US: 6% of GDP • Antibiotics as growth promoters improve the feed efficiency and growth rate of animals • Their use helps lower food costs and increase supply • Limitations would have “little or no effect” on prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in humans
Why keep using antibiotics? • Some farmer advocacy groups claim that it allows chickens to “be the best they can be” • Can help developing nations create steady food supply and prevent shortages • Antibiotic usage in food animals is not the only source of resistance
Economic Issues: • Food production would decrease only slightly • Enough food would still be produced, but total costs would increase • The cost per European consumer is estimated to be between $4.85 and $9.72 per year
Economic Issues • Cost per consumer is estimated to increase $.05 per pound of pork for US consumers, about $11 per year • Total costs in the US per year are estimated to be $748 million • Estimated cost of resistance is $4-5 billion per year in 2001 • A 1995 Office of Technology Assessment report to Congress concluded that 6 common resistant bacteria cost about 1.3billion per year
Economics: • The economic detriments from sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics are largely externalities • Healthcare and missed work costs due to multi-drug resistant bacteria in the EU was 1.5 billion Euros ($2.25 billion USD) • Total cost of illness and death from Salmonella in US is $2.5 billion per year
Economic Costs: • Creating a new antibiotics costs between $500 and $800 million per drug
Scientific Aspects: • E. coli resistant to nourseothricin arose within two years of its introduction as a growth promoter in pigs in Eastern Germany • Prior to introduction, tests showed no resistance was present • E. coli resistant to nourseothricin were found in farmers within 10 years, resulting in higher incidences of urinary tract infections • Nourseothricin resistance found in Salmonella and other strains of E. coli, including shiga-toxin producing E. coli within 12 years • Other studies have found similar increases
Political and Cultural Issues: • Antibiotics are banned Denmark and Sweden, and many are limited in the EU compared to their use in the US • Different cultural attitudes as to whether regulation is the government’s job contribute to the differences • Companies present in both Canada and the United States have different policies for farms run in each country • There are differences even among the opinions and practices of US farmers, such as the growing organic movement
Moral issues: • Infections from multi-drug resistant bacteria have been shown to cause 25000 deaths per year in the EU • 1.2 million cases of Campylobacter per year in the US are drug resistant • Of these 326,000 are resistant to two or more drugs • Is increased profitability worth the health or lives of citizens?
Potential Solutions: • Stop sub-therapeutic application of antibiotics • Optimized dosing schedules • Monitoring and regulating antibiotic usage • Prebiotics, probiotics and competitive exclusion • Bacteriocins • Exploiting facultative metabolisms of bacteria • Bacteriophage therapy • Vaccines
Future Implications: • 90.2% of chicken in America tested positive for E. coli in 2009 • 1.4 million Americans infected with Salmonella per year • 2.4 million Americans infected with Campylobacter per year • “Antimicrobial farms had significantly lower resistance”
Our Position: Continued use of sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics in food producing animals will only increase the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans.
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