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Enrichment classes extend beyond the subjects taught in schools and include music, drama, learning a foreign language, art, or even sports. Enrichment classes help the child to explore a certain subject in a fun and interactive manner.
Top 3 Enrichment Classes That Your Kids Will Surely Enjoy Enrichment classes extend beyond the subjects taught in schools and include music, drama, learning a foreign language, art, or even sports. Enrichment classes help the child to explore a certain subject in a fun and interactive manner. In enrichment classes for pre-schoolers, students are engaged in activities that may not look like learning but they actually are learning. For example, in a cooking class, they may use math to calculate measurements and even employ problem-solving and group-work skills. Having said that, let us take a look at the top enrichment classes offered by Chinese kindergarten in Singapore that your kids will enjoy. 1.Music Children are naturally drawn to music – of any form. Singing short melodies or playing songs routinely on a daily basis can help integrate music into your family. You may even decide on a song for waking up, eating breakfast, bathing, or readying for bed. Also, children love to bang on drums, play a toy piano or a guitar, or play that xylophone. Make sure the Chinese kindergarten in Singapore or preschool you choose have a wide variety of musical instruments for your kids to play with. Remember, at this age, the focus should be on experimenting and not mastering. 2.Art No preschool is complete without colours – crayons, markers, pencils, and paints. Pre-schoolers love to experiment with colours. Your child’s preschool should have a variety of art to try out like play dough and polymer clay encouraging 3D creations apart from colouring. Their love for art can be extended to cut vegetables, string, and sponges exploring various textures apart from shapes and colours. Visit your local art museum and attend arts festival. Frame your child’s artwork on the walls of your home to encourage them. 3.Physical Activity Apart from the above, your child should be encouraged to do more physical activity like sports or dance. Sitting in one place with arts enriches the mind and the body needs some enrichment too. Physical activity releases cortical and increases the size of the hippocampus in young children. The interest in sports or dance should be fostered at a young age. Take time to explore their gross motor skills and make rolling, catching, and running a part of your daily routine. When choosing enrichment classes for pre-schoolers, pay attention to their needs and interests so that they enjoy what they are doing. Music, dance, or art – it should be of their choice and not yours.