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BreastCare in Arkansas: Results from the Arkansas BRFSS

BreastCare in Arkansas: Results from the Arkansas BRFSS. Presented By: LaTonya Steward, B.S. Arkansas BRFSS Coordinator. Presentation Outline. What is BRFSS? History and purpose of BRFSS Questionnaire and sample Discuss breast care in Arkansas

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BreastCare in Arkansas: Results from the Arkansas BRFSS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BreastCare in Arkansas: Results from the Arkansas BRFSS Presented By: LaTonya Steward, B.S. Arkansas BRFSS Coordinator

  2. Presentation Outline • What is BRFSS? • History and purpose of BRFSS • Questionnaire and sample • Discuss breast care in Arkansas • Explain cost and proposal for state- added question(s)

  3. What is BRFSS? • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System • World’s largest ongoing state based telephone survey • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) support • Currently conducted in all 50 states, D.C. and 3 U.S. territories

  4. History of BRFSS… • In the 1980s research showed health behaviors play an important role in unnecessary deaths and diseases. • In 1984 CDC started the state-based BRFSS to collect health information on risk behaviors and preventative health practices that affect health status. • By 1997 all states were participating.

  5. Who Uses BRFSS Data? • State and Local Health Departments • Public Health Program Leaders • Federal Agencies • Students & Researchers • Media • Healthcare Professionals • Insurance Companies

  6. How are BRFSS Data Used? • Assess health needs of the population • Implement, evaluate and improve public health strategies • Identify demographic health disparities • Prepare grant proposals • Publish scientific articles in professional journals

  7. BRFSS Survey Design

  8. Questionnaire Consist of: • 1) Fixed Core* Rotating Core I & II* Emerging Core* • 2) State sponsored optional modules • 3) State-added questions *Required by CDC

  9. Random Sample People 18 and older are randomly selected

  10. Breast Care in Arkansas

  11. Breast Care in Arkansas • Women 40 years of age and older are included in this presentation • Data available for 1993 – 2006

  12. Have you ever had a mammogram?

  13. Mammogram within past two years?

  14. Mammogram within past two years,by age group

  15. Mammogram within past two years,by educational level

  16. Mammogram within past two years,by income

  17. Ever Had a Clinical Breast Exam?

  18. Breast Care Awarenesssponsored byArkansas BreastCare Program

  19. Breast Care Awareness • No data available for 1993 to 1998 • No nationwide comparison available • State added questions sponsored by Arkansas BreastCare program

  20. Noticed Any Ads For Having AMammogram Test In The Past Month?

  21. Are You Aware That Health Department Offers Free To Low-cost Mammograms?

  22. Do You Think Your Risk Of Getting Breast Cancer Is High/Medium/Low?

  23. If You Wanted To Have A Mammogram, Would You Have To Pay All, Part Or None?

  24. How Difficult Would It Be For You To Pay For Mammograms?

  25. Submitting Proposals for State-Added Questions

  26. 2008 State-Added Questions • Select uncovered topic area • Submit question proposal by August 30th • Cost ~ $900/per question

  27. Arkansas BRFSS Partner LaTonya Steward, B.S. Arkansas BRFSS Coordinator Email: LaTonya.Steward@arkansas.gov Phone: 501-661-2003 Website: http://www.brfss.arkansas.gov

  28. Questions ???

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