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Learn how to access and customize reports using the Reports and Listings module in CBISA Online. Preview, print, and export reports with ease.
Instructions for Creating Reports Reports and Listings Module To access the Reports and Listings module, click on the tab "Reports and Listings". Within the Reports and Listings module, you can access nine different report menus by clicking on the menu tabs. After choosing a specific menu tab, the reports contained in that menu will appear in the control panel browse box. To Preview or Print a report: Select the report you want to preview or print by highlighting the report in the control panel browse box Choose the date range you wish to view (the screen defaults to your current fiscal year dates) and if you wish to open the report in a new window. Some reports will have a drop down list, check boxes, or information list with additional options to further customize the report. To select from a drop down list, click on the down arrow to open the option list, then highlight the applicable item. To choose a check box, click within the box next to the applicable item. To select a group of more than one item from a list (i.e. including more than one department or county in a report), hold down the shift key and click the first and then last in the list. To choose randomly placed items, hold down the control key and highlight the various items to be included in the report. When choosing a report with selected Departments, if a specific department is not chosen then the data on the report will contain any Activity record for which the user has not assigned a specific department. Some reports will also have the option of choosing the orientation for the report. The portrait version contains the basic report information and the landscaped version contains several other columns of information including Hours. Click on the Preview button to see the report. To send the report to a printer, while in the Preview mode, choose the Print icon on the report task bar. Select your page range from the pop up dialog box. Click OK to initialize the Adobe Reader printer box and click on the Print icon on the task bar. This will bring up your default printer dialog box where you can change your printer settings as needed. Click OK to send the report to your printer. You may also Export reports to save them in other formats such as Microsoft Word or Excel or as a PDF file. To export a report, simply choose the Export icon on the report task bar. Select your desired format from the drop down on the pop up dialog box. Click OK and choose the location where you want the exported file to be saved.
Report Terms and Their Locations Program Title – found on Line 1 of the Programs/General tab Age – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Programs/Target Audience tab Baseline/Goal – found on the Programs/Indicators tab Benefit – found on the Occurrences screen, this is calculated by subtracting Revenues (Offsets) from Expenses Broader Community – a choice for the “Targeted For” drop down box found on the Programs/General tab Category – found on line 2 of the Programs/General tab Collaborators – found on the Programs/Objectives tab Comparative Trend – a way of analyzing the current year’s community benefit information by comparing it to last year’s data (or vice versa using Comparative Trend – Reversed) County - found on the Programs/Target Audience tab Date – found on line 1 of the Occurrences screen, on the Narratives tab, and on the Outcomes tab Department Name – found on line 6 of the Programs/General tab and line 3 of the Occurrence screen Department Number – found on line 3 of the Occurrences screen Expenses – the total of Salaries, Fringes, Purchased Services, Supplies, and Other Direct and Indirect Expenses from the Occurrences screen Extract – a reporting section designed to aid in the exporting of data into Excel or Access for custom reporting Fees – an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues section of the Occurrences screen Format – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Programs/Setting/Format tab Foundation/Fundraising – an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues section of the Occurrences screen (for historical purposes only); Restricted Foundation/Fundraising is found in the Memo Section of the Occurrence Screen Fringes - an element of cost that is found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen, this is calculated by multiplying the Fringe Percentage found on Line 1 by the Salary Expense in the Expenses section
Report Terms and Their Locations (Continued) Gender – a drop down box found on the Programs/Target Audiences Tab Grants/Support - an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues section of the Occurrences screen (for historical purposes only; Restricted Grants and Support is found in the Memo Fields section of the Occurrences screen Healthy Communities – a list of selectable goals that are found on the Programs/Healthy Communities tab Hours – an optional field found on the Narratives/General tab Indicators – used to measure the success of a Community Benefit program; found on the Programs/Indicators tab Indirect Expenses - an element of cost (by default only applies to Categories A,F, and G) that is found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen, this is calculated by multiplying the Indirect Cost Percentage found in Defaults to the total Expenses found on the Occurrence screen IRS 990 Questions - one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab IRS Bad Debt - one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab IRS Medicare - one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab Living in Poverty - a choice for the “Targeted For” drop down box found on the Programs/General tab Monetary Inputs – one of the main statistics shown on CBISA Online™ reports; consists of Expenses, Offsets, and Benefit Narrative – the non-quantifiable story found on the Narratives tab Objective – found on the Programs/Objectives tab Offsets/Revenues – the total of Foundation/Fundraising, Grants/Support, Fees, and Other from the Occurrences screen Other - an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues section of the Occurrences screen Other Direct Expenses - an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen Other Means Tested Programs – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab Outputs – one of the main statistics shown on CBISA Online™ reports; “Persons” is automatically available, and two more are customizable
Report Terms and Their Locations (Continued) Persons – found on line 5 of the Occurrences screen Primary Service Zip Code – found on line 2 of the Occurrences screen Purchased Services - an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen Ratios - one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab Revenues/Offsets - the total of Foundation/Fundraising, Grants/Support, Fees, and Other from the Occurrences screen Salaries - an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen that can either be calculated using total dollars reported or by multiplying the hours by the rate Setting – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Programs/Setting/Format tab Staff Hours – found on line 4 of the Occurrences screen Subject-Keyword-Person – found on the Narratives/General tab Supplies - an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen Time Inputs – CBISA Online™ report statistics shown only on Landscaped reports; include Staff Hours and Volunteer Hours as well as a third customizable option Topics – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Narratives/Topics tab Traditional Charity Care - one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab Unpaid Costs of Medicaid - one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab User Defined Codes – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Programs/Objectives tab and on the Occurrences screen Volunteer Hours - found on line 4 of the Occurrences screen Vulnerable Populations - a list of selectable choices that is found on the Programs/Target Audience tab Year – found in the “Tracked Since” box on the Programs/General tab
Programs #4 – Programs Targeted For… This report can be run for the “Living in Poverty” (or substituted term) or for the “Broader Community”.
Summaries #1 – Complete Summary - Unclassified Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare and Bad Debt).
Summaries #2 – Complete Summary - Classified Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare and Bad Debt). The Classified Summary differs from the Unclassified Summary in that it separates out totals for the Living in Poverty and the Broader Community.
Summaries #3 – Executive Summary Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare and Bad Debt).
Summaries #4 – 3 Year Comparative by Category Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare and Bad Debt).