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In the name of GOD. Zeinab Mokhtari. 06-Jan-2010. Macromolecules. 06-Jan-2010. DNA. a lattice-like macromolecule : such as a nucleic acid or a carbohydrate. 06-Jan-2010. Binding number. Macromolecules. N : potential binding sites per macromolecule. governers
Zeinab Mokhtari 06-Jan-2010
Macromolecules 06-Jan-2010
DNA a lattice-like macromolecule : such as a nucleic acid or a carbohydrate 06-Jan-2010
Binding number Macromolecules N : potential binding sites per macromolecule governers of the behavior of the system l : the length of the ligand Thermodynamic parameters(k , H, …) The number of ligand molecules bound per macromolecule 06-Jan-2010
Scatchard plot ν versus [L] : hyperbolic representation, requires nonlinear regression analysis Scatchard plot is a transformed representation. v /[L] as a function of ν N equivalent and independent binding sites and a ligand with size l = 1 a linear plot Several classes of binding sites, or interacting binding sites, or a ligand with size l > 1 a curved plot 06-Jan-2010
McGhee and von Hippel Valid for infinite homogeneous lattices with: any ligand size, l any ligand dissociation constant, k any level of cooperativity interaction between ligands bound contiguously,ω Extensions of this theory for : finite lattices heterogeneous systems ( the binding sites are not homogeneously distributed throughout the macromolecule) different classes of binding sites present in the macromolecule different ligand binding modes a mixture of different ligands 06-Jan-2010
Case I : non-cooperative (independent) ligand binding Case II : cooperative ligand binding 06-Jan-2010
ITC : Isothermal titration calorimetry An excellent tool for studying biomolecular reactions The heat associated with a binding process is measured. Injections of a ligand solution from a computer-controlled syringe into a macromolecule solution placed in a thermostatized cell. 06-Jan-2010
The syringe rotates in place during the ITC experiment. The end of the syringe has been adapted to provide continuous mixing in the ITC cell. The plunger is computer-controlled and injects precise volumes of ligand. The total concentration of each reactant in the cell after injection i : 06-Jan-2010
Case I Case I Lineal lattice-like macromolecule with noncooperative ligand binding: macromolecule with N equivalent and independent binding sites and ligand size l ≥ 1 06-Jan-2010
Case I linear in ν only if l = 1 As binding proceeds to saturation, it is more difficult to find l free consecutive binding sites when l is large. Then, the larger the ligand size l, the larger such effect. an (l + 1)-order polynomial equation A nonlinear regression : the optimal values of N, l, k, and H from the experimental data. 06-Jan-2010
Case I The larger the ligand size, the larger the difference between the apparent and the actual maximal binding numbers. N = 100 l = 3 l > 1 : entropic resistance to saturation Therefore, if the data analysis is performed with a model for a ligand with size l = 1, then, both the maximal binding number and the binding affinity will be estimated with a significant error. Fig. 1. Simulated calorimetric titration 06-Jan-2010
Case I N = 100 l = 1 N/l = 100 N = 200 l = 2 N = 1000 l = 10 The ratio N/l does not define univocally the geometric features of the system but also that the values of N and l by themselves are important. Therefore, fixing N to different values in the fitting procedure will give different sets of estimated thermodynamic parameters. Fig. 2. Effect of the ligand size on the calorimetric titration 06-Jan-2010
Case II Case II Lineal lattice-like macromolecule with cooperative ligand binding: macromolecule with N equivalent and dependent binding sites and ligand size l ≥ 1 06-Jan-2010
Case II an (l + 3)-order polynomial equation 06-Jan-2010
1 ≤ω < ∞ Positive cooperativity ω = 1 No cooperation Negativecooperativity 0 ≤ω < 1 Case II It is obvious that at a given value of the ligand size l, there will be a value of the interaction parameter ω that almost compensates the negative entropic effect from l, resulting in a nearly linear plot. Difficult discriminating between different situations ITC allows discriminating between different cases. Interaction between bound ligands : an additional contribution to the overall enthalpy of binding (The interaction or cooperativity enthalpy h) 06-Jan-2010
Case II h : the enthalpy associated with the interaction of nearest neighbor bound ligands νisol : the partial number of ligand molecules bound isolated νsc : the partial number of ligand molecules bound with only one nearest neighbor (singly contiguous) νdc : the partial number of ligand molecules bound with two nearest neighbors (doubly contiguous) 06-Jan-2010
Case II 06-Jan-2010
Case II N = 100 l = 4 cooperativity parameter : ω = 0 (dashed-dotted line) ω = 0.1 (dotted line) ω = 1 (continuous line) ω = 10 (dashed line) Fig. 5. Effect of the cooperativity parameter on the evolution of the partial binding numbers along the titration 06-Jan-2010
Case II + 0 - h ω < 1 ω > 1 Fig. 6. Effect of the interaction enthalpy on the calorimetric titration 06-Jan-2010
Case II + 0 h direct reverse Fig. 7. Comparison between direct titrations (L into M) and reverse titrations (M into L). 06-Jan-2010
A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin