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Numeric Data Types and Expressions in C++ Programming

Learn about char, int, float, double data types, arithmetic expressions, declarations, type coercion, function calls, and formatting output in C++. Examples and explanations provided.

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Numeric Data Types and Expressions in C++ Programming

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  1. Chapter 3 The New Math

  2. C++ Data Types

  3. Numeric Data Types • char • 1 byte • short • 2 bytes • int • 4 bytes • long • 4 bytes

  4. More Numeric Data Types • float • 4 bytes • double • 8 bytes • long double • 8 bytes

  5. Declarations • Constant Examples • const float PI = 3.14159; • const float E = 2.71828; • const int MAX_SCORE = 100; • Variable Examples • int studentCount; • char grade; • float averageGrade;

  6. Simple Arithmetic Expressions • Expressions are made up of constants, variables and operators • Examples • alpha + 2 • rate – 6.0 • 4 – alpha • rate • alpha * num

  7. Arithmetic Operators • - Unary Minus • + Unary Plus • - Subtraction • + Addition • * Multiplication • / Division • % Modulus

  8. Expression 3 + 6 3.4 – 6.1 2 * 3 8 / 2 8.0 / 2.0 8 / 8 8 / 9 8 / 7 8 % 8 8 % 9 8 % 7 0 % 7 5 % 2.3 Value 9 -2.7 6 4 4.0 1 0 1 0 8 1 0 error

  9. Oh yeah, don’t forget • Increment • ++ • Decrement • --

  10. Let’s Get Tricky • Precedence Rules • Highest: ++ -- Unary + Unary – • Middle: * / % • Lowest: + - • See Appendix B for complete list

  11. Type Coercion and Type Casting • Type Coercion • The implicit (automatic) conversion of a value from one data type to another • Type Casting • The explicit conversion of a value from one data type to another

  12. Examples • float someFloat = 3.4 / 2; • int someInt = 3.4 / 2; • someFloat = 3 / 4; • someInt = 3.4 / 2.2;

  13. Casting • someFloat = double (3) / double (4); • someFloat = <static_cast>(double) 3 / <static_cast> (double) 4;

  14. Function Calls • Example • int someInt = Cube(27); • Function Call (Function Invocation) • The mechanism that transfer control to the function • Argument List (Parameter List) • A mechanism by which functions communicate with each other

  15. Formatting Output • setw() • Tells how many characters the next item outputted should have • fixed • Force all subsequent floating-point output to appear in decimal notation • showpoint • Force decimal points in all subsequent floating-point output; even whole numbers • setprecision() • Tells how many decimal places all subsequent floating-point output should have

  16. String Functions • length() or size() • find() • substr()

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