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Church Planting in the 21st Century: Biblical Perspectives and Paradigm Shifts

Explore the significance of church planting in the modern era, backed by biblical foundations, theological insights, and shifts in practice. Discover the role of the Gospel and the glory of God in fostering church growth, as well as the biblical reasons supporting church multiplication for a flourishing Christian community. Learn from historical examples and reflect on the model portrayed in Acts for effective church planting strategies.

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Church Planting in the 21st Century: Biblical Perspectives and Paradigm Shifts

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  1. Church Planting in the 21st Century Hungary April 2011

  2. Planting New Churches

  3. First, in the 21st Century is the concept of “Church Planting” still valid? Yes, according to 1 Corinthians 3:6! Énplántáltam, Apollósöntözött; de azIstenadjavala a növekedést. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

  4. A look at this in depth… 1 Cor. 3:6 (ESV) I planted, Apollos watered, [view from outside] but God gave the growth [view from inside]. Énplántáltam, Apollósöntözött; de azIstenadjavala a növekedést.

  5. The inside view of church planting Paul Apollos GOD Church Plant

  6. Church Planting in the 21st Century- 3 Themes • Theological perspectives on church planting in the 21st century. • The biblical base for church planting in the 21st century. • Paradigm shifts in church planting in the 21st century.

  7. 1st: Theological perspectives on church planting in the 21st century. • The Gospel as the content for the church that is planted. • The glory of God as our goal.

  8. The Gospel as the content for the church that is planted. The Gospel as the beginning The Gospel all the way to heaven. G O S P E L THE GOSPEL ALL THROUGH LIFE (IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE)

  9. How this is true… “De mikor láttam, hogy nem egyenesen járnak az evangyéliom igazságához képest, mondék Péternek mindnyájok elõtt: Ha te zsidó létedre pogány módra élsz és nem zsidó módra, miként kényszeríted a pogányokat, hogy zsidó módra éljenek?” Galatákhoz 2:14 “I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel…”

  10. What do you think about this? • This is a new thought • I need to think through this. • I already grasped this • I need to apply it in my life and ministry • In what way do I not walk “in step with” the Gospel?

  11. The glory of God as our goal. The Glory of God “Worship, therefore, is the fuel and goal of missions. It’s the goal of missions because in missions we simply aim to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment of God’s glory.” John Piper

  12. What are some of the wrong reasons for church planting? 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3. ______________________

  13. 2nd The biblical base for church planting in the 21st century. We need to build solidly on the biblical base and not on pragmatism.

  14. 9 Biblical Reasons for the Planting and Multiplication of New Churches: HERE WE ARE BUILDING ON THE SOLID ROCK OF THE WORD OF GOD!

  15. 1. It is the Will of God that His People Multiply. Matthew 16:18 “I will build my church” To build is an OT concept that Jesus uses to speak about His new community (His church) as seen in Ruth 4:11 This could be translated “I will multiply my new special community on earth” Matthew 28:18- “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”

  16. 1. It is the Will of God that His People Multiply. The result of multiplying disciples is multiplying churches -- More disciples --Leads to the need of more churches for them

  17. It is the Will of God that His People Multiply. Example of Church Planting Movements in China, Cuba, India. Neil Cole’s “Church Multiplication Associates” (CMA) Network results in 700 house churches Average attendance of 17 in each.

  18. 2. The Activity of the Holy Spirit in the Birth Process The ministry of the Holy Spirit as seen in Acts is to bring people to faith and then to see them congregated in local churches that multiply: See Acts 9:31 (“multiplied”) See Acts 13:1 (“the work”)

  19. 3. The Church is an Organism – a Body. Organisms give birth to other organisms by reproduction as life generates life. What is the true fruit of an apple tree? Wrong: An apple. Correct: Another apple tree.

  20. 4. The Church functioning according to God’s will. The church functioning according to God’s will “yearns”* for more to be added to Christ’s church and the result is church multiplication. * This is the word used by Charles Van Engen in his book The Growth of the True Church (1981) p. 504

  21. 5. The Church’s Wonderful Power of “Spontaneous Expansion” Rolland Allen first coined these words in his book The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Causes which Hinder it (3rd edition 1956). Basically he states that the Church grows “spontaneously by its own inward force…” p. 132.

  22. 5. The Church’s Wonderful Power of “Spontaneous Expansion” Question: Who makes the Church grow? Answer? Yes, God does. Then what do we do? Encourage the conditions of growth and do not hinder growth or multiplication.

  23. 6. The Example of the Self-Giving of Christ. What is to be the goal of a church? To just get larger and larger for itself? Or to “give” of itself (Philippians 2:1-11) for others and plant new churches thus encouraging new Christians and new leaders.

  24. 7. The Model as seen in the Book of Acts. In Acts we see churches growing but we also see a constant new flow of new churches as a result of missional centres being set up. This is what happened with Paul on his second missionary journey.

  25. 8. The Longing to See Local Bodies of Believers in Each Town or City. Everywhere we go in Acts we see new churches being planted in new cities so that each city had its own church and in many cases many house churches in one city. Churches truly multiplied: House churches & “whole church” Corinth – Cenchrae (11 kms SE of Corinth) Ephesus & 6 new churches.

  26. 9. Christ manifests Himself in Each Area by Local Churches. Paul writes to the Corinthians and says: “Now you are the body of Christ…” 1 Cor 12:27 This means that each local church shows Christ in its local area. So the more churches there are, the more Christ is manifested.

  27. What impresses you as the most important? • It is the Will of God that His People Multiply. • The Activity of the Holy Spirit in the Birth Process • The Church is an Organism – a Body. • The Church functioning according to God’s will “yearn” to grow. • The Church’s Wonderful Power of “Spontaneous Expansion”

  28. What impresses you as the most important? 6. The Example of the Self-Giving of Christ. 7. The Model as seen in Acts. 8. The Longing to See Local Bodies of Believers in Each Town or City. 9. Christ manifests Himself in Each Area by Local Churches.

  29. 3rd: Paradigm shifts in church planting in the 21st century. • From expatriate to national church planters • From church planting to church multiplication. • From church multiplication to church planting movements. • From churches planted to healthy churches planted.

  30. From expatriate to national church planters

  31. From expatriate to national church planters

  32. Giving special help to church planting wives. Qualities of a church planter’s wife

  33. From church planting to church multiplication





  38. TODAY’S EXPERIENCES3rd CHURCH PLANT PARIS Creteil 1971 ORLY Longjumeau 1968 Val d’Yerres 1973

  39. TODAY’S EXPERIENCES4th CHURCH PLANT PARIS Creteil 1971 ORLY Longjumeau 1968 Val d’Yerres 1973 Savigny-le-Temple 1981

  40. TODAY’S EXPERIENCES5th CHURCH PLANT PARIS Creteil 1971 ORLY Longjumeau 1968 Val d’Yerres 1973 Vigneux 1982 Savigny-le-Temple 1981

  41. 6th CHURCH PLANT & 1st Granddaughter Church PARIS Creteil 1971 ORLY Longjumeau 1968 Val d’Yerres 1973 Vigneux 1982 Savigny-le-Temple 1981 Bretigny 1986

  42. From church multiplication to church planting movements.

  43. From churches planted to healthy churches planted. Ten qualities of a healthy church


  45. 2. TRUE DISCIPLESHIP Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV) And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

  46. 3. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Mark 3:13-15 (ESV) And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. [14] And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach [15] and have authority to cast out demons.

  47. 3. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, Ephes. 4:11-12 (ESV) APOSTLES PROPHETS EVANGELISTS PASTORS TEACHERS THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY

  48. 3. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, Ephes. 4:11-12 (ESV) APOSTLES PROPHETS EVANGELISTS PASTORS TEACHERS THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY THE BELIEVERS IN THE LOCAL CHURCH

  49. 4. SPIRITUAL GIFTING VALUED. Romans 12:4-8 (ESV) For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, [5] so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. [6] Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; [7] if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; [8] the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

  50. 5. BIBLICAL WORSHIP John 4:23-24 (ESV) But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

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