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Country Launch – 2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration Role of Donors. 13 January 2011. Paris Declaration Commitments. Ownership - Developing countries set their own strategies for poverty reduction, improve their institutions and tackle corruption.
Country Launch – 2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration Role of Donors 13 January 2011
Paris Declaration Commitments • Ownership - Developing countries set their own strategies for poverty reduction, improve their institutions and tackle corruption. • Alignment - Donor countries align behind these objectives and use local systems. • Harmonization - Donor countries coordinate, simplify procedures and share information to avoid duplication. • Results - Developing countries and donors shift focus to development results and results get measured. • Mutual Accountability - Donors and partners are accountable for development results.
Accra Agenda for Action Commitments • Predictability –Donors will provide 3-5 year forward information on their planned aid to partner countries. • Country systems – Partner country systems will be used to deliver aid as the first option, rather than donor systems. • Conditionality – Donors will switch from reliance on prescriptive conditions about how and when aid money is spent to conditions based on the developing country’s own development objectives. • Untying – Donors will relax restrictions that prevent developing countries from buying the goods and services they need from whomever and wherever they can get the best quality at the lowest price.
Paris Declaration Survey - Donor Questionnaire • Donor feedback to the PD Survey is critical to: • Describe how aid is managed at the country-level; • Determine whether the targets set in the Paris Declaration have been met; • Provide indicators for the Partnership Principles Implementation Plan; • Stimulate broad-based dialogues at country and international level on how to make aid more effective; • Contribute to discussions at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan.
Indicator 3 – Aid flows aligned to national priorities • How much ODA did you disburse at the country level in • How much of this was for the government sector in • Disbursements for the government sector = disbursements as per agreements signed with Government. • ODA needs to be reported only for calendar year (January – December 2010) as this corresponds to Moldova’s fiscal year; • Therefore, no need to report on fiscal year (Questions 2 and 4);
QD6: How much technical co-operation did you disburse in calendar year 2010? QD7: How much technical co-operation did you disburse through co-ordinated programmes in support of capacity development in calendar year 2010? Indicator 4 – Strengthen capacity by coordinated support • Recommended approach to calculate technical assistance disbursed: • Avoid splitting up; classify smaller projects in their entirety as providing primarily technical assistance vs. non-technical assistance projects • Split up only very large projects into technical assistance component vs. non-technical assistance component • Four criteria in the guidance note for co-ordinated programmes in support of capacity development, related to ownership, alignment and harmonization
Indicator 5a - Use of country public financial systems • In calendar year 2010, how much ODA disbursed for the government sector used… • Use of national procedures = same budget execution procedures, national financial reporting procedures or national auditing procedures used as for Moldovan tax payer’s money.
QD12: In calendar year 2010, how much ODA disbursed for the government sector used national procurement systems? Indicator 5b - Use of country procurement systems • Use of national procurement systems is strictly defined: • If national procurement systems were used, however additional requirements were prescribed by the donor, ODA does NOT fall under this category.
QD13: How many parallel project implementation units did you make use of in calendar year 2010 in the provision of aid for the government sector? Indicator 6 – Strengthening Capacity by Avoiding Parallel Implementation Structures • PIUs are defined as parallel when there are three or more “Yes” to the four questions below: • Are the PIUs accountable to the donor rather than to the country implementing agencies? • Are the terms of reference for externally appointed staff determined by the donor rather than by the country implementing agencies? • Is most of the professional staff appointed by the donor rather than the country implementing agencies? • Is the salary structure of national staff (including benefits) higher than those of civil service personnel?
QD14: How much total ODA for the government sector did you schedule for disbursement in calendar year 2010? Indicator 7 – Aid is more predictable • ODA scheduled for disbursement in 2010 = • ODA scheduled during 2009 for disbursement in 2010 + • ODA scheduled for disbursement in 2010 in agreements entered into in 2010 • Alternative: • ODA scheduled for disbursement in 2010 = • ODA scheduled for disbursement in 2010 at the Moldova Partnership Forum in Brussels in March 2010 + • ODA scheduled for disbursement in 2010 in agreements entered into after the Moldova Partnership Forum)
Indicator 9 – Use of common arrangements or procedures • How much ODA did you disburse in support of initiatives adopting programme-based approaches (PBAs) in calendar year 2010? • Four criteria for Programme Based Approach in the guidance note, based on ownership, alignment and harmonization • Donors are requested to share with the national coordinator which of their programmes are Programme Based Approaches (as per these criteria) • Based on this information, Programme Based Approaches will be further discussed at the data validation meeting on 22 March
Indicator 10a –Joint Missions How many donor missions to the field were undertaken in calendar year 2010? To avoid double counting, each donor is requested to provide a detailed table on coordinated missions, as per example below:
Indicator 10b –Joint Country Analytic Works To avoid double counting, each donor is requested to provide a detailed table on coordinated country analytic works:
Guidance and Support on Donor Questionnaire 1. Refer to Guidance Note and FAQs on OECD DAC website www.oecd.org/dac/pdsurvey 2. Documents and FAQs available on the Moldova donor coordination webpage www.un.md 3. If your questions have not been answered through the above, please refer to donor focal point jakob.schemel@one.un.org 4. Questions that I cannot answer will be forwarded to OECD helpdesk, which you can also contact directly at pdsurvey@oecd.org
Country Report: Qualitative Assessment of Progress and Challenges • Country Report provides space for brief qualitative assessment of each of the 12 indicators covered in the survey • Drafted under authority of National Co-ordinator, reflecting the views of a broad range of stakeholders (country authorities, parliamentarians, donors and relevant civil society organizations) • Illustrative questions on pages 60-62 of guidance note • Voluntary qualitative inputs by donors to the Country Report are requested by 21 February