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Intressenthantering. Kristian Widén. Varför kommunicera ?. Det största hotet mot ett projekt är oförmåga att kommunicera “The key element is communication” (J K Lemley, 1995, Managing the Channel Tunnel-Lessons Learned) Rätt kommunikation till rätt intressent vid rätt tidpunkt.
Intressenthantering Kristian Widén
Varför kommunicera? • Det största hotet mot ett projekt är oförmåga att kommunicera “The key element is communication” (J K Lemley, 1995, Managing the Channel Tunnel-Lessons Learned) • Rätt kommunikation till rätt intressent vid rätt tidpunkt
Kommunikationens grundläggande koncept(Cleland, 1999, Project Management) • Var så tydlig och rak som möjligt. • Använd kunskap om vem mottagaren är och vilka förväntningar han/hon har när du väljer medium för kommunikation. • Planera tidpunkten för kommunikationen så att den passar mottagaren.
Kommunikationsplanering • Identifiera intressenterna • Gör en intressentanalys • Bedöm kommunikationsbehovet hos varje intressent • Dokumentera kommunikationsplanen • Uppföljning och erfarenhetsåterföring
Vad är en intressent? • Stakeholder = Intressent? • ”Stakeholder”, Stanford, 1963 • Företagsdefinition • Any group or individual who can affect, or is affected by, the achievment of a corporations purpose(Freeman, 1984) • Projektledningsdefinition • Project stakeholders are indivduals and organisation that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion (PMBOK) • A project stakeholder is a person or group of people who have a vested interest in the success of a project and the environment within which the project operates (Gower Handbook of Project Management)
Vested Interest ≈ Egenintresse • Investerare/finansiär • Konkurrenter • Konkurrenter om resurser • Myndigheter/regelansvariga • Berörda av projektets genomförande • Berörda av projektets resultat • Och så vidare…..
Makt (Power) Legitimitet (Legitimacy) Angelägenhet (Urgency) Vested Interest ≈ Egenintresse
Intressentgrupper PO W ER 1 Dormant Stakeholder 5 4 Dangerous Dominant Stakeholder Stakeholder 7 Definitive Stakeholder 3 6 2 Demanding Dependent Discretionary Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder URGENCY LEGITI M ACY
Ägare Extern Extern Leverantörer Kunder Företaget eller projektet Extern Extern Anställda Utveckling av intressentbegreppet
External Stakeholders Local, and National authorities and governments Anyone else who believes he or she has a stake in the project Internal Stakeholders Social organisations Project owners Financiers Creditors Media Project resources Political organisation Client organisation Social Services (schools, Hospitals etc) Employees Local communities Project Management team Suppliers contractors subcontractors Customer user The general public Trade and industry Environmentalists Nearby residents Real estate owners Interests groups Exempel på intressentgrupper Example: Construction Projects
Grundläggande problemställning Intressenternas behov är oändliga Projektets resurser är ändliga Alla behov kan inte uppfyllas Intressentanalys
Intressentanalys • Bedömning av intressenternas: • Möjlighet (makt) att påverka • Intresse av att påverka • Ståndpunkt/position • Intern/extern intressent • Behov/krav • Motståndare/förespråkare • Dynamisk analys • Förändras över tiden
Intressentkarta (Johnson, Scholes 1999) • Hur stort är intresset hos olika intressenter att påverka projektets beslutsprocess? • Har de makt och medel att göra det? Stor Håll nöjda Nyckel- intressenter Makt Minimala åtgärder Håll informerade Liten Lågt Intresse Högt
4 2 1 1 3 2 1 5 2 3 5 6 6 3 2 4 1 10 10 10 1 1 2 2 Power Power Power 5 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Level of interest 10 Level of interest 10 Level of interest 10 Ex Villa Sunna i Lund The feasibility and conceptual The formal planning The stage of appeals design stage (phase 1) 1988-1990 stage (phase 1) 1990-1992 (phase 1) 1992-1993 10 10 10 Power Power Power 1 1 1 1 1 1 Level of interest 10 Level of interest 10 Level of interest 10 The feasibility and conceptual The formal planning The stage of appeals design stage (phase 2) 1994-1995 stage (phase 2) 1995-1997 (phase 2) 1998 1. The real estate developer 2 . The Municipality 3. Residents in the vicinity 4. The national government 5 . Interest groups for the preservation of the cultural and historical image of the city 6 . Interest groups for senior citizens
Intressenthantering • Utred alla möjliga alternativ för att uppnå projektets mål • Definiera tydligt alla positiva och negativa konsekvenser av valt alternativ • Uppdatera intressentanalysen genom hela projektet • Före varje större beslut i projektet, analysera hur detta påverkar intressenterna
Implement Stakeholder Management strategy Identify stakeholders Gather information on stakeholders Project management team Predict stakeholder behaviour Identify stakeholder mission Identify stakeholder strategy Determine stakeholder strengths and weaknesses Project Stakeholder Management (PSM) Process(Cleland, 1999) Controlling Directing Planning Motivating Organising
IDENTIFY STAKEHOLDERS SET OBJECTIVES Informing Education Testing reactions Seeking ideas and Alternative solutions Seeking consensus CHARACTERISTICS One way communication Two way communication Shared decision-making Degree of involvement Implementing Stakeholder Management Strategy
Kommunikationsledningsplan • En beskrivning över insamlandet och lagrandet av olika typer av information • En struktur för spridningskanaler över vilken information so går till vem, när och hur • En beskrivning av informationen som skall spridas innehållande format, innehåll detaljeringsnivå och vila definitioner som skall användas • Tidplaner som visar när information skall spridas • Metoder för hur man kommer åt information mellan planerade kommunikationstillfällen • Metoder för hur man uppdaterar och preciserar kommunikationsledningsplanen när projektet fortskrider
Information Distribution • Getting the right information to the right people at the right time and in a useful format is just as important as developing the information in the first place • Important considerations include • using technology to enhance information distribution • formal and informal methods for distributing information
Performance Reporting • Performance reporting keeps stakeholders informed about how resources are being used to achieve project objectives • Status reports describe where the project stands at a specific point in time • Progress reports describe what the project team has accomplished during a certain period of time • Project forecasting predicts future project status and progress based on past information and trends • Status review meetings often include performance reporting
Administrative Closure • A project or phase of a project requires closure • Administrative closure produces • project archives • formal acceptance • lessons learned
Suggestions for Improving Project Communications • Manage conflicts effectively • Develop better communication skills • Run effective meetings • Use templates for project communications
Conflict Handling Modes, in Preference Order • Confrontation or problem-solving: directly face a conflict • Compromise: use a give-and-take approach • Smoothing: de-emphasize areas of differences and emphasize areas of agreement • Forcing: the win-lose approach • Withdrawal: retreat or withdraw from an actual or potential disagreement
Conflicts versus Communication • Real versus False conflicts • False conflicts based on misunderstandings and misinterpretations • Focus on real conflicts • Eliminate false conflicts • Good communication is needed to distinguish false conflicts from the real
Consensus Building • The “Decide-Announce-Defend” approach is unacceptable • Seek All-gain solutions • Requires face-to-face interaction • Reconcile conflicting interests outside of the courts (Consensus Building Institute, www.cbi-web.org)
The Mutual Gains Approach(Susskind, Field, 1996, Dealing with an Angry Public) • Acknowledge concerns of all sides • Encourage joint fact finding • Offer contingent commitments to minimise impacts if they do occur: promise to compensate knowable but unintended impacts • Accept responsibility, admit mistakes, and share power • Act in a trustworthy fashion at all times • Focus on building long-term relationships
Conflict Can Be Good • Conflict often produces important results, such as new ideas, better alternatives, and motivation to work harder and more collaboratively • Groupthink can develop if there are no conflicting viewpoints • Research suggests that task-related conflict often improves team performance, but emotional conflict often depresses team performance
Developing Better Communication Skills • Companies and formal degree programs for professionals often neglect the importance of developing speaking, writing, and listening skills • As organizations become more global, they realize they must invest in ways to improve communication with people from different countries and cultures • It takes leadership to improve communication
Running Effective Meetings • Determine if a meeting can be avoided • Define the purpose and intended outcome of the meeting • Determine who should attend the meeting • Provide an agenda to participants before the meeting • Prepare handouts, visual aids, and make logistical arrangements ahead of time • Run the meeting professionally • Build relationships
Developing a Communications Infrastructure • A communications infrastructure is a set of tools, techniques, and principles that provide a foundation for the effective transfer of information • Tools include e-mail, project management software, groupware, fax machines, telephones, teleconferencing systems, document management systems, and word processors • Techniques include reporting guidelines and templates, meeting ground rules and procedures, decision-making processes, problem-solving approaches, and conflict resolution and negotiation techniques • Principles include using open dialog and an agreed upon work ethic